Monday, April 09, 2012
Got the the Prosperity Center-eartly this morning-to see if fax response was sent back from North Carolina ACLU. The meassage of encouragment put on the board by African American female worker at Prosperity Center = "The best success comes after dissapointments". [mispelled word]= WORKING as an employee helping other people to find a job; more like-as long as person is part of the in crowd group can get a job; spelling or not. [Please forgive all bad spelling on blog[usually put [sp] when spelling us wrong][ and usually don't have the luxury to look up correct spellings.]
The fax repsonse that was given to me from the Prosperity Center people from the ACLU that was sent on 4/6/12 was : This file was deleted due to electruic power failure. Power Failure time: 5:10 pm; Time fax was sent was 4:55pm=???? [whose power failure]?. Sent same fax [copy] to ACLU New York Office and it went through with no problem=!