Friday, January 28, 2011


Dave Ramsey Radio Show 600 a.m.


On the Dave Ramsey Radio Show (600 a.m.) a Caucasian couple called in who hadn't been working, but one of them had just gotten a job and they were very happy to have income coming in. The person wanted to know how/where to start because they hac been down so long. Dave Ramsy told the person to start with FAITH AND FAMILY to start a "buildup". Then he elaborated on Faith and Family.

As Dave Ramsey was couseling the person to start their buildup; it made me think; where would I start? If I started with Faith as most people would-probably go to church; the last time I was a member of a church -their message to me was to be a prostitute for the white males who had been harassing me=?????; then if I were to start with FAMILY; I asked my sister to buy me some vegetables because I was under
nourish; her response was Okay; then NO! without explanation; but she went and bought rice, potatoes, everything that would turn into sugar; cause a person to develope diabetes (ethinic indimidation-she is paid a husband IF she can/continues to dog me out any way she can as long as it is done in a way that others would think it is something wrong with me and that she is so nice; then there is a brother; trained about like the way the are training the guy at the library that likes the Blue devils (mind control); anything they communicate to him; he receives=which includes negative things about me;one of the pastors who helped me with some issues; assked me if he was going to hit me; I told him I didn't know; but I don't like being around him; he has no respect for me; he thinks everything I am going through is because I am stupid; but get this; he couldn't hardly read coming up; let alone add; he was the dumb one; still is in many ways;; but because they have him/ and trained him through mind control techniques he can not see with his own mind and has no problem practicing (ethnic intimidation); And the scary part is that they just got ride of the sheriff in Yadkinville=/ to replace him with a NEW Sheriff=with the same name as the brother they trained to practice ethnic intimidation. Code-the brother they taught to practice ethnic intimidation is now in control; if I want anything and don't take the abuse=they will tell him not to do anything for me=which means; cold house, no water, anything associated with money=WHY they have blocked jobs and threaten confinement if I work; and keep interfer with personal relationships to control MONEY that would come to me: BUT If there is a God they will see me with all the MONEY they tried to keep from me; BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!

So what is one to do If they can't take the FAMILY and FAITH concept; those 99.99% Caucasian males never discuss what to do in those kinds of situations.
All I have is "Let Death seize upon them and their abusive systems; let them go down quick into hell because wickedness is in their systems; BUT as for me God will save me everytime.

Also called a relative and asked if they could take me to get some Kerosense=they said; "Don't you have a MAN friend (that's a big deal in the African American community); ask him tell him you need to get some kerosene(which I have not talk to her about a man friend-it is their system communicating to her what is suppose to be in my life; so I told them there is a man in my life in the spirit realm; but until God shows him how to get through to the natural realm; that is where he is at (they tell about who and what's in my life just like they do the brother; only problem is that most of it never reaches me because that system is always fighting to make sure it/they never reach me; because they(the system) is too busy trying to make sure that I don't get it/them so that they can give it/them to somebody else; therefore that leaves me in a position of need or a person that they can make money off of; divide the spoils; WHICH SHOULD NOT BE; except that the people who are suppose to stop them from doing certain things /authorities don't because would be like taking money out of their pocket and usually it is being communicated to them that "I am not one of them" it is okay to do whatever they want because they have the permission from the head member in the family; in this case they trained my sister (eeg's-epilepsy-mind control techniques); to do whatever they want.

In fact, the brother they trained mentioned to me; "that I had a man friend" Where is he? I told him; I do; but he is in the spirit realm and I have to wait until God desides he is to appear in my life in the natural;told the brother that I do have a man friend but everytime he comes near me, authority or Big Black truck(back in African American community means soemthing extremely negative or system at Forsyth County 5th Street Library/Carver Road Library threatens him and communicates negative consequences if he comes near me.

white women don't have that problem because they are borned and rasied on/in white society; African American women have to wait until white males get the African American attention because there are so littele African American men and so many African American females that unless the man has been trained and raised correctly he will be like a kid in a candy story; Why there are very few African American marriages that last that long; eventually even if the man loves his wife; he will give in to the pressure; but don't worry Caucasian women, they working on your men too!; heard a FEW Causcian ladies on the radio who mention something about "Where are the men?"; lets me know that whoever is operating the system is not prejudice; sort of like when Glenn Beck a Caucasian male is organizing (called it civil rights march); means they must be doing to Caucasians the same thing they are doing to African Americans.

To confirm that the system of abuse; especially related to FAMILY (ethnic intimidation) exists; was walking and decided to stop at place/health care and get an application=think one of these days I will be able to work in peace; not really in health care; but a person never knows where their job will be. As I walked up to the health care building from the street that I went in( only one way to go in and one way out); there were about it looked like 12 to 18 people in wheel chairs and crutches and lady standing at a table with cigarettes=looked like one of those scenes in one of those movies where the person was put in an insane ward; but really was mentally sane. I asked where do you get an application; the lady with the cigarette case(she was selling them) told me go through that door; before I could get through that door; a Caucasion female was coming out; when I asked about the application; she said, go online; I turned and was leaving when the lady with the cigarette case chased me and gave me a card; said this is where you would go on the internet to fill out the application. I thanked her, turned and left.

The most interesting thing about the situation is the fact that ALL or 99.99% of the people in the wheel chairs with a leg or legs cut off; arm or arms cut off; or on crutches or worse were AFRICAN AMERICANS;it's where the family members who were paid to practice ETHNIC INTIMIDATION had agreed to keep quite while the system did whatever they want to their family members; and the sad thing about it is (that most of the ones in the wheel chairs who probably did not need to lose an arm or leg; but did because it meant somebody (Caucasian) could come to work and get paid) really did not and still don't have a clue that their family members sold them out; so that they could live the good life of a Caucasian person.

Last thing=they have "Mary Wilson" on the "BOOM" magazine=????? do know that they put it up after no cooperation/control/manipulation worked on me-Only time will tell; for Christmas they had put Whitney Hourston's picture in the Book Case with Merry Christmas in big red letters-it was suppose to be a communication to the guy that he was to treat girlfriend like Boddy treated Whitney=Infact if one studied Whitney Houston and Bobby's relationship; the reason why their relationship was the way it was; was because she wouldn't allow them to control the relationship, so they did things to punish the relationship and especially Whitney; who could not communicate to Bobby(male ego) exactly what was happening; verification; everytime any African American male would come around me; they would place women with lust around the male-to distract him; force/lead him to another female; they basically use methods associated with breeding animals=so sad and some African American men haven't caught on yet.

That's like the guy who came to visit me on 11-27-11; when he showed up, white male showed up next door; and yelled "DO YOU WANT SOME STEAKS?"; the guy who came to visit me; looked at me, I looked at him and we continued our conversation; But it was an interruption; and the white male knew he could get to/inb the houst because one of the person's who lived in the house, who had just pulled up; had worked in their system and retired for over thirty five years; and I found out that he was a deputy s-----ff; shows you how much I pay attention; knew he worked as a security guard; didn't know he was a dupty s-----ff; and found out that they have the guy who came to visit me daughter going to his house=threat to the guy that if he dates me; they have his daughter=!!!!!

