Saturday, October 22, 2011


Library Rights Restored=But what about my Constitutional Rights, other rights, etc.Who restores them and WHEN!!!!!


Another dum a-ss=on 10/20/11 some of the high officals at the local public library had a meeting [after one of them was called asking their intervention of the abuse by library staff][On 10/18/11[PUBLIC RECORD]; the person that I called was appalled/shocked that the library staff would do such[told me to RECORD EVERYTHING;DOCUMENT/DOCUMENT/DOCUMENT][that national organizations etc. should be called; all kinds of investigations should take place][GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING][that everything said and done by public official is recorded and is PUBLIC,etc.]

That was before the meeting of 10/20/11[key=TWO=CONCEPT AGAIN [the person that I was talking to was an African Amrican male and between the time before and after the meeting they changed into one of them THANGS=??? Meaning that after the meeting "I was informed that my "RIGHTS HAD BEEN RESTORED" at the library; that the library could not give them a good reason for all the things that I informed him that they were doing and then he said and the library staff is scared of you. Scared of me=don't understand how that could be=?Said because of the way that you ASK QUESTIONS=SAME REASON THAT MY EX-EMPLOYER DISMISSED FROM WORK=because I ASKED A QUESTION= which really seems to be COINCIDENTAL=COINCIDENCE IS THAT THE LIBRARY'S COMPUTER SYSTEM IS THE SAME NAME OF MY EX-EMPLOYER= S.A.M.=?? That SMART ACCESS MANAGER[meaning for Black people who come to the library on a regular basis people of the larger society will determine how much and when you can have access to the internet.

What else is interesting is that the library, ex-employer and those who work for the United States of America in authority[authority cars, ect.=SAM]Quite coincidental?

After the meeting the elected official [just spoke to him on the phone] informed me that my rights had been restored;when I asked= could I get something in writing=then it was "WHY DO YOU NEED SOMETHING IN WRITING=?" TOLD HIM I WAS FOLLOWING HIS INSTRUCTIONS=GET "EVERYTHING" IN WRITING.

Amazing how a two hour meeting can change somebody’s mind:

Email that was sent to the council member before 2:00 pm as requested that did not get there until the next day[I re-sent email][TWO CONCEPT] is as follows:

To: Mr. D----- --t-s
C----y -an----

Following is a copy of email sent to:


To: ---t-- ----h---
C---- ----i---o---

Re: Communications/Winston-Salem Forsyth County Library

1. Year 2000 and prior began to notice that all the computers that the library staff assigned me to; were to computer stations “D”; [signed statements by library staff to verify that I had been assigned to computer “D”];[ did not put in email that it occurred at every library that I went to; and it started right after my brother had been murdered];

