Thursday, October 06, 2011


Do not touch the back of the computer or I will put you out!!


Upon going to one of the local city recreation centers to access the internet; prior to going into the center; called various prayer lines to request prayer that all negative situations would be eliminated before I went into the recreation center. Was told by director of the recreation center that I HAVE to sign in; told them that would not be a problem; then after the recreation center director opened the computer lab door and tried to sign on to the computer=nothing happen at the computer I was on; so called the director of the recreation center-who went to another computer and said this one will work; use this one [the director said; don't understand-they had a class last night and ALL of the computer's worked.]

So in an attempt to figure out why the computer did not work; looked in the back and was told by the director that if I went to the back of the computers that they would put me out of the recreation center; to use one of the other computers. So there I sat, knowing that there was a reason for the NEW computer [that I was sitting at] not working with the threat of being put out of the recreation center; if I looked in the back of the computer. So I prayed and just sat [thinking that the computers may be new; but the system of operation[harassment] was the same. Asked the director to please call and find out what was wrong with the computer;the director said use another one that the city workers are not allowed to call in concerning the computers anymore; the person has to call in; so I called City LInk; who then called the director of the recreation center; who told the person at City Link that ALL of the computers were working; so while I had the City Link person on the phone asked the director about the computer I was sitting at why it wasn't working while the person from city link listened to the conversation over the phone; the director said; this one is working; use this one; then added I know that you gave them problems at the other recreation center with the computers and about signing in=?[where did that come from].

The city link person asked me to just use the computer that was up; and I said; that I should be able to use any of the computers; not just ONLY one.
After sitting for about thirty minutes; praying; one of the younger people who use the computers came in and I asked them to show me how to use the computers and the younger person went to the BACK of the comuter and turned the computer on. That's how you turn the computer on -in the BACK of the computer. So thinking the director KNEW that to turn the computer on=have to go to the BACK of the computer. So evidently someone wanted to ensure that they controlled me=by placing me at a computer that I didn't select but that they selected[symbolic of how they force African Americans tto yield thier African American heritage]=thus the threat of putting me out of the recreation center if I did anything at the "BACK" of the computer, which if I turned the computer on [would have meant that I went in the back of the computer=thus would have been put out of the recreation center] vs=when the young person came and went to the BACK of the computer and turned the computer on=means that somebody else turned the computer on; not me][in other words the "off and on switch for the computer is located in the BACK" of the computer].

After the young person turned on the computer went and told the director of the recreation center that the young person had turned on the computer by going to the "BACK" of the computer and turning it on. Then the director of the recreation center came behind me and saw that the computer was on and that is when I informed the director of the recreation center that the sign in sheet at the other location was different from the sign in sheet at their recreation center. AT the other recreation center the person had to put their full name, address and phone number and that at their location the person had to put the date, their name, and time they signed in. The director of the recreation center said; [BIG DIFFEREANCE].

Which means that,especially since the director of the recreation center boss showed up=that my computer activities are being monitored[which I already knew]. While posting this blog-manager of the director of recreation center came in and yelled hello-[called my name][how are you]; so I got up went outside the computer lab to see who was calling me by name; like they were my old chum=the boss of the director of the recreation center=??? when I asked where did I know him from; he informed me that he had met me before; stold him didn't think so; because I am usually good with faces; then he said yea and I talked to you over the phone at one of the local recreation centers [they gave name of recreation center]. Told him I remember the conversation but that I had never met them because they were so nice, and I was really usually very good with faces.

On October 4, 2011 after I asked if there would be painting at the local branch and in what area [because of sensitivity to paint fumes];the manager of the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library gave me a letter that states:


Due to the concerns you have raised about issues at the Local[name of library] branch library=, we need for you to speak to the library director,________________________-, BEFORE returning to the branch.=????

Called the boss over the director; not available ; spoke to someone else-male of the larger society; who said they called the director of the library; The boss over the direction then said it was okay for me to use the library; did not have to leave the library and situation was over. Went to the manager of the local library[make sure situation was clear] and the manager of the local library [African American female] informed me that I would not be using the library until I speak to their boss the director of the library[African American female]. Called the boss of the director back and informed them of what the manager of the local branch said; that I would not use the local library until speaking to the director of the library=?