To verify that it may not be my imagination; court case LOVE vs VIRIGINIA; Authorities found a couple guilty of violating a "race" code; and order them to leave Virginia and as long as they stayed out of Virginia they did not have to be separated from each other by spending a year in jail. The point is that if they did create a statute/law concerning relationships(establishes a history of manipulating/controlling relationship); in today's society,they may not put it in writing; but in the African American community; they are manipulating the relationships just like it was slavery time; only differance they don't put them on the stand and ask white males how much;it is not as obvious; now the white males attack all males that come near any African American female who not a prostitute for white males; and then make sure that the African American male only pays attention to the African American female that works for them; if the African American male doesn't, then, they or somebody they care about are attacked. And the African American female dosen't have anybody to go to; are targeted by the white male to force them to work for them; and because everybody the African American female would go to who is in charge of seeing that anything gets done to corrct the situation, is a Caucasian male. All of the African American males that would have the iniative(right or wrong) to do something is identified(usually the little black boys in school that are identifed as trouble makers) early and put on a road/path that will lead to jail; and while in the process they (people who operate system) have become expert in sending any body they want to jail; because they have learned how to set people up; pay people off; etc.. and most people don't know how to communicate that they are being abused; most don't even know why!!!!!!!!!

Thus there is a REASON to everything; right???????????????



Dennis Mill Radio Show


Dennis Miller Radio Show 600 A.m.; white male called in and was venting because of a person who was 52 years of age, but only making 300 dollars a week for 52 weeks, which is 15,000 a year. Dennis Miller told him that part of it was his fault could have made more money than that; then Dennis Miller said, it remainded him of the person standing on the corner with a sign and a very clerver sign to get people to donate to him; dennis Miller said in his thinking if you are clever enouoght to make that kind of sign then you are clever enouoght to get a job. Then he said, "that he would like to stop and ask the guy what's up?;ask him to give him some insight into what's really going on"; be he doesn't because America frowns on people that instead of giving the person some money. Dennis Miller said to him if the person was smart enough to make a sign begging for money; then they were clever enough to get a job.

What Dennis Miller doesn't know is that the guy problably was threaten that if he did get a job; there would be negative consequences; with the job market the way it is today; few=should be easy to understand; that group/who think they are God controls the job market; and only those who are working for them; usually selling their soul in some manner are allowed to have a job; like buddy, buddy; but a whole lot lopsided. And I know African Americans are threaten with confinement if they get a job. Most people instead of trying to explain either one of those situations to someone would rather just get a sign and collect money and I am willing to bet you that some people who want to get a sign and collect money aren't even allowed to do that or they are threaten with confinement; etc...



Author Reynods Price dies; Taught at DUKE


Followingis a copy of the an article that was located on one of the back pages of the Winston-Salem Journal, written coincidentally, the DAY AFTER I posted on blog that the library was using mind control on the guy who wanted to date me
and that he was a Blue devils fan!!!; the following day Reynolds PRICE=worked at scholod of the Blue devils=dead=??? coincidental=????????????????-could it be Code?

And on 1/27/11; male person came by to see me; today walking to the library= male with a book bag was in location of where I and the guy who wanted to date me; the male was standing there as if waiting for me to show; when I did he was about thirty to thirty five feet ahead; walking in front of me on the side of the street I ususally walk on; then I crossed over; when I crossed over to the other side of the street; white van/permanent licence plate (didn't see the driver=nine times out of ten was a white male) rode past me=?????=Mind Control=???? Walk behind the person in front of you means you want a man; if you cross the street then you don't want a man=????????? WHERE IS THE FREEDOM????? Scary to have someone tell you, you can or can't have a man based upon what side of the street you walk on; means that first of all they are watching you WHY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ESPECIALLY if you have lived as a law abiding citizen=????????

First male that wanted to marry me=told me for over thirty plus years that I was suppose to be his wife; I just thought that he kind of liked me and never got over it; but he was right!!! they have techniques to break people up and discourage them from dating and marrying.

Second male that wanted to marry me= after dating him for almost seven to eight years was set up by two African American females (who work for white males who tricked him into marrying one of them.And now they use his daughter to make him stay with the female.
Third guy who wanted to marry me-they altered the whole Public library to use mind control on him to communicate/scare him not to.

Reason- reading the book: Everything you need to know to be a seccessful paralegal; broike it down; Marriage is a way to establish NEW SOCIAL VALUES; which is a good thing if both people have the same values; but if they have different values, it could cause a problem; for example, if one was a Christian and living right and the other was not living right, could be an issue; especially if the one not living right is the one who is helping to attack their race and they don't know it and marries the one who is living right, therefore embracing their hereigate instead of attacking it; there would have to be some changes; the person would KNOW what they have been doing; sort of like Spike Lee's movie-MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA-the person would wake up. And for the people who have supported that person attacking thier heritage; the person who have been living like a Christian who thinks their heritage is just as good as anybody elses; not better, but just as good; would be upset and would have a need to control the actions/mind of the person/people in the relationship; sort of like what slave masters use to do to slaves to control the slave population.

Is this America? Is this 2011??????????????????????????

First incident relating to security guard=African American female-WSSU-Director Library; called security guard on me when I found someone going through my personal belongings at the WSSU library;
Second incident relating to blocking me off of the internet-African American female-Computer specialist at Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library;

Third incident relating to being put out of the libray/security guard-involved=Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library-African American female-Director Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library;

Fourth incident relating to being put out of the Wake Forrest Library-white male-security guard; warning trespass;

Conclusion; just as with the men who wanted to marry me; anything I want;wheather men or access to Libraries; that system that wants to control African American marriages/SOCIAL VALUES that unite to grow in society-especially if it identifies their interferrance in what the United States Constitution says is a violation; they will try to stop me from having; and replace it with something/someone they want me to have; AND I AM GOING TO KILL IT EVERYTIME; because it is not of GOD!!!!!; but a group of people who want to manipulate people to their advandage.

Point=They have been attacking me for trying to live; everything I have done/do they have attacked; why the attack from the libraries-where I have done research; thus becuase I have been living(technically through the research); they don't want it to live UNLESS they control it to use for their purposes versus the fact that it identifies the abuses designed to rob a people/person; Thus if I decided that I wanted wanted to do ANYTHING; it would be attacked; because they didn't control it; sounds like slavery to me. One of these days God will send me my own man that will tell the Bastards the same thing.IF THERE IS A REAL GOD!!!!!!


Author Reynolds Price dies; taught at Duke

Reynolds Price, an award-winning author who served on the Duke University faculty for more than 50 years, has died after suffering a heart attack. He was 77.

