Monday, November 14, 2011



7118 [white male] [license plate]stopped at corner coming out of 14ACOUS neighborhood=?[tried to wait for me to cross street; I waited until he made a right hand turn onto Carver Road[street on the left had side just before the WSFC Carver School Road library] Upon getting to the library there were two 14ACOUS  females[prostitues in disguise]  that were at the top of stairs[way I ususally go] (as if to say follow us) and there were about five OCOUS at top of stairs at side door of Forsyth Tech Mazie Woodruff Center beside some kind of "hertz"[name of rental company located on MLK near the new business center for 14ACOUS training before getting started in business] machine [where 14ACOUS were sitting]; then upon walking around the Forsyth Tech Mazie Woodruff Center there was parked at the next entrance a white van[empty] with "electric" on it with an empty mercedis parked behind it [witchcraft] ater going to dinner on 11/13/11[have blogged the the number 13 many a times; part of court case; know the number 13 is used to communicate to OCOUS something about 14ACOUS]; walking up to WSFC CSR library on the door is a happy thanksgiving sign=lime green like the place mats on table of person's house on CSR where I ate dinner;  the sign said, "HAPPY THANKSGIVING"; then upon coming into the library [one magazine about "drug addiction" on the floor at the entrance of the 2nd library door]; upon coming into the library there is a NEW person at the WSFC CSR library [an African American male=?][that is African from African].

Message=because I went to dinner with [Malcom in the Middle][Malcom and Eddie]etc. a guy name Malcom who is on a kidney machine taking dialysis[A Medical procedure in which this technique of molecular separation is used to remove metabolic waste products or toxic substances from the blood. Dialysis is required for individuals with severe kidney failure.]ttp://

Interesingly Malcom on Dialysis also worked with a guy by the name of EDDIE about the time the television movie Malcom and Eddie came out=?
CODE=???=possible=you have hit the jackpot=help OCOUS to help kill or cause Malcom[like the African American males who would be future Malcom X's][standing up for the culture/hertiage/rights of African American to exercise their inalienable rights vs having to follow directives and you can enjoy being given the directives of males of the larger society to tell you what to do to make sure that the African American  male never reaches their full potential to protect the culture and heritiage of African Americans while you help the males of the larger society tear the African American culture/heritage down and in the meantime the males of the larger society will put in African males from Africa  as a fill in so it will not be so noticeable;=Person who's  house I ate dinner ate=goes to the same church where aunt and cousin and the guy who worked with the guy who wanted to date me [who moved out and person who drove authority car moved into the house behind me] goes, where the pastor is an African male whose whole congregation is African Americans who are being used to tear down the African American community to replace it with Africans from Africa . As long as the African Americans [male and female] help to rob from the African American people, the males of the larger society [authority] leave them alone [as long as they follow the directives of the males of the larger society=??]

ANSWER TO QUESTION=WHEN males of the larger society follow the directives of African American males; which include telling the males of the larger society, who they can and can't have in their life, what they can and can't do, who they can and can't be with.

Until then my prayer request to those of you who know prayer is that God will reveal if this is the United States based upon the United States Constitution or if this is the United States before the United States Constitution was written; then that the Supreme Most High God [over all of man's systems] will instruct me of how to live and prosper as a  person who does not or will ever have to follow directives of males of the larger society regardless of which United States exists to the point that all those who are following the directives of males of the larger society are revealed to set free those in bondage that want to follow the directives of the Supreme Most High God and that God will give lead and guide them[people who want to be set free from bondages] and give them [people who want to be set free from bondages] protection from those who try and force them to follow directives and if all else fails, as son[tricked into being gay[he and his partner] of person where dinner was eaten on 11/13/11 said, "Carver Road is like Country Club Road[where all of the white rich people live] almost like a gated community=confirms what the African American guy said last week=the authorities would not allow him to come onto Carver Road; guess that means that there are a lot of streets that are being used in secret, where the general public isn't allowed where males of the larger society in authority force the females in the neighborhood into serving males of the larger society [in a negative manner].

To the next situation in church,also on Carver Road;except this situation goes back to 1991 [when my brother was murdered and authrities never figured out who did it]; three females who sit in the back of me ; and two of the females husbands=[both have been married for a long time]-Evon Rucker and Buddy Rucker; Neice Rucker/married name and her husband; and Neice's best friend-female.  For the second week; Neice has taken her purse and hit me hard enough to knock me down; person in charge of church and the temporary pastor saw her this Sunday past=Neice, Evon, Buddy  all use to live or be in the area where my brother was murdered question is what is their connection[they KNOW something].Interesting also that these females keep hitting me with their PURSE=MESSAGE=equal you don't make no MONEY unless you are a prostitute for males of the larger society=excuse me=but wasn't that what slavery was all about; MONEY; thought the civil war settled that African Americans can make make their own MONEY without having to follow the directives of the slave master=????? which means that making MONEY for anybody who wants to work should not be a problem regardless of color including not having to follow directives to be able to work without inturruption/harassment and abuse for not following directives.

Swn8384[Licence plate of African American male who turned around in M------'s driveway] day after going to dinner with his mother's [from New York City] who called her cousin who has the name of the guy who wanted to date me]friend.  The mother's friend, son[by marriage] got married the week before [ called their cousin who has my name]=too coincidental along witht he fact that Malcomn's mother friend worked for Reynold's Health center for over thirty years and is retired[who did a lot of different things in the spirit realm that she thinks that I wasn't aware of]=????

The Malcomn and Eddie show/s sort of like the BERNIE MAC Show=way to communicate to bastards who are robbing people of their lives of what the person who will not follow directives for the African American community is doing.  That way those who give directives know what directives to give to people to ensure that no progress in the African American community is made.


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