Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Exchange/SCAN - Winston Salem, NC


At the front desk at the local CSR branch library there  has been placed a basket with blue ribbons from Exchange Scan [who was one of the first organizations that I went to to try and get help when child of three years of age came home with blood in their vigina][got the run arround].[Later firgured out the reason for the run around was because was not a PET[dog]/slave/informant/prostitute [take your choice]];was not allowed access to the resources [means problem solved][that way person have to keep going to other agencies to get help][pass the bastard around from organization to organization[but whatever is done; make sure they do not get any help that will solve their problem because that means money out of the organizations pocket as well as allows the person to move on in life]; in orther words it is a system  where African American[s]; especially local African American[s] have been given a pre-assigned worth valuation [they have been given a pre-assigned worth/value].  Either the African American is allowed to make money or the African American is to be used to make money off of.

The fact that the ribbon is royal blue in the basket at Exchange Scan may have something to do with the fact that the guy who wanted to date is a Duke fan and Duke[s] color are royal blue AND about two month[s] ago the city issue NEW royal blue RECYCLE bin[s].  Exchange Scan mission is: "To prevent and treat child abuse in North Carolina". At CSR branch library the have a sign up that says "April is child abuse prevention month; please wear a blue ribbon for the children."

Thus upon coming to CSR branch library and Fed Ex truck made presence known; the driver of the Fed Ex truck [appx.10:30 am] is connected to any thing happening AND Exchange Scan.  Driver of Fed Ex truck was a male of the larger society; Exchange Scan has somebody in organization that is connected with the males of the larger society who develop specific system[s] for specific individual[s] to communicate specific messages; KNOW that the director at CSR branch library already understand[s] that she is a slave and does not question anything that males of the larger society do or want to do to any African American child or adult; male or female [scary].  The same system/spirit/mindset that existed when was seeking help for a three year old child is the same system; new version.

Anything happening to any child associated; Exchange Scan, Fed Ex, CSR branch library; authority [vehicle white with blue white stripes-everytime talk to Malcom] involved.  What is the purpose of having to wear a ribbon; to communicate don't hurt any children. Is the only way for children not to be hurt is for me to wear a ribbon=then something is real wrong. Society expects that "All" the above orginazations [employees] should and expect that children would be protected and not harmed; but then again that is a good cover up. People take their child to places that they expect protection and get the opposite; who could or would they be able to tell; only those in the club; informants, prostitutes, participating in ethnic intimidation, cultural genocide, forced assimilation would be allowed to get any type of local relief.

Personally it would be nice if Exchange Scan could do what they should have done over twenty-five years ago.


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