Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Side show to hide what is really going on [Glenn Beck] 4/11/12][am show]

Ask library staff almost half an hour a ago how to access community library page; the 5th street library is  advertising for people in the commmunity to post their story.  Librarian came back an hour later with an address [] where "ACCESS DENIED came up; but 5th Street public librarian could get to website; where librarian said to check with Maryln Newman= the website person; she will have to check and find out why; Librarian 5th Street also said that the URL address had changed=!=lie=African American[s] are denied access to website[s] so that Caucasian folk won't get upset  reading African American stories about what is really being done to African Americans in the local community in Winston-Salem, N. C..

Also lot of  people with the name of Maryln [sp] with job[s] appearing=?
After going to a f—m [HICKORY]; where person [switzer][GERMAN] name hired Lala
 [African American male] who participated in the killing of a goat where the son of an African cut the throat of the goat and  Lala held the feet; where Lala said that he did not know he was going to participate in the killing of the goat; that the African who was the one to cut the throat of the goat was the son the African that was introduced to me the first day that I went to the f—rm=?;

The first day that went to the farm; was placed in a corner where a white utility truck had been put and upon getting out of the truck; there was a white sheet of paper placed so that when person got out of truck; they saw the white sheet of paper; message all money made belongs in white society.

The killing of the goat –African son cut throat of goat held by African American male-is the equivalent of killing African  American male[s] son[s]; and the fact that Lala know[s] lot of people on liberty street; also symbolic of killing African American males son liberty.  The fact that person who manages farm  has brown color; but German name –only people who attack African American[s] heritage/money allowed to make money.

Coast to coast spoke of the abuse of money system whereby  those in charge of money; stealing people money by the billion[s] and the need to go back to a gold based system.
What none of the Caucasian males who understand whose money is being takeb-African Americans; ever state is that those in charge-Caucasian males are stealing African American money.

Concept goes hand in hand with person who volunteered with for fifteen year[s] who said it was strange that their son and daughter both had children by GERMANS; and add that to the fact that sibling[s] name is GERMAN. cultural genocide?
Which goes back to [second time writng the first time disappeared while writing.

Why would the head person raised by Caucasian[s] want to identify with a dead African American male


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