Duke spokesman Keith Lawrence said Price died Thursday after he had the heart attack last Sunday.

In 1962, Price earned the William Faulkner Award for a notable first novel for his book, "A Long and Happy Life." He published numerous books after that, including the novel "Kate Vaiden," which received the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1986.

Price was a Rhodes Scholar who studied in England. He took a teaching job at Duke in 1958 and remained on the faculty for 53 years.

At Price's request, there will be no public funeral. The school has not yet announced plans to honor him.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


WSSU student remembered


Article-did not read=picture is worth a thousand words; having been a student there for a total of at least eight years=especially with the location that Dr. Reaves (life the Reef for a funeral)is speaking=code=to give students/teach them the possibilities of what might take place if you don't follow orders and desire to be lead by your own brain!!!!
But now most of them don't know that is the message; but some of them do!!!!!!



N. C. Colleges weight barring security risks


The article discusses some of the concern about colleges and negative situations in which a decision is suppose to be made regarding weather or not to technically block CERTAIN individuals from attending community colleges; said that college officials could use -"DOCUMENTED" reasons to deny admission to students who might be a threat to themselves or others=code=African Americans for the most part; the ones who will not do as told.

Verification: Instructor at Winston-Salem State University and an WSSU counsel explained that Winston-Salem and most colleges in the South were not designed to teach people to think; but how to follow orders; comes from the slavery concept during slavery time.

A significant threat is the conclusion that the person will not follow orders or be intimidated and therefore will threaten those who threaten them.=CODE of article to those who make those decisions=don't allow them to have the knowledge to hinder the objective of social structures that are designed to keep anything new out. And one of the first things Hitler did to hinder the Jews was attack those who were going to the library-to communicate that the knowledge they were acquiring was not going to work under his rule=! Have almost twenty-five years of "DOCUMENTED" documentation(wonder why my documentation don't work) of unresolved; ignored abuses (none of the issues have been addressed-only attacked more=????and given more issues=!!!)



Wake Forrest Library wins national award


Interesting that the Winston-Salem Journal does a Headline article about Wake Forrest Library "" - ["Wake Forrest Library Wins National Award"];when one of the head people at the local library are suppose to be investigating WHY I was asked to leave the library and given no reason after ex-employer dismissed for misconduct(which the employment security commission said was a lie); Wake Forrest gave me a " trespass warning" after almost 25 plus years of doing research and in the article by W-S Journal stated that they average almost 2,000 visitors a day; why all of sudden the issue of my visiting Wake Forrest-Could it be RESEARCH that does not help abuse grow=????

Could it be that the newspaper's are being used as a code to tell people what to think and what to decide in situations?

Thought it was also interesting that they had a picture of an African American male in the article to; wonder what the message is relating to the African American male; does it have anything to do with sending a message/coded about the guy who wanted to date me that the tricked into Community services calling it volunteer work; but he doesn't know.

If you are a true American; please call the Winston-Salem Forsyth Library and tell the to let Socialpeacest come to the library and to stop harassing Socialpeacest;
Thank You, The phone number is 336-703-2665.

If they do me then you are next!!!!!


Also in the article is the name of the security guard at Winston-Salem State Univerisity who placed a g-n on the table when they tricked me into going to the security office instead of the Chancelors(?); both had the same name S-tt-n?

Is Wake Forrest; spelled with one "r" or "two"?


Can you make up your own laws as you go

Posed an article "Can you make up your laws as you Go; I keep dealing with people making up their own laws; I'm going to start making up my own laws!!!!!!!" on 10/19/10. It was about the library putting me in an offenders program instead of a volunteer program; which technically would start an offenders file; problem is no one could tell what offence I had committed; and there was no court hearing/date; which means that some type of law was broken; even though they communicated how LUCKY I was-meaning that sooner or later; IF you are African American and not working in ethnic intimidation/sooner or later you would be on the path that all African American's who don't obey are on; that of an OFFENDER; everybody who has their rights violated is offended and if they are constantly having their rights robbed, they are guaranteed to be offended and retaliate which is going to make them an OFFENDER; by reporting to MS. LUCKY volunteerily, you avoid the whole process; now aren't you lucky.

The article about "Can you make up your laws as you Go" was published on 10/19/10; then two to three months later-same situation-both times NOT given a reason for why I was put out of the library=witchcraft- and as the author of the book "The Everything guide to being a Para Legal' by Steven W, Schneider stated ;one of the issues to maintain a health society is stabiltiy of ESTABLISHED rules/laws; There are to be ESTABLISHED RULES OF CONDUCT so that a person will KNOW their rights, duties and privileges; which I can't know because they keep changing them on me whenever they want; I have been going to the library in Winston-Salem over twenty years with no conduct or behavior problems following the Library policy for library patrons; how am I suppose to know when they create a NEW rule?. In the book Mr. Schneider stated about the law?rules:

Law: ESTABLISHED rules of conduct:

1. KNOW your rights
2. Know what your duties are
3. What your privileges are

Laws are used to regulate and conform a person's conduct
Laws are sued to predict the consequence of a person's actions.
Laws are used to order your conduct accordinly; when 3 charateristic are present:

1. Stability
2. Predicitablity
and that is my problem; there is no Stability or Prdictability when I go to certain libraries; they make up thier own rules as they go; whatever they think they need to do to control=?; That's why I asked to know what I did was RUDE; because if I don't know I will do it again? And I told him that I have a letter from one of the security guards that has worked at the downtown library for over 22years and he stated that I was always doing research and was VERY COURTEOUS. The Problem seems to be that of forced assimilation; using ethnic intimidation to force a person to behave they want them to; with the goal of achieving what the head librarian did; instead of my doing volunteer work; switched it over to COMMUNITY SERVICE-designed for offenders-KEEP changing the RULES until as Mr. Schneider said under stability; For the law to be an effective guide to conduct, it must be stable. FREQUENT CHANGES(and that's what the library keeps doing) in goals in purposes of the law/rules breed UNCERTAINTY and make the law INEFFECTIVE as a guide to conduct-which is the libraries goal concerning myself to hinder research that they=? don't control because it verifies techniques/systems which violates a persons Constitutional Rights based on the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Laws are used to regulate and conform a person's conduct;Laws are sued to predict the consequence of a person's actions;Laws are used to order your conduct accordinly; but I can't do lthat if they keep changing the rules or using ethnic intimidation.

And the bible says to seek knowledge; the library is where the knowledge is; tried to have the internet at home; but A t & T wouldn't allow that they kept changing/blocking my telephone; thus as best I can write it everybody that has been identified on this blog; IF something happen to me can be charged; because they are assessories to fact in an uncurrupt legal system; but if the system is currupt they will find a way for each and every one of them to escape; but then they will have to deal with God; including the ones who put a grave site in the back of the Forsyth Tech Library /after/when they buried lady who bore me; may God do the same to each
of you and IF you did for good then why are you trying to intimidate and harass me?

