Friday, January 28, 2011


Dennis Mill Radio Show


Dennis Miller Radio Show 600 A.m.; white male called in and was venting because of a person who was 52 years of age, but only making 300 dollars a week for 52 weeks, which is 15,000 a year. Dennis Miller told him that part of it was his fault could have made more money than that; then Dennis Miller said, it remainded him of the person standing on the corner with a sign and a very clerver sign to get people to donate to him; dennis Miller said in his thinking if you are clever enouoght to make that kind of sign then you are clever enouoght to get a job. Then he said, "that he would like to stop and ask the guy what's up?;ask him to give him some insight into what's really going on"; be he doesn't because America frowns on people that instead of giving the person some money. Dennis Miller said to him if the person was smart enough to make a sign begging for money; then they were clever enough to get a job.

What Dennis Miller doesn't know is that the guy problably was threaten that if he did get a job; there would be negative consequences; with the job market the way it is today; few=should be easy to understand; that group/who think they are God controls the job market; and only those who are working for them; usually selling their soul in some manner are allowed to have a job; like buddy, buddy; but a whole lot lopsided. And I know African Americans are threaten with confinement if they get a job. Most people instead of trying to explain either one of those situations to someone would rather just get a sign and collect money and I am willing to bet you that some people who want to get a sign and collect money aren't even allowed to do that or they are threaten with confinement; etc...


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