Then the boss of the director asked-why don't you just speak to the director of the library and sit down and discuss the situation and that will be the end of it; then you can use the library; told them no thank you; that the reason that I had gotten in touch with the boss [of the boss of the director][over the person that I was talking to] was because of the results from the director of the library which included them trying to put me in a community service program without a court hearing and for me to consider myself lucky[wms].Told the boss of the director of the library tthat I had contacted various officals over the director of the library concerning the director of the library's results, which included a letter that I have yet to recieve an answer to [unless more harassment was an answer] and that their boss[person I was speaking to] had given me a letter of apology in 6/2011 for the harassment and intimidation [which I thought was over];That if they visited certain library branches that they would find that the library has made advertisment with my name on it that says "check out" and on the far right corner two magazines [ bride covered by a second magazine darkness][and that they went to 311[kkk][made a left on to Carver School Road; they would see an advertisment [MILISSA] all African American females on the billboard[message to milissa=stick together with the other African American females who are helping males of the larger soceity][which provides psychological support to the malissa in the area to continue to WORK for males of the lareger soeicety by
continuing to harass/intimidate and psychologically abuse African Americans. Don't know if the boss of the director of the library took advantage of that opportunity.

Tried to explain to the boss of the director of the library that something is VERY wrong when the boss told me that they spoke to the director of the library and the manager of the local library and that I can use the library and the situation is over and THEN the manager of the local library[an employee tells me different[think they call that not following instructions]; that's like the student telling the teaching what they will not do=????

Also called the person that I had talked to prior to the head boss giving me a letter apologizing for the intimidation and harassment by library staff and asked them if they could please call head boss and the boss of the director of the library and please inform them that I had called them and requested information about how to proceed because of the mistreatment by the personnel at the local and main library. In which the person told me to contact the director of the library and that is when I expressed great concern about contacting the director of the library because there were no good results[to the point that the director tried to put me in community service and communicate about LUCK. The person that I had talked to prior to the head boss giving me a letter apologizing for the intimidation and harassment by library said that they would call the head boss and confirm my concerns about speaking to/with the director of the library.

Also called the bosses boss of the director of the library and informed them that the person I had talked to about concerns about speaking to the director of the library would be/should be calling them soon.

Message=same as ex-employers-[who the city employees are members of] DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!!!=PUNISHMENT=???? At the time did not see any workers; later on all the workers were MALES of the LARGER SOCIETY=? person that gave me the letter [UNSIGNED] was an African American female; person in charge of the local branch is an AFrican American female; person that is the director of the entire library is an African American female=?

So because of two AFrican American females who are practing Ethnic Intimidation [working for males of the larger society][paid to intimidate African American females do not work for males of the larger society] to the point that PAULA [representative of the African American female who works for males of the larger society who was dating the guy who wants to date me-by putting me out of the library while PAULA was at work=suppose to be symbolic in spirit realm] was hired at local library branch to try to intimidate me into not dating the guy. Why is the manager of the local library and the director of the library interested in my personal relationship=????WHY=??? Could it be because males of the larger society control them and OH that is part of their job to protect the romantic relationship of one of their buddies[like a secret club][????].

Spoke to a prophet who informed me that "ANYBODY" who touches ANYTHING that belongs to a CHILD OF GOD will receive DEATH; and they said that when they encounter people who do; they have no problem pronouncing DEATH on the person; but let's them know that they have the option to REPENT; they say they usually give them two months to REPENT and then they said they tell the person if they don't they can expect DEATH by the end of the two months. Which really is verification of all the scriptures that I have posted prior to.

And unlike the prophet who said they give people two months to REPENT; I am giving the people two seconds to REPENT-because of the DECADES of abuse; So NOW in the authority of the SUPREME MOST HIGH GOD- please be informed that all involved who do not REPENT have exactly two seconds to REPENT[know their communication systems can work faster than two seconds];And NOW in the authority of the SUPREME MOST HIGH GOD
please be informed that because of the serverity of the situation that all involved have two seconds to REPENT of EVER harassing, abusing,robbing etc. spirit posting this blog; if not all those invloved expect DEATH and if RESTORATION of ALL does not occure within two seconds expect DEATH. EXceptions are ONLY for whose NAMES I have called out to the Supreme Most High God previously.[And may the Supreme Most High God have mercy on them; but still kick their behind-to teach them].

Point is that if you "Do not touch the back of the computer" you cannot turn on the computer=??? You have to touch the back of the computer to turn on the computer; almost like if you WORK and earn an income in a moral manner=????


Being that the recreation centers have brand NEW COMPUTERS and none of them have PRINTER=? am posting email that was sent via [white] that states:

RE: Phone call to me Dudley Watts

To confirm conversation on October5,2011 requesting phone call to Mr. Dudley Watts to confirm previous phone conversation[prior to May/June, 2011] to inquire of procedures concerning mistreatment by the personnel at the local/main library and to confirm that when you suggested that I calll the Director of the Library that at that time I expressed concern about having to contact the Director of the Library because of prior negative results [dolttpicswch]. [electronic signature].


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