The article "Can you make up your laws as you Go; I keep dealing with people making up their own laws; I'm going to start making up my own laws!!!!!!!" is as follows:
Following is a letter that will/has been mailed/emailed,etc. to the proper person concerning them putting off of the internet/computer/then them signing me up in an offenders program-because of my being lucky-don't have to go through the court process(because it is guaranteed that a person will be going through their system; if you are human you are going to get tired of the harassment and go off and then you will be charged; they know it is their system; so when they charge me; it will not be a surpise to them; because it is part of their technique to find the way to make people do something to bring a charge against them=???????????
Anyway for over five or more times have asked for something in writing concerning the federal law and the homemade local=?state=?law which was okayed by the city attorney; thus far; have not recieved a response=hummmmm; could it be because I am not considered to be a person and therefore they don't have to respond to my requests; hummmmm what could it be; maybe they are so sure of themselves that they KNOW how their people work, so it is just a matter of time before they will have to charge me anyway; their people are expert at the way they work; they are so good; they occupy the person's street in front of their house/to intimidate of coarse; they keep the person up under constant attack from/through neighbors, etc..

And today I met with an attorney who KNOWS all of the big people who have participated in abusing me:But they are still going to help me; aren't I a lucky person.

Wonder if I will get a response from them? about which law I should follow; if they have their way; it will be neither.




To: -----a ------le
W------------m F------ County --- Street Public Library
W------------m, North Carolina 27---

RE: Correct Procedure
Federal vs State

After speaking with Ms. S----er about a month ago; she said that she would speak with you concerning the issue of the letter that was given to you at least a year ago; in which an inquiry was made as to the proper procedure concerning addressing the issue of being put off of the computers if a person has no money to pay fines. The federal law states that if any municipality receives money from the federal government then they cannot stop a person from using the equipment for which purpose that the federal money was given; in the W-------S---- F------ County Public Library situation; they received Federal money to help low income people to be connected to have more access to the computers; but that wasn’t the situation with me; it was the opposite;I was put off of the computers.

And as I stated to Ms. S----er; would greatly appreciate; someone putting it in writing; which law I am suppose to abide by; the federal law which states that no organization that receives money can stop a patron from access to the services for which the federal government was given to them or the law=?(state or local), which Ms. S----er said was created and okayed by the city attorney that it was okay to put people off of the internet or have their computer access blocked due to fines/money.

Which law is the correct law in case of future situations?

Thank You,



Race/ethnic intimidation


Darlene and Debra(Two D's) Two African American females-part of system of ethnic inimidation/----- males; Two African American females-connected with the library------ males connected-one knows how to practice ethnic inimidation; the other is in training; they don't know why.

The reason is based upon people who have studied how to get wealth; anyone who wants to have wealth has to have a relationship that is untouchable by society like the kind of relationship/marriages that little old white couples have; not allowed in the African American community; go to any African American Community anywhere in the United States and you will be lucy if you find three. Even the African American women that are practicing ethnic intimidation aren't allowed to have such relationships; why the African American man usually dies before the female; etc..

P. S. People/race that is connected with Sept. 11 is a good way to start/teach a race how to do what was done on Sept.11 like the boy that lives next to me-Michael- but first have to get element/race in nighborhood.


Friday, January 21, 2011


China/Human Rights/Winston-Salem/ Catipillar


African Americans are not allowed to create jobs/businesses in the United States UNLESS they are illegal/ilmoral; why the communication that if I work/get a job that is above poverty, the threats of confinement. Somebody gets this; somehow; an agreement was made with China to steal jobs out of the African American community; and in exchange start the abusive human rights tactics used in China.

Do Know that the jobs that China is being allowed to create in the United States is a part of the system to robb African Americans; scripture in the bible mentions something in Pslams about their INCREASE being given to the catepillar-Name of NEW company that is suppose to be in Winston-Salem, North Carolina-; but I bind them from taking my increase; BECAUSE God is real. And that the "HUMAN Rights" issue is somehow or another suppose to be an acceptable issue to people who have money in Winston-Salem, North Carolina who can change the situation; so that African American Human Rights will NOT be violated; but being that most people never ride through an African American community most will never KNOW about the human rights abuse; they don't even know about it NOW; or they close their eyes.

That is Why in major cities where the residents are African American are of another race from another country; technique to keep money out of the African American community!!!! Like when two Indian males were looking at little white store as I walked around the corner/[yesterday it was two white males that drove past me as I walked]; the Indians(foreigners) have been given permission to rule in African American communities; like in the big raggedy cities. The man who owns the little white store is an African American; was told that he could NOT get medical help for social services IF he operated store; a year prior to that the African American owner of the gas statioin was killed because he wouldn't close his store; let's see it the African American male who owns the little white store is allowed to sell to the same type people who blew up the World Trade Center and still allowed to keep his medical benefits; KNOW that there are numerous African American people in local community who have offered to buy it and put a community store there and the African American man told the African American people "NO!"=?????

Why African American communities don't grow/prosper; being sold out/Ethnic Intimidation/Also why for over thirty plus years constant interferance with employment; in order to have a steady job; the person has to be able to either fight to keep the job or be kicked off of the job.

Was sent a magazine today "ASHRO"; I did not order- had the message; "LAST CHANCE"; my question is "for what?"; Only God KNOWS.

China/Human Rights/Winston-Salem/ Catipillar-Interesting that there is a connection to: China in Winston-Salem, North Carolina-Catipllar-company that makes heavy duty equipment-also used in rock quarries(sp)-where they use an acid like in the movie with Eddie Murphy - "NORBIT";; hope that doesn't mean ?????? One of the rock quarries is down the street from a car saleman who asked me when I was selling advertising for a church organization "What happen to all the Black people? one day I came to work; saw only hispanics and they seem to grow and increase everyday. So if rock quarries started inceasing in the African American communities don't think-KNOW they are using them as coded in the movie "NORBIT". Also China/Winston-Salmem/ Human Rights/Catipillar=means=? code=? connection=? could it possible be the Human Rights of African Americans will be those in China; if it does take place; first it has to be agreed to by the front line peoples'; everybody knows who they are that they people depend on to defend them.


Thursday, January 20, 2011





This is s a copy of a letter given to the director of the Winston-Salem library; have been waiting for a written response since 2008; the response given was that they tricked the guy who wanted to date me into volunteering to work for the library and then threaten him if he dated me; they used a blue devil at the bottom of the stairs/Blue Devils/Duke(he is a duke fan)to communicate that going up the stairs where I usually sit is a bad thing (Knowledge). In other words; the library's response to the letter below is that if I want the guy; I will have to do as the say; same thing at ---m's ---b; and if anything happens to the guy; the director; -----er; and others monoriting the library to control the patrons are aware,etc.. and are involved to the point (because of the guy's educational level) of installing NEW electronic screens that look like a TV to communicate with him with pictures.
The library published a newsletter in Summer, 2004 with an article by the director
"A message from the director” The Power of Suggestion; in it the director stated” Effective marketing requires KNOWIN what your customers/library patrons are THINKING"., which is what they are doing to the guy; using mind control on him.

