Monday, September 26, 2011




Following is a commentary by James. M. Blount, Publisher of "ABOUT TIME" magazine. In the commentary James M. Blount states that there is a continuous need for advocacy for Civil Rights, especially for the people who have been wounded; or who don't have access to resources to cause change for the better for themselves; and especially to hinder powerful forces from assaulting those who society calls helpless in society.

The commentary is as follows:
"Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. talked about the need for continuous advocacy when he wrote his letter from a Birmingham jail during the 1960's. He warned that powerful forces on the national, state and local levels who asked Civil Rights leaders to wait patiently for change and not stir up the waters, really wanted to delay justice. They did not mean to change at a later date, they really meant never."

"Dr. Joseph Lowery, dean of the Civil Rights Movement, says the key to completion is action. Dr. Lowery continues to deliver messages of equality: "Today's calling is not only to stop and help the those that are wounded travel on the Jerico Road, it is to pave the Jerico Road so it will not be convenient to assulting the poor and others as they travel on their life's journey."

"Wade Henderson said, "We [there is more that unites American than that divides America]share common dreams for excellent education for our children, jobs that provide living wages; we share a common belief that one nation working together can build a better world for us all."

February, 2010 issue.[The local Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library no longer carries the magazine [as do not a lot of the other Public libraries [including some areas where the publisher lives].=?[Reason=African American=interrupton in flow=?]

Which brings me to the fact that just left one of the largest churches where African Americans attend in the city; where they have a program for offenders after they come out in which I requested the churches intervention before the fact; along with giving one of the people there the information[who is aware of the murder of my brother] to point out that the powerforce that hindered by daddy behind bars for over 34 years was trying to hinder my prosperity through a constant and continuous form of pursuit and am asking the church to advocate for me/my civil rights so that I can live a life without the constant harassment, intimidation, and any and all other forms of negative pursuits; along with a request for help with water, lights, food, etc..And along with the fact that there was a court case [can one of your attorney's help with case that is to go to the Supreme Court-if church can't help address the issue locally=?] and the fact that if not case will be extended outside of the country [if no local solution and that church should be aware that there are organizations outside of the United States who are watching.

The person wrote the information-put the information in the format that they wanted[left out a whole lot of detail][intentionally] and said they would let the great pastor know when they returned from out of the country[right now they are in Mexico][code[travel to Mexico = good probability that communication=dog out your own kind[African Americans][Ethnic Intimidation][keep quiet]and receive a reward.[Did not inform the great pastor's secretary of that][but did inform the great pastor's secretary that [since they asked if they=??? ever found out who murdered my brother] that just like when teenagers are growing up and parents tell their child be careful who they hang with; that GOD said that there are those who are supporting the same system that murdered my brother [just like with the teenagers who do something wrong even though one of them may have just been with the group and did nothing; when one is caught=all of them is caught:[how they did my nephew-he was with some guys[they controlled]; as a result he was considered as guilty and then offered a plea bargin=work for us and you don't have to do time=Just about all of the African American male population[set them up-trap them [because of nieveness]and them make a deal[secret group working against their own people=if they don't then they have to make time][which usually means control of the race of people[they do other races the same way][they are not major elements of force other than males of the larger society within the United States.]

Also went to other African American organizations asking for an advocate; will be asking for reply's in writing.

Oh Yes; most important is the fact that upon the great pastor's secretary realizing that they were to meet with me=the great pastor's secretary called for the sanitation worker[code to those who have the church wired with camera's etc.=whatever this person says=is trash=so don't worry working for the males of the larger society=no matter what they say=also code to the front desk secretary as well as to the custodian.][All of them Christian=praising the Lord and going to hell; I mean heaven anyhow.][because they serve the males of the larger society who the God who made heaven and earth controls].[personal view=sort of like a joke to see if person/people know who the real God is-God who made heaven and earth or males of the larger society that the God who made heaven and earth have allowed to control a certain portion [which can always change[scripture-God can do what he wants].


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