Thursday, March 29, 2012


"JetBlue Pilot Clayton Osbon's Unraveling Baffles Friends "

Two Things:
1.  Do remember blogging about the fact that Sept. 11, 2001 was done to introduce the concept of
terr-rism to the United States public; and the concept was to be used to associate with African
American males/court[s]; Glenn Beck said; "why Trayvon Martin; why has there been no attention
to the 40 people who were physically abused on St. Patrick[s] day; why did not the head of
the United States say something about that; I will tell you why; Glenn Beck said; because Trayvon
Martin serves their purpose; the other 40 people do not serve their agenda. The NEW Black P-nthers
leader [who whether he know it or not has been or is being integrated into the society of males of the
larger society].  The first Black P-nther party was one whose goal [whether they knew it or not]was to
really  protect real African American[s] who were not serving males of the larger society agenda; the current
NEW Black P-nther party agenda was created by and being directed by males of the larger society;in secret.
Why no response to certain activities[voting booth][have to develop reputation].
2. The Jet BLUE pilot who all of a sudden turned mental possible cause is his medication is going to be looked into.  Code to those in Winston-Salem how to treat or threat of harassment; or messing with the
medication or what they can do concerning those [African American][males] who do not do what they
[males of the larger society say]. At same time interesting that the incident took place at "RICHmond Hill, Ga.; key word RICH. [possible code]; media is used to harassment, intimidate and used as a form of mind control over certain individuals. [They probably put something in the pilot[s] medicine]
Pss. Martin is code for group in Winston-Salem that have system of robbery of local African American[s];
Martin[s] son was to be used to raise the group up; but something=? went wrong; example; like Michael
Moore is suppose to represent  young boy who the next group of thiefs are suppose to use to raise their
group up to steal wealth of next group of African American[s].

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