Re: ACCESS to any Program or ACTIVITY of the recipient of Federal Financial assistance.

This is a request to access resources, information through the computers/electronic networks in the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library Branches. The request is based upon the denial of Access to the internet at the 5th Street Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library Branch who is the recipient of the “Library Technology Act. “ Dr. S------ H-----lin stated that, “the Library gets a grant every year. “ It is also based upon the Title 42 (the Public Health and ?Welfare) (subchapter V (Federally Assisted Programs) Se. 2000d and 2000d-4a and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 424.S. C. and Title IX (Education Amendment of 1972). “Denial of Access occurred in Fall 08”.

Recently a letter was given to me by Ms. E------- S------ stating that I was being denied access to the internet through the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Library, without giving me prior notice. Had b been on the internet without interruption for years and after posting a video clip, was informed that my internet privileges (benefits) had been cancelled; also after I requested information concerning why access to my Blog was blocked?” Previously``` to being denied access o the internet, no one had mention the dues/fees and whenever I had extra money, I have paid based upon my income. Also offered Ms. Skinner on numerous time to bring verification of income level, which
Has averaged $2,000.00 year, which is usually enough for me to EAT! Thus was surprised when told access to the internet was being denied due to inability to make payment on past due bill, which violates “Amendment #5” of Title 20-education-Chapter 72; subchapter-II of the “Library Services and technology Act”: which states: That the purpose of the “LSTA” is to promote targeted library services to people of DIVERSE geographic, cultural and “SOCIOECONOMIC” BACKGROUNDS. When Ms. Skinner informed me that I was being denied access to the internet, my income level (socioeconomic level) which is diverse was not being adhered to by Ms. Skinner based upon “Amendment #5”, which says that the PURPOSE of “LSTA” is to Promote services to people of “DIVERSE SOCIOECONOMIC” backgrounds.

Section 9122 of the “LSTA” states/defines the recipients of the “LSTA” as:

1. A. Public Library-Winston-Salem Forsyth county Public Library is a Public Library.
2. Local Library-Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library is a Local Library.
3. Is one of the 50-North Carolina is one state of the United of the 50 states.

Section 9134 of the “LSTA states B(5)- that state plans are to describe the procedures that the agency will use to involve libraries and library users throughout the state in policy decisions regarding implementation of this subchapter (was never informed).

(7); to determine the extent to which funds provided under this subchapter have been effective in carrying out the PURPOSE of this subchapter.
By denying me access to technology (internet and computers is/was not effective based upon the guidelines of “LSTA” Amendment 5” which states that the purpose of “LSTA” is to PROMOTE library services to DIVERSE SOCIOECONOMIC backgrounds.

F(2) States that ACCESS to other materials (Nothing in this subsection) shall be construed to prohibit a library from LIMITING INTERNET ACCESS to or otherwise protecting against materials other than those referred tin sub-clauses
(1) Obscene
(2) Child pornography
(3) (3) Harmful to minors.

Which confuses me because my ACCESS to Blogs, internet have been blocked/denied numerous times and none of the internet sites are/fit within those (1,2,3,) classifications of (F(2)).

Section 9141 of the LSTA which states that 96% of the Funds are to be expanded for:
A (1) Learning and ACCESS to information, educational resources in a variety of formats and for individuals of all ages.

When I was denied ACCESS to the internet, it was a violation of sec. 9141 A(1) because I was NOT being allowed to ACCESS learning, information, educational resources and at times think a lot of the denial of ACCESS to information is/was related to age concept this the blocking of the content of information.

A (2) states 96% of funds provided should go for: developing library services that provide all users ACCESS to information through local, state, regional, national and international electronic networks.

Thus when the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library denied me access to the internet, it was a violation of Section 9141 (A2) because there was no longer access to information for me through the electronic networks on a local state, national, regional or international basis.

The title 42-Public Health and Welfare Sub-chapter V (For Federally assisted Programs) 2000d: states that "PROHIBITATION AGAINST EXCLUSION rom participation in denial of benefits of and discrimination under ferally assisted programs on grounds of race, color or national origin"; no person in the United "States shall on the grounds of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination receiving Federal Financial Assistance.

When denied access to the internet because of in ability to pay fines, Title 42-of Public Health and Welfare subchapter V for Federally Assisted Programs was violated
because I was discriminated against based upon my race, color and national origin, in which my income wasn't verified prior to being denied access to the internet; due to lack of income to pay dues based upon forced socioeconomic level which allowed for the exclusion of being denied benefits and participation in access to the internet based upon my national origin, color and race.
2000d-4a (Program or activity) and "Program" defined states: For the purpose of the subchapter, the term "Program or activity" mean All of the operations of:

1(A). A department agency, special purpose district, or other instrumentality of a state of a local government.
Computers and the internet come within the term instrumentality along with North Carolina being a state and the city of Winston-Salem, a local government.
Title IX, Education Amendment of 1972: 1681-SEX states:
(A) Prohibition against discrimination in which no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or ACTIVITIY receiving Federal Financial Assistance.

When the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library denied me access to the internet and the computers, it was a violation of Title IX Education Amendment of 1972 because it excluded me from participation in and my beind denied the benefits of and my being discriminated against under the education program/ACTIVITY (Internet and computers) based upon my sex.

Section 1687 of Title IX, Education Amendment of 1972 interpretation of "Program or activity" for the purpose of this title, the term program or activity and "program mean ALL of the operations of:
1 (A) A department, agency, special purpose district or other instrumentality of a state or of a local government that distributed such assistance and each such department or agency (and each other state or local government entity) to which assistance is extended, the case of assistance to a state or local government.

The state of North Carolina is a state and the city of Winston-Salem is a local government.-

thus based upon the Library Technology Act Title 42 (The Public Health and Welfare) Subchapter V (Federally Assisted Program) Sec. 2000d-2000d-4a, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964-424. S.c. and Title IX (Education Admendment of 1972 am requesting ACCESS to the internet and COMPUTERS.

As a result of being denied ACCESS to the internet and the computers (Word,etc.) it has resulted in loss opportunities relating to having EQUAL ACCESS to : social networking, jobs, financial gain, sending resumes, information on a local, state, nationa, international level, emails(s), nes, health, audio and vedio broadcast, communications and communication systems, blogs, posting on bolgs, persal pages, connections to others, which has created a form of isolation, prayer boards, chat boards, lesiure activities; also been a hinderance to relaxation, to free speech and press, right to seek redress of grievances, public accomodations, public facility/education thus discriminated against by a recipient Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library of a federally assisted program, which has created a sense of inferiority because my opportunities had been limited.

this letter is to be continued; But if excused are constantly created to keep an individual off of the internet or deny them access to information/published/internet; and it is done by African Americans;both have been African American females/one the director; the other a new employee who knows that she is being trained to practice(she may not know that it is called Ethnic indimidation); but she knows her job is to harass certain African Americans. Either way, the technique is Ethnic Intimidation and against the law.



