Saturday, January 15, 2011


Title 42 § 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights

This is being printed because of monitoring of information ; also while walking from near Hanes Mall to First Street; ?????? harassment=?????

Thought it was interesting that for Title 42§ 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights, the number the one dealing with "DEPRIVING PERSONS OF RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES" was last/number three.

And solution to ALL females who Know system being used to separate /pimp you to your man or vice versa; attack any female that you know has a man that belongs to anther person; if they can attack you/your relationship; you can attack the relationship that they allow; when I say attack; don't mean physically; there are other ways; look at what they are doing to you; teaching you EXACTLY what to do to the women who they lift up to men ( the ones prostituting themselves to have a husband-guess that would mean anyone who is a wive based on ilmoral standards-they are not hard to spot). Just kidding? Socialpeacest


January 15, 2011

Amended Appeal

Therefore plaintiff submits a request for an appeal-denouncing the pre-established

qualifications associated with the 13th day of the month and that the authority to file a

surreply are facts and the laws of a suit based upon the United States Constitution; and

for the (c)ourts to know of "NO Authority" to establish a right violates the United States

Constitution; The whole concept of the United States Constitution is based on securing

rights of citizens of the United States; to deny a citizen of the United States those rights is

in violation of Title 28 G. S. 1343. Civil rights.

Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, and John D. Rockerfeller were all guilty

of a "surreply" [court-CAN’T file a reply to an objection] in which all of society NOW

enjoys the benefits of their surreply; therefore since "the court knows of NO authority to

file a surreply, based on an issue as simple as a matter of law; the plaintiff submits

without viewing the decades of files associated with the 13th day of any month, that the

individuals were suffering from some form of surreply, not because it was an actual

surreply, but because they did not meet the qualifications to prevent their issue (even as

simple an issue as a matter of law from being classified as a surreply); The United States

Codes[title 28 G.S. 1343 (Authorize the District Courts authority to establish the rights

Title 8 G. S. 49)].

Plaintiff is a citizen of the United States at birth (Title 8 § 1401. Nationals and citizens of

United States at birth ); and as a citizen demand a jury trial through the Courts of the

United States within the original jurisdiction (case associated with the Employment

Security Commission is not allowed to be transferred) W-S, N. C.

[Title 18 G. S. 1425- Procurement of citizenship or naturalization unlawfully].

At present plaintiff is being intimidated with confinement if plaintiff gets a job/works/

earn a living NOT associated with illegal behavior; Plaintiff is entitled to redress the

deprivation, under color of any state law, statute ordinance, regulation, custom or usage

of any right, privilege or immunity secured by the Constitution of the United States or by

any Acts of Congress providing the equal Rights of Citizens or of all person within the

jurisdiction of the United States and to have abuses addressed and to recover from the

damages through the United States Courts:

Judiciary and Judicial Procedures state that[the District Courts have original jurisdiction

of ANY Civil Action commenced by a person Title 28 G. S. 1343:

1. To recover damages for injury to his person or property or because of deprivation of

any right or privilege of a citizen of the United States by any act done in furtherance of

any conspiracy mention in section 47 of Title 8; [49A-Proceedings in vindication of Civil


2. To recover damages from any person who fails to prevent or to aid in preventing

any wrongs mentioned in Section 47 of Title 8 which he had knowledge of were about to

occur and power to prevent-Church/attorney-O.

3. To redress the deprivation, under color of any state law, statute ordinance,

regulation, custom or usage of any right, privilege or immunity secured by the

Constitution of the United States or by any Acts of Congress providing the equal Rights

of Citizens or of all person within the jurisdiction of the United States.

Plaintiff has a right to have an action for the recovery of damages occasioned by such

injury or deprivation, against any one or more of the conspirators. (Title 42 § 1985) in

which the pathway for an action was established by the United States Constitution which

states that, “In Suits at common law where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty

dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved”.

be getting a job; IF anything negative happens; it is because plaintiff is

working versus yielding to ethnic intimidation and forced assimilation.

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