Monday, February 20, 2012


Two Ladies of Honor=?


Sent email to the American Civil Liberties Union from on 2/18/12; checked email and it was gone along with three other email drafts of the  message. gmx or sign on [at public library redirected emial[s]=? connecting to websites and everything else on this computer is operating as if one of the orignal computers of the early 1990's=?

Also everybody knows what happen to Denise Franklin [ ]when she was battled back and forth with a local news television station[think it was channel 12]; most people observed; further inquiry would lead to understanding of how local African American females have to submit to local customs to continue in level of positions before the public. "Denise Franklin became the first African American female to co-anchor local newscasts on WXII Television. She currently works as the General Manager for WFDD FM 88.5 radio station." The articles should be in the Winston-Salem Journal Sentinal; probably not in the Winston-Salem Chronicle because that would be minority supporting minority=not allowed;

"Business woman and entrepreneur Mutter Evans [ ]was the first African American woman to both own and operate a radio station (WAAA) in the United States." which has been closed for at least a decade if not more;there was a big controversey over WAAA[called WTriple A] having to be closed; think it was because of some type of guideline or money issue; either way it closed and when it closed; there is NO radio station that communicates the local news; OH! WSJS where all the anchors are males of "We the People" of the United States who usually give only directed news directed at specific people and situations.

Do know that after WAAA was closed there was no one to report the abuses that take/have taken place in the African American community. Still isn't. And may the Supreme Most High God have mercy on innocent African Americans who seek refuge in the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library; if I have a degree; gradated with honors and the bastards still have a marquee up with "name" of a local person/with Bride magazine/covered with a magazine about darkness[and this is after I have informed and made a complaint to all of the higher officials connected to the library and some official outside of the library; imagine what they do to African americans with little to not education.


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