Bernie Mac Show

The following was sent to the United States Supreme Court to inquire of what to do if officials do not address citizens issues BECAUSE: on 1/18/11 sent a letter to District Court explaining that ex-employers would have me to stand by a very large freezer with cakes in it if I did not respond the way they wanted and if I responded to the way that they wanted; they would place me up near the front of the store; but the psychological attacks did not stop; and this morning on the WSJS radio heard that in Winston-Salem they are to have CLOSED session about the behavior of Mr. COFFMAN toward someone who worked for him; it is as if someone read my mail; especially after I called and the one of the head of the library returned my call and I asked for an investigation of why I was put out of the library; he said just forget it and move forward; and I told him; that why I was calling him because the people at the library location in question (who are being taught ethnic intimidation) did not give me a reason for putting me out of the library; told the head person that I thought that I should at least be given a reason; he informed that they said I was rude; I asked well what does that mean; he said, I don't know; then I said, they can say they don't like the color of my hair and call me rude because they don't like it; and that it was unfair to me to have to go to the library and NOT know what I have done; because if I don't know then I am likely to repeat it again; he said, you do deserve to know why you were put out of the library; they he said, they did say that you had an attitude because the computers were down they had not put up a notice the day before to let patrons know that the computer's are down; and I said, most people are not happy about arranging their day for one purpose to find out that the computers are down; most would rearrange their day instead of coming to a library with no computers; I told him I could have worked at home.

Then asked him about the African American female who put me out of the library and the fact that she would leave books that I used in research out for a week; he asked me if I thought to be courteous and put the books back; I asked him if he wanted to hire me. He also said that it is a way to say anything in reference to my response to the library being closed; that maybe I had an attitude; I said, whatever I said; it did not disturb any of the library patrons; neither did it draw attention to myself; and everybody has a right to express within their selves; then he said something about behave myself; I asked what did he mean; behave I have been going to the library since the seventh grade on a field trip; and that's why I want an investigation so I will KNOW if I can come to the library; just because the clerk decides that they don't like my hair or the color of my shirt that I am rude.

To verify was reading a book: " The Everything guide to being a Para Legal' by Steven W, Schneider in which one of the topics (which has happened whenever I go to certain libraries seems to be a problem-they create a NEW rule). In the book Mr. Schneider stated about the law?rules:

Law: ESTABLISHED rules of conduct:

1. KNOW your rights
2. Know what your duties are
3. What your privileges are

Laws are used to regulate and conform a person's conduct
Laws are sued to predict the consequence of a person's actions.
Laws are used to order your conduct accordinly; when 3 charateristic are present:

1. Stability
2. Predicitablity
and that is my problem; there is no Stability or Prdictability when I go to certain libraries; they make up thier own rules as they go; whatever they think they need to do to control=?; That's why I asked to know what I did was RUDE; because if I don't know I will do it again? And I told him that I have a letter from one of the security guards that has worked at the downtown library for over 22years and he stated that I was always doing research and was VERY COURTEOUS. The Problem seems to be that of forced assimilation; using ethnic intimidation to force a person to behave they want them to; with the goal of achieving what the head librarian did; instead of my doing volunteer work; switched it over to COMMUNITY SERVICE-designed for offenders-KEEP changing the RULES until as Mr. Schneider said under stability; For the law to be an effective guide to conduct, it must be stable. FREQUENT CHANGES(and that's what the library keeps doing) in goals in purposes of the law/rules breed UNCERTAINTY and make the law INEFFECTIVE as a guide to conduct-which is the libraries goal concerning myself to hinder research that they=? don't control because it verifies techniques/systems which violates a persons Constitutional Rights based on the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Did tell the person that I spoke to about the sitiuation that that was my second time being put out of the library, which to be is the beginning of a pattern; that's why I want to KNOW if I can come to the library. The other part of the equation; that I did not speak about is that Wake Forrest Library; also has given me a tresspass warning ticket after going to all three of their libraries for over twenty years=Why? and not to mention Winston-Salem State University calling the security guard on me; when I found someone going through my personal belongsings can anybody see a pattern; Winston-Salem State and the professors stole some of my research; which I prayed over=hmmmm!!!!

Still looking for the Book-"Death to ALL Paula's".

Right Now if anyone goes to the Carver Road Branch Library there is a statue of an African American female in fushia pink; same color of the tabs I had in the court house concerning the people who broke my windows; and the words read:LOVE, HONOR,BETRAY by Kimberla LAWson Roby and there are two African American females; one name who has the same name as the female that works for the authorities and the other is the female who left the research books out almost a week later; thinking about it the head librarian had to be involved because she did not tell them to put the books back.And Caucasion male with STEELER'S jacket kept walking in front of me; and then one with a security jacket was behind the library counter; the security guards (African American) from Forsyth Tech are gone; the close the community college at 3:00pm; which intentionally leaves a door open for other males that want to harass library patrons; and the African American female that left the books out; KNOW what is going on; that is the way she is to keep her job.


Sent to the United States Supreme Court:
Sent an appeal to the Virginia 4th Circuit Appeal Court; in it was the fact that my employer would place me as a demo operator beside a large type freezer with cakes in it; about the size of a mid size coffin; When I did not respond the way they wanted they would place me beside the freezer and they would place me away from the freezer in the front of the store if I responded the way they wanted. This morning heard on the radio WSJS fm; that there would be a closed meeting of officials to discuss a [Mr. COFFMAN]'s behavior regarding someone who had worked for/with him.

Previously called the Employment Security Commission in Raleigh, North Carolina because someone suggested that the Personnel Department should beware of the mistreatment of people are supposed to be served by the Employment Security Commission; told the person that Debra -----n and Darlene H------n(don't know her married name) both were participating in harassing me and that both had interfered with my obtaining employment opportunities; that they were both participating in communicating to me that I couldn't receive unemployment benefits if I dated the guy who wanted to date me; About a couple days later; heard on WSJS Radio where a man was being investigated for pornography at the local Employment Security Commission; but not about an investigation of communication of someone not receiving unemployment benefits if they date a guy.

In both cases I inquired and asked that abuses be inquired into and stopped; but instead hear on the local radio where as issue associated with the exact topic is being dealt with for someone else; but not in my situation. It's as if I bring the topic up; but don't qualify to have the issue addressed in my life.

It's as if someone is reading my mail; then communicating it to others through various sources.

Guess my question is what is a citizen to do if they can not get the issues addressed by the proper authorities? [Bernie]Mac Show!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Title 42 § 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights

This is being printed because of monitoring of information ; also while walking from near Hanes Mall to First Street; ?????? harassment=?????