2. Then computer system was later switched over to S.A.M. [Smart Access Manager];

3. Following are some of the communications that would be available:

a. 7-29-04 [Notarized letter to S------ ---l--] ; Re: Access to Internet concerning that fines had been paid on]
b. 1-07-06 [letter] [statement that it is okay to sit with another person at a computer; from N. C. Room];
d. 3-19-07 [copy] Access denied to [WSFC Library];
e. 4-05-07 [copy] Access denied to {WSFC Library];
g. 7-23-08 [copy][Prayer request to Schambach Ministries about WSFC library][internet]
h. 7-29-08 [copy] Prayer request about WSFC library][internet];
i. 8-04-08 [copy] [Prayer request about WSFC library][internet][access to blog];
j. 8-12-08 [copy] [Prayer request to Schambach Ministries about WSFC library][internet];
k. 8-25-08 [copy] [Prayer request to Schambach Ministries about WSFC library][internet][not having access to the internet computers at the WSFC Library];
l. 8-025-08 [copy/blog] [WSFC librarian had messed up computer at 5th St. Library; and that after librarian changed something could not put video on the internet];
m. 9-22-08 [letter to -----o –o- –Internet Technology][ Blog- No Access];
n. 9-28-08 [copy of reference sheet][given by Charlene-Carver School Road Library][government information is on internet or downtown library ONLY];
o. 10-28-08 [letter to Ms. -----a ---l-- –Re: Requesting Access to Any Program or Activity based upon the Library Technology Act][14page letter];
p. 12-22-08 [copy][Community Service Work Program placement/verification /schedule/form][signed by -------h ---n---][have a letter also];
q. 2-17-09 [copy] [Status Blocked-cards/blog][WSFC Library];
s. 2-08-10 [statement][Question]
1-15-11 [letter] [Security Guard][“I find this library patron to be observant and find her to her very interested in research; computers, very courteous, Signed__________ security retired, Forsyth county Public Library-22years of Service];
u. 2-16-11 [email to Mr. -----y ----s/C----- -----e-][requested inquiry as to cause of incident on 12/06/10];
v.3-28-11 [letter][---y -----e][requesting return of books or money after turning in two books that had been previously paid for; but wanted to return the books and get money back, after turning books in and being told that I could get money back][library staff then told me I could not have neither the books or the money];
w. 3-31-11[letter][ -----y ----s/-----y ------r][requesting access to WSFC libraries without intimidation];
x. 4-29-11 [copy][Access denied to a WSFC Library Page] ["Access to the requested website has been denied based on your user profile and organization’s Internet Usage Policy"][checked on 4/29/11 and was told by library staff that my user profile was at the highest level; no blocks];
5-16-11 [response] From Mr. -----y ----s] [“Sorry for delay in responding to your, letter of 3-31-11. You are allowed to use all of the library facilities without intimidation. I hope you will find enjoyment at them. Please follow rules and be courteous to others and let me know :1 your are intimidated. Signed Dudly Watts/County Manager][did write letter of response to Mr. -----y ----s that I had sent him a letter about the incident in February of 2011];
6-11-11[letter] to Mr. -----y ----s][Re: Librarian, ---o- called security after I casually mentioned that I had been waiting for over ten minutes but immediately waited on a Caucasian female while I was still waiting for service][also mentioned that as a result that I wasn’t able to access the needed info at the 5th Street Library];
10/5/11[unsigned letter][Ms. ------s][requesting that I speak to Ms. -----n before returning to the library after asking if there would be painting in the building so that I could remove myself from the area].
Have yet to speak with Mr. ----t and request a copy of the letter/info that he gave to you; would appreciate your asking him to send me a copy.

Thank You,
Citizen of Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, D. W./-----y ------r

The council member did say that the situation had been going on for a long time ([from my perspective-it was probably going on a long time before I noticed it]; I noticed it when the library staff kept putting me on computer “D” after my brother had been murdered.) I asked the council member when would it stopped after I explained that my library rights may have been restored; but that I couldn’t work on the computers; every time I typed something it disappeared; and that it would take an hour to do something that should only take about fifteen minutes; that is when the council man told me to go the library desk and ask for assistance and I told them that would be like adding fuel to the fire after you have told me that they are scared of me because I ask questions; told them that I only know how to ask questions. Council member said well, No!, you can go and ask questions, told council member; don’t think so because If I am on the only one going to ask about computers-something is wrong; why is that nobody else is going to ask about the computers, etc. why aren’t the computers messing up on other people and to me that is a little strange; that my library rights may have been restored but my right to use the internet [to work] has not been restored. Then there was interference with the phone line=????[phone hung up].

If the councilmen want to make a deal that is fine; but do not make a deal that takes from me; I get NO comfort from seeing TWO black males on the front of the library cover page=NONE-{especially knowing they are there for negative reasons}; NONE of the black males have lost sleep; their health, have stressed to the point depression, suffered job lost; no job; harassed, intimidated, abuse [psycololigical, etc.] stayed in a house for over two years with no water, no lights, cold, having figure out what was to eat day to day while the in house niggers looked o n-NONE of them-Somebody else is going to be paid for my suffering=don’t think so.[let them suffer for themselves][word to wise]. I WANT MY MONEY. AND TARA [TERROR][WOOD=] GOD said, “YOU got children TOO=HE KNOWS HOW TO TERRORIZE ASLO”.

Bet you white people wouldn’t go for paying their relatives when they have been abused; they would say, You caused me to suffer; pay me; not my family, siblings or race of people; pay me for what you did to me; not other people]=final word=!!!!!!!!!!!! My daddy said, I AM NOT BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!![and you know he LOVED Black people].


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