Monday, September 26, 2011




Following is a link to a list of organizations that came up when "Advocay" as googled.





Following is a commentary by James. M. Blount, Publisher of "ABOUT TIME" magazine. In the commentary James M. Blount states that there is a continuous need for advocacy for Civil Rights, especially for the people who have been wounded; or who don't have access to resources to cause change for the better for themselves; and especially to hinder powerful forces from assaulting those who society calls helpless in society.

The commentary is as follows:
"Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. talked about the need for continuous advocacy when he wrote his letter from a Birmingham jail during the 1960's. He warned that powerful forces on the national, state and local levels who asked Civil Rights leaders to wait patiently for change and not stir up the waters, really wanted to delay justice. They did not mean to change at a later date, they really meant never."

"Dr. Joseph Lowery, dean of the Civil Rights Movement, says the key to completion is action. Dr. Lowery continues to deliver messages of equality: "Today's calling is not only to stop and help the those that are wounded travel on the Jerico Road, it is to pave the Jerico Road so it will not be convenient to assulting the poor and others as they travel on their life's journey."

"Wade Henderson said, "We [there is more that unites American than that divides America]share common dreams for excellent education for our children, jobs that provide living wages; we share a common belief that one nation working together can build a better world for us all."

February, 2010 issue.[The local Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library no longer carries the magazine [as do not a lot of the other Public libraries [including some areas where the publisher lives].=?[Reason=African American=interrupton in flow=?]

Which brings me to the fact that just left one of the largest churches where African Americans attend in the city; where they have a program for offenders after they come out in which I requested the churches intervention before the fact; along with giving one of the people there the information[who is aware of the murder of my brother] to point out that the powerforce that hindered by daddy behind bars for over 34 years was trying to hinder my prosperity through a constant and continuous form of pursuit and am asking the church to advocate for me/my civil rights so that I can live a life without the constant harassment, intimidation, and any and all other forms of negative pursuits; along with a request for help with water, lights, food, etc..And along with the fact that there was a court case [can one of your attorney's help with case that is to go to the Supreme Court-if church can't help address the issue locally=?] and the fact that if not case will be extended outside of the country [if no local solution and that church should be aware that there are organizations outside of the United States who are watching.

The person wrote the information-put the information in the format that they wanted[left out a whole lot of detail][intentionally] and said they would let the great pastor know when they returned from out of the country[right now they are in Mexico][code[travel to Mexico = good probability that communication=dog out your own kind[African Americans][Ethnic Intimidation][keep quiet]and receive a reward.[Did not inform the great pastor's secretary of that][but did inform the great pastor's secretary that [since they asked if they=??? ever found out who murdered my brother] that just like when teenagers are growing up and parents tell their child be careful who they hang with; that GOD said that there are those who are supporting the same system that murdered my brother [just like with the teenagers who do something wrong even though one of them may have just been with the group and did nothing; when one is caught=all of them is caught:[how they did my nephew-he was with some guys[they controlled]; as a result he was considered as guilty and then offered a plea bargin=work for us and you don't have to do time=Just about all of the African American male population[set them up-trap them [because of nieveness]and them make a deal[secret group working against their own people=if they don't then they have to make time][which usually means control of the race of people[they do other races the same way][they are not major elements of force other than males of the larger society within the United States.]

Also went to other African American organizations asking for an advocate; will be asking for reply's in writing.

Oh Yes; most important is the fact that upon the great pastor's secretary realizing that they were to meet with me=the great pastor's secretary called for the sanitation worker[code to those who have the church wired with camera's etc.=whatever this person says=is trash=so don't worry working for the males of the larger society=no matter what they say=also code to the front desk secretary as well as to the custodian.][All of them Christian=praising the Lord and going to hell; I mean heaven anyhow.][because they serve the males of the larger society who the God who made heaven and earth controls].[personal view=sort of like a joke to see if person/people know who the real God is-God who made heaven and earth or males of the larger society that the God who made heaven and earth have allowed to control a certain portion [which can always change[scripture-God can do what he wants].


Friday, September 23, 2011




"Taken" is a movie about [A former spy who relies on his old skills to save his estranged daughter, who has been forced into the slave trade.] First encountered the movie in 2008 at the $2.00 movie or was it the $2.50 movie[part of harassment=they=???changed the prices on the movie to cost more=?]?
Think movie "Taken" was watched about ten times; then the $2.00 movie or was it the $2.50 movie stopped showing the movie, "Taken". And after that began the attack to ensure that the system designers[BAIL OUT ERA/CONCEPT]
did whatever to take that enjoyment away [$2.00 movie or was it the $2.50 movie]from me[while killing my mama][or was it my daddy?]; which would lead me to eventually not having the funds [$2.00] to go to the [$2.00 movie or is it the $2.50 movie].