Thought it was interesting that for Title 42§ 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights, the number the one dealing with "DEPRIVING PERSONS OF RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES" was last/number three.

And solution to ALL females who Know system being used to separate /pimp you to your man or vice versa; attack any female that you know has a man that belongs to anther person; if they can attack you/your relationship; you can attack the relationship that they allow; when I say attack; don't mean physically; there are other ways; look at what they are doing to you; teaching you EXACTLY what to do to the women who they lift up to men ( the ones prostituting themselves to have a husband-guess that would mean anyone who is a wive based on ilmoral standards-they are not hard to spot). Just kidding? Socialpeacest


January 15, 2011

Amended Appeal

Therefore plaintiff submits a request for an appeal-denouncing the pre-established

qualifications associated with the 13th day of the month and that the authority to file a

surreply are facts and the laws of a suit based upon the United States Constitution; and

for the (c)ourts to know of "NO Authority" to establish a right violates the United States

Constitution; The whole concept of the United States Constitution is based on securing

rights of citizens of the United States; to deny a citizen of the United States those rights is

in violation of Title 28 G. S. 1343. Civil rights.

Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, and John D. Rockerfeller were all guilty

of a "surreply" [court-CAN’T file a reply to an objection] in which all of society NOW

enjoys the benefits of their surreply; therefore since "the court knows of NO authority to

file a surreply, based on an issue as simple as a matter of law; the plaintiff submits

without viewing the decades of files associated with the 13th day of any month, that the

individuals were suffering from some form of surreply, not because it was an actual

surreply, but because they did not meet the qualifications to prevent their issue (even as

simple an issue as a matter of law from being classified as a surreply); The United States

Codes[title 28 G.S. 1343 (Authorize the District Courts authority to establish the rights

Title 8 G. S. 49)].

Plaintiff is a citizen of the United States at birth (Title 8 § 1401. Nationals and citizens of

United States at birth ); and as a citizen demand a jury trial through the Courts of the

United States within the original jurisdiction (case associated with the Employment

Security Commission is not allowed to be transferred) W-S, N. C.

[Title 18 G. S. 1425- Procurement of citizenship or naturalization unlawfully].

At present plaintiff is being intimidated with confinement if plaintiff gets a job/works/

earn a living NOT associated with illegal behavior; Plaintiff is entitled to redress the

deprivation, under color of any state law, statute ordinance, regulation, custom or usage

of any right, privilege or immunity secured by the Constitution of the United States or by

any Acts of Congress providing the equal Rights of Citizens or of all person within the

jurisdiction of the United States and to have abuses addressed and to recover from the

damages through the United States Courts:

Judiciary and Judicial Procedures state that[the District Courts have original jurisdiction

of ANY Civil Action commenced by a person Title 28 G. S. 1343:

1. To recover damages for injury to his person or property or because of deprivation of

any right or privilege of a citizen of the United States by any act done in furtherance of

any conspiracy mention in section 47 of Title 8; [49A-Proceedings in vindication of Civil


2. To recover damages from any person who fails to prevent or to aid in preventing

any wrongs mentioned in Section 47 of Title 8 which he had knowledge of were about to

occur and power to prevent-Church/attorney-O.

3. To redress the deprivation, under color of any state law, statute ordinance,

regulation, custom or usage of any right, privilege or immunity secured by the

Constitution of the United States or by any Acts of Congress providing the equal Rights

of Citizens or of all person within the jurisdiction of the United States.

Plaintiff has a right to have an action for the recovery of damages occasioned by such

injury or deprivation, against any one or more of the conspirators. (Title 42 § 1985) in

which the pathway for an action was established by the United States Constitution which

states that, “In Suits at common law where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty

dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved”.

be getting a job; IF anything negative happens; it is because plaintiff is

working versus yielding to ethnic intimidation and forced assimilation.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Inferiority in civil society if African American not working for the other society

Everything in the "Strauder v West Virginia argument" basically sums up what they made the goal of my life: to exercise the equality of ALL the Civil Rights "that the superior race enjoy," and to have the protection of the general government, in the enjoyment of such rights, whenever they should be denied by the States. Whether the amendment had other, and if so what, purposes not decided." And to stop being attacked by anybody who believes[works for] that there is a superior race(not my words).

They made the goal of my life: to exercise the equality of ALL the Civil Rights "that the superior race enjoy," and to have the protection of the general government, in the enjoyment of such rights, By the constant blocks and attacks of my civil right to pursue life, liberty and property by the constant intentional minipulation to ensure that the normal uninterrupted flow in the pursuit of life, liberty and property did not occure; because to allow all the civil rights "that the superior race enjoy" and protection of the general government in the enjoyment of such rights means that the person would be pursuing the natural heritage; And the twenty puls years of documention verify the lack of equality of all the civil rights of the superior race and the lack of protection of the enjoyment of those rights.

In the Strauder v West Virginia argument because I am an African American the general government should work harder to protect and to ensure that I have and enjoy all the Civil Rights of the superior race (not my words); and not be forced to give up the enjoyment of my civil rights (natural heritage) and that IF there are those who are opposing my enjoying my civil rights (natural heritage) or who have or are developing systems methods or ways to interfere with my enjoying my civil rights(natural heritage); then the general government should not impose discrimination on African Americans for their enjoying their civil rights; but the general government should protect the African American in the enjoyment of their civil rights; not force African Americans to assimiate into the civil rights of what the superior race(not my words)enjoys; nor should African Americans be punished for enjoying the civil rights (natural heritage); which is what the twenty plus years of document verifies; punishment for:exercising the equality of ALL the Civil Rights "that the superior race enjoy" meaning that I reconize and understand that there are traps
[discriminations, imposed by public authority, which imply legal inferiority in civil society, lessen the security of their rights, and are steps towards reducing them to the condition of a subject race.] And if that exists the person cannot [exercise the equality of ALL the Civil Rights "that the superior race enjoy"] because they are constantly fighting for the right to enjoy their natural heritage, which at least in Winston-Salem, North Carolina has been classified as - discriminations, imposed by public authority, which imply legal inferiority in civil society, lessen the security of their rights, and are steps towards reducing them to the condition of a subject race. ALTHOUGH in Winston-Salem an African American can JOIN the other race to avoid the punishment of being an African American.

The ORIGINAL goal was to obtain employment applied for in the city of birth; But,
discriminations, imposed by public authority, which imply legal inferiority in civil society, lessen the security of their rights, and are steps towards reducing them to the condition of a subject race have directed the goal to be - employment/income that eliminates being forced to do a job not identified on an application or something illegal or ilmoral. And that myself and family are not punished for not doing the job not identified on the application or yeilding to discriminations, imposed by public authority, which imply legal inferiority in civil society, lessen the security of their rights, and are steps towards reducing them to the condition of a subject race.

In Strauder v West Virginia it was argued and decided that people of color are to secure ALL CIVIL RIGHTS and PROTECTION of the general government in the enjoyment of such rights. The twenty plus years of documention are of the Civil Rights and Protection of those rights that have been denied and are not secure as they should be.

It stated in the "Strauder v West Virginia argument" that “the amendment not only gave citizenship and the privileges of citizenship to persons of color, but denied to any State the power to withhold from them the equal protection of the laws, and invested Congress with power, by appropriate legislation, to enforce its provisions.” One of the organizations (legal) tried to get me to sign a form about citizenship-whereas it states that the fourteenth amendment gave African Americans citizenship and the privileges of citizenship and denied to any State the power to withhold equal protection of the laws; BUT the twenty plus years of documentation are of those rights and privileges of citizenship; as well as equal protection of laws/etc. being denied/withheld.

The third point in Strauder v. West Virginia state that the amendment, confers by a positive immunity, or right, to exemption from unfriendly legislation; exemption from discriminations, imposed by public authority, which imply legal inferiority in civil society, lessen the security of their rights, and are steps towards reducing them to the condition of a subject race; which has been my experience as an African American living in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

The documents for number 3 [Community Service Work Program (Form)(Library)] is a form that the local Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library tried to force on me as payment for library fines stating that is was volunteer work to eliminate the library fines. [Community Service is for offenders of the law-the library had no authority to offer/put such a program before me-only the courts could offer a Community Service Work Program for offenders of the law]-discrimination imposed by public authority-implies legal inferiority in civil society; lessens the security of individual rights and are steps towards reducing person to a condition of a subject race; and the discriminations imposed by public authority was the first.


Monday, January 03, 2011


Cintas/SHELL;stealing Socialpeacest personal papers

Visited Cintas over half of paperw gone; probably taken while I was sleep on sofa;
all papers associated with court case that were left at Socialpeacest house are GONE=???? Neither Cintas or SHELL are within area?????????



Ethnic Intimidation


After thinking about the concept of ethinic intimidation in which one of the criteria is that one race (causcasion) PAYS another race(African American) to abuse members of their own race(African American).

Which is the REAL REASON wht I have NOT gotten a REAL JOB as an African American; The REAL JOBS are only reserved for African Americans who abuse African Americans; thus why those African Americans reading this NOW can identify; because they KNOW thier REAL JOB is to make sure that African Americans who don't COOPERATE do not rise in the society of the race paying their salary; Society is the proof; especially the 2008 election.

The Caucasion radio talk show hosts verified ethnic intimidation by the person in a lead positin in an African American role from the 2008 election-BUT IN ACUTUALITY THEY ARE NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN; the Caucasion males kept saying and asking; but isn't that going to be NEGATIVE against African Americans; or But that will attack African Americans or the poor wrongly; PRECISELY; the objective and EVERTYHING ELSE will line up with ethinic intimidation concerning that administrations policies; being that the first that are effected negatively are usually African Americans.

Not to mention that after court that I have NEVER seen a healthy; wealthy African American walking infront of anybody to communicate that that is what a Caucasion has to do to get their wealth; closes thing to it is MARTHA STEWART-in order for her to be inniated; she had to do what African Americans who don't yeild to participating in ethnic intimidation; have to do; be put into confinement.
After thinking about the concept of ethinic intimidation in which one of the criteria is that one race (causcasion) PAYS another race(African American) to abuse members of their own race(African American).

The United States Constitution does not say that in order for a person to prosper; earn a living; make money that they have to participate in ethinic intimidation in which one race (causcasion) PAYS another race(African American) to abuse members of their own race(African American); if the African American wants a job; and the sad thing about it is that they put the whole concept out front for the whole world to see; but most don't know what they are looking at; sort of like with AMBUSH singing; especially when looking at 2008 authority performaces on television.



Ambush singing

Ambush singing is the new thing in the United States; everybody seeems to be in AWE!
and thinks it is amazing; BUT imagine if there were people who were organized to not sing; but the harass one particular person; would that be so awsome then; That has basically been my life; which is basically what ethnic intimidation is: Organized harassment by individuals secretly preselected by people who present themselves as squeeky clean to society.

AMBUSH of any kind is abuse; even AMBUSH SINGING; when those people who were eating on the mall saw people singing like they were at an opera; the people who were doing the ambush singing were violating the mall patrons privacy rights; not to mention forcing them into a situation regardless of their desire to participate; which is technically a form of slavery; It is not a good thing; Now if it is done to/for a person for a special occasion that someone who is in good standing with that one person and done for the good; then it may be okay; But to force a new mindset on a group of people is some type of violation if nothing else other than it is interferring with a person's right to liberty; it forces people into confining type situations; etc..

In fact just experienced an ambush; forced to witness and participate in a swearing in of a judge who stole 13 years of back child support; one of those imprompto activities (reorganized by continuation on the court calender)=varification=on the newstand outside-day of court case-Winston-Salem Journal had a paper= about "It's a Win"; but it must be an old paper because none of today's paper's had that headline
in the newspaper stands=?; which they think they are making me participate; suppose to be my giving permission for them to rob me; which is a lie; along with everyone who participated; forced me to participate; I prayed before going into court that God would let death seize upon all who participated/are participating in trying to force me to participate in the illegal/ilmoral activity.

Someone once told me; I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE in a situation; kind of know how they feel!!!!!; especially concerning BASTARDS who abuse and call their self taking over another's right(s) to choose by FORCING them into social situations; AND I PRAY THAT ALL WHO PARTICIPATED TO DO THE "ROBBING THING"; THAT IT HAPPENS TO THEM QUICKLY; OF coarse while God's Blesses the m.fockers.

So remember every time they+=? take away your right to chose by FORCING you into a situation/AMBUSH singing; that is the beginning of them taking away your right to choose on higher levels; first it is your right to sit and enjoy a meal; or your right to sit in a courtroom without paraticipating in the swearing in or a judge who has previously violated your rights;SO LET IT BE KNOWN THAT I AM NOT IN AGREEMENT TO THAT JUDGE BEING SWORN IN; MAY GOD IMMEDIATELY FIX IT SO THAT THE JUDGE IS IMMEDIATELY UNSEATED AS UNFIT TO BE A JUDGE!!!!! AM I BEING CLEAR???? NO! AGAIN MAY GOD UNSEAT THE JUDGE THAT ROBBED THE THIRTEEN YEARS OF BACK CHILDSUPPORT BE IMMEDIATELY UNSEATED AND MAY ALL CHILDREN THAT THAT JUDGE HELPED TO ROB OVERCOME ALL FORMS OF FEARS AND LET THAT JUDGE KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE ROBBED; of course while God blesses the MF judge;also STRANGELY the same judge spoke at graduation ceremony of the person who they stole the thirteen years of back child support; think ?????????????????????


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