While watching the movie God said, that is exactly what is being done to African American females=?; not physically, but psychologically; so the males of the larger society in the United States think that they are much better than the men that run the slave trade in the movie. That was in 2008;when Obama was first elected; it is now 2011 and have heard too many people on the news/newspaper/radio speak of how the issues related to s-x abuse are not being addressed in the United States[ESPECIALLY since Obama has been in office].

In the movie one of the things that the father tells his daughter[the girl] is to "SHOUT OUT" as much information that she can to identify those who came to take her [that she would have a five second window]; which the girl did; she shouted out as much information about them as she could; then the girl was gone. But then the father heard loud breathing on the phone and said, "I don't know who you are, please return my daughter and I will not pursue or look for you;BUT if you don't I will find you and I will kill you." The response from the man on the other end of the phone said "GOOD LUCK" and hung the phone up.

The father then went into action to get his daughter back from a bunch of thugs/crooks,etc. who "FORCED" his daughter into the "slave" trade. [the words "FORCED" and "slave" are the words that are used by movie website]; How many times have I used the word "FORCED" and "slave" in blogging; BUT if you ask those who are harassing/intimidating/psychologically abusing me if anything in that movie fits them; they would think a person would be crazy to think they would do something like that or maybe not; maybe they know; don't care; want the money, yada, yada, yada!!! Point is that the core of the African American community is basically being operated just like the abusers operated slave trade. All for the purpose of MONEY. The African American women and their intimate,social or romantic relationships are being controlled by males of the larger society [which basically/techni-makes them prostitutes for males of the larger society].

In the movie "Taken"; the father tells the girl to "SHOUT OUT"; thus far I have "SHOUTED OUT" to the most logical authority [S] = in which authority is also in the movie=the father and the father's friend is a member of authority and guess what=??? the father's friend-does not want to help the father get his daughter back; the father's friend is more interested in making MONEY. [on blogg before this one- did tell system designers that word to the wise-"whatever is designed for the African American community" they and their families will have to go through the same system].

Father told the thug on the phone who took his daughter, "I will find you and I will kill you"; the thug said, "GOOD LUCK"[the SAME exact words that I have heard for over twenty years everytime I encounter a negative situation and go to the PROPER authority;etc. to get the situation addressed-always turned around with no results-by/with those representing authority telling me; "GOOD LUCK".] BUT the father was true to his words; the father did find the thug and like he said, he killed him.

"I'm the father-GIVE her to me." are the words of an all knowing and seeing father; who informed me that the father in the movie was nothing compared to him because he created the father in the movie; and everything the father in the movie did was nothing compared to what he "the heavenly father" could do to those who abuse his child=me.Instructions-given:
"I'm the father-GIVE her to me."

In the movie when the father said, I'm the father, give her to me."; the man in charge who had his daughter laughed at him and said, "it is about business";the father in the movie killed him too; God keeps saying "I'm the father-GIVE her to me."; "lets see what the system in Winston-Salem North Carolina does with God's child=me=no substitutes allowed.

For those of the larger society who read this; did not make the world; only informing of hidden elements to the obvious eye and my granddaddy was a male of the larger society and did not like his family/people because of their treatment of African American people.




"Cardiac and vascular center at Forsyth Medical Center affiliates with the Cleveland Clinic"


Have blogged that my father had heart issues; specifically that they[doctors]had put a defiblilator[sp] in his chest; to which he communicated to me that they[whoever set the defibilator] would cause him to have a heart attack [based on what he did or not do[the other part was based on what I did or not do]. In other words for the Cleveland Clinic to connect with Forsyth Medical Center= for African American males is NOT GOOD; the picture in the paper verifies that males of the larger society are in control of the operation; meaning that African American males will be automatically given certain types of situations to cause them to have a heart attack; then immediately put in,through the Forsyth, Cleveland program.

My father was taken to the Cleveland Clinic in which they did extend his life by putting stints in; BUT he was also manipulated like a robot or a slave[punished when he did something the males of the larger society did not like(the rate of the defibilator was increased to cause him to have a heart attack)]; WHEN in actuallity [hindsight] he really only needed to eat right/exercise and change his life style. But that wasn't going to happen either because just like it was communicated to me that negative consequences would occur if I earn my money in a manner other than in an illegal manner [and that I could do anything illegal to make money]; it has also been communicate to the entire African American community [most of them unaware][they just know to get in the flow if they person wants to live or eat][all by design].

And for those [who are designing the systems][word to the wise]; design what you want for you and your family[because it is a guarantee, you and yours will be using the same system]; which leads me to the new computer system; named after the husband of one of the workers [after I was put off of the Forsyth Tech campus-a year or two later the new "COMMUNITY" center; point or key word is "COMMUNITY"=instead of my issue being addressed=being put out of Forsyth Tech for no reason[asking to using the computers because of being told that an alumni could use the computer lab-more specifically; because the person in charge did not want me to have access to the computers]; the solution was to take what was/should have been addressed to me directly and SHARE with the WHOLE "COMMUNITY". WOW what a good idea!

Is the "COMMUNITY" sharing in my hunger and lack=??????? ARE THEY?????-don't think so; in fact they look at me like it is my problem; and go get a JOB! Therefore bastards that are designing the system; please cease from taking what belongs to me and distributing to the bastard "pets".

Which brings me back to the Forsyth, Cleveland Clinic situation:
Could it possiblly be part of another system=instead of my having MONEY?LIFE=instead somebody decided to create a heart clinic for the guy who wanted to date me [that developed heart problems because of the constant harassment/abuse/intimidation to him in his life and on his job]=which eventually put him in the category of qualifying for disability];which is where 95% OR more of African Americans get their income-all the way to eating=which means go get foodstamps=????????

If the connection to Forsyth Medical Center and Cleveland Clinc develop[S]=EXPECT that over half of the African American males in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas will automatically [through a system of design] begin to acquire all types of medical problems related to the heart; including alterations in every area of their life [with their wife/I mean prostitute leading the way=males of the larger society will tell them what to tell their husband/I mean, john; which will include making sure that their husband/I mean john will eat all of the wrong things,etc.] And then end up paying the wife/I mean girlfriend, I mean prostitute.


Thursday, September 22, 2011


"Winston-Salem on best-city list"


On Highway 311[kkk] there are now two billboards; one that says "LIVE UNITED"; the other that says- Remember "SETPEMBER 11,2011"; and in today's paper the headline reads "Winston Salem on best-city list"=and the headlines on the internet for the Winston-Salem Journal reads-"Winston-Salem ranked as one of 50 best U.S. cities"; both hav e pictures of a little girl of the larger population-happily flying a kite. "" was the one who ranked Winston-Salem=verification of various systems at work; African American's who don't want to be considered a t-rr-ri-t would do wise to "LIVE UNITED"-which means help the people in the larger society to do what highway 311 [kkk] represents in the African American community. Either joing in ethnic intimidation or deal with the equivalent of 9-11; especially those who want a job.

Now in reference to the UNITED WAY-have called the local, state and national office to request an advocate; the local united way=there were all hispanics, including the supervisor that always ansewered the phone-the result=no the United Way doesn't provide advocates; then called the state and same results-211-United Way doesn't provide advocates; so then called the national 211-United Way and was informed by one of the decision makers that the United Way does not advocate for anyone; when asked about the phone commercial where it lists numerous people who had been helped as a result of the United Way advocating for them; there was no respone; only a click and the buzz sound of the phone.

Point The entire city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina is a great place to live for anybody who enjoys participating in ethnic intimidation/forced assicimilation and cultural transformation=robby of person's finances, and any type of good social flow. Which to me should means that any and everybody who wants to be a part of saying that the United States doesn't isn't represented by the abuse designed by/through Winston-Salem,etc. that intentionally hinders a person's progress/growth, etc. should hurry up and come to Winston-Salem to act as a block to those who think and are preparing to have a full fledge happy day[s] of abusing citizens in every manner possible [unless they agree to involuntary servitude, slavery, abuse, etc. of some kind][Please do not forget to bring your cameras, vedio recorders, paper and pen, etc.]

In terms of "LIVE UNITED and what it really means; please fill free to ride through the larger soceity communities and the smaller soceity's community[please note the differeance=even though everybody is living "UNITED"; somehow those in the smaller community seem to be missing everything;[do I ndeed to list=?][when I say everything I mean everything][EXCEPT people paid to intimidate them if they complain,etc.] UNITED should mean together; BUT based upon the concept of UNITED WAY in Winston-Salem, it means to have the mindset to help the larger society/rob/steal/abuse/members [usually] of the African American community[usually the smaller community][anything that says/relates to hispanics is a coverup to what they are really doing in the African American community][If the African American community complains the local news organizations do stories on the hispanic community as part of a system of punishment-therefore nothing is ever done to stop the abuse in the African American community; instead the abuse is increased.]

So from this day forward=please don't doubt; the people who are in the prosperous stage ARE part of the UNITED WAY system of robbery, abuse, etc.=ethnic intimidation.

The statement-"Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines said the ranking helps validate the city "as a good place to do business."=the JOINING CONCEPT-explained that in numerous blogs-join with the ethnic intimidation and person will stop being harassed,etc.; ranked as a good place to do business=confirmation/verification=compare businesses/economic flow in the larger society community with the smaller society community[African Americans] and 95% of the most profitable businesses are on and in the larger society's community. The fact that Winston-Salem is a GOOD PLACE to do business=code for; only those participating in the UNITED WAY[ethnic intimidation] are involved in/allowed to participate in/have a business.

Verification=threat of confinement-if income is obtained in a moral manner; BUT any type of illegal activity is allowed; even welcomed [anything else will bring negative consequences][and people WONDER why the African American community doesn't prosper][BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO]
ALL of those who address such issues would probably help EXCEPT they are working/doing things the UNITED WAY=which means ignore any and all complaints about any type of intimidation[be careful-because they may try and create an illusive situation [that they are trying to deal with ethnic intimidation][don't believe them][if you want to know for sure-check with the local African Americans][not their African Americans[pets][but the ones they keep hid; like in Katrina storm]; locate them and you will find the truth.

Another statement:"But cumulatively, Winston-Salem has been well-positioned as a good place to work, live, retire, etc."=For all those participating in ethnic intimidation/forced assimilation and cultural transformation; everybody else fights a day to day war and based upon what I saw the other day; the boldness has increased=means the intimidation is worse for African Americans who aren't participating in either of the forms of abuses.

Hopefully this blog will find it's way to those who want to stop the abuses; being that the Winston-Salem Journal has put out a call to those who participate in the abuse-hopefully those who intend or want to stop the abuse show up first, quicker, and better than the abusers or should I say the participants.

And IF Live United is fair, why is there never a decrease of any type in the larger community. And why is it there from my perspective there has never been a member of the larger society that suffers from ethnic intimidation, cultural transformation or force assimilation=answer=because all of the stystems are designed to increase the growth of the larger community[like during slavery][everybody-slave and all worked to make sure that masa'[owner of slaves]and his family progressed and prosper][people of the larger society don't have to deal with ethnic intimidation-because they already have certain flows/freedom's because of the color of their skin; the larger society doesn't have to be concerned with cultural transformatiion because it is their culture that evrybody else that people are being forced to assimilate into=forced assimilation.

Live UNITED=????for who=?????? Whatever ever happened to the rights and freedom guaranteed by the United States Constitution-to be able to work for your own family and yourself to progress and prosper in the United States/America.


Monday, September 19, 2011


Glass Shield


Movie verifies some of the issues within the authority elements within society; especially for African American males; the review doesn't mention that the African American male was patted on the back by his superior/male of the larger society for lying on another African American male[even though the African American male authority knew he was lying]; etc.. Imagine a layperson being in the middle of the internal struggle between authority; not knowing who to trust.][The Negotiator is also is good reference about the issues of African American male working as authority with males of the larger society]=NO authority.

My daddy said; "If you want to know what's really going on-GO TO THE MOVIES."



.J. is a rookie in the Sheriff's Department and the first black officer at that station. Racial tensions run high in the department as some of J.J.'s fellow officers resent his presence. His only real friend is the other new trooper, the first female officer to work there, who also suffers similar discrimination in the otherwise all-white-male work environment. When J.J. becomes increasingly aware of police corruption during the murder trial of Teddy Woods, who he helped to arrest, he faces difficult decisions and puts himself into grave personal danger in the service of justice. Written by Tad Dibbern




Movie is about those who work for an authority official to hide the authority official's dirt; most important point in the movie is that a movie director creates the story,etc. and it is put in the media in real life instead of it being a movie director; they use Christians in the AFrican American church who go through certain things; the fact that their life is being lived by/through the big public is the suppose to the be Christians reward[they know their life is being stolen; but do not know how to tell anyone] by the fact that they see their life on the news,etc..

Point is the movie "Wag the dog" is verification of concept of what I do and their system of robbery to give to CINTA[code for Cynthia][sibbling]; movie verifies the reality of the concept existing.



The Negotiator


Review written about the movie "THE NEGOTIATOR"; What is interesting is that the review doesn't mention that in the movie Samuel Jackson is a new married African American male; nor does it mention that is wife in constantly in scences in the movie; epecially the scene when an outside negotiator calls his wife into the room when a male ["the enformant"] is brought in[code for the wife has to be an informant in marriage of African American males] the wife is also brought into the room [where 99.99% of the males are males of authority who are of the larger society and 99.98% of the males if the larager society who are armed and trained that believe that the African American male is guilty]=Verification of males of the larger society system of communication to African American females that if they want to protect their African American husband-theyhave no other choice than to work for males of the larger society=which means lie to the husband,etc..

Point is that the movie verifies the concept of African American females having to work for males of the larger society in secret[view the movie as if made to communicate to one person[African American female whose husband has some type of secret knowledge about males of the larger society's wrong doing]. As well as the issues African American males have to deal with working in authority with males of the larger society [Imagine a layperson being in the middle of the internal struggle between authority; not knowing who to trust][The Glass Shield also is good reference about the issues of African American male working as authority with males of the larger society]=NO authority.


"An intelligent, taut thriller
11 May 2002 | by Arthur-23 (Vancouver, Canada) โ€“ See all my reviews
Just when you think he's cornered, he thinks of a new strategy. Samuel L. Jackson portrays Lieutenant Danny Roman, police hostage negotiator. When he's framed for a crime he didn't commit, against his fellow police officers no less, he knows that the only way out is to bring in an equally tough negotiator, Lieutenant Chris Sabian played by Kevin Spacey, who's from another precinct and who therefore could not have been contaminated by the bad elements within his own force, which buys him the necessary time to bluff and blindside while he finds the clues he needs to prove he's innocent. Chicago is taken hostage along with the few people he retains as bargaining chips, and we are taken along for the ride. This was a masterful job of film-making from beginning to end. The characters and story were flawlessly developed. We don't precisely know who's guilty or who's innocent. Roman conducts his interrogation and trial while he negotiates with the police outside, some of whom are working overtime to eliminate Roman before he figures it all out. This all occurs right under the noses of the FBI who are in way over their heads and don't have a clue who's guilty or innocent, just like the rest of us watching. Along the way, we get to witness Roman lecture his underlings about the finer points of negotiations while he himself has just become a hostage taker. "Never say no!" he barks with effective zeal. And he tests his bewildered pupils continuously, who fail continuously. Only Sabian is smart enough to understand what's going on in Roman's mind. The strategy is shared by two men who think alike, who are under stress, and have an innate instinct for lie detection. The screenplay was terrific. The cinematography was effective. The acting of Jackson and Spacey exceptional. And the supporting cast, particularly bad-guy-turned-good-guy Paul Giamatti who provides great comic relief, was outstanding. If you're in the mood for an intelligent, taut thriller, The Negotiator delivers... 9/10."


Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The desire of the righteous shall be granted.


The bible says in Proverbs that the desires of the rightous are granted; and in over thrity plus years, the desire for a simple job[working eight hours of day][in a profession the equivalent of education and talent][has not manifested been granted=why=because of "as someone said"; having to LEARN that African Americans are slaves to move forward; you have to LEARN.
In the magazine' About---Time, it mentions that those in power have to be watched because they will rob and abuse the regular citizen of color of their right to the basic rights of/in life.

The article should have said who those poeple are to go to in order to stop those in powere from robbing them of their basic rights of/in life.

Thus only the males, the family of the males of the larger society and the people who work/slave for the males of the larger society are rightous; research will reveal that most of their desires are granted, whereas with African Americans [especially low income]desires are usually not

The Williams sisters for those who say; see AFrican Americans whose desires are granted; The William sisters were used as a form of code to communicate to males of the larger society; what either me or my sister were or werenot doing to help advance the males of the larger society.



Minority Reporter


Was looking for information on James. M. Blount, Publisher, About---Time"magazine when went to website that has a listing of the authors and others involved in magazine for minority reporter; it lists their views about how/what they think about having a President of color. Interesting is that fact that some of the names that have encountered in Winston-Salem are on website of Minority Reporter [specifically the name of Cynthia and the name of payne]=?

There is a picture of "James M. Blount, Publisher;ABOUT TIME Magazine" and his statement; Point=code=names=??James M. Blount said that there is a need for Continous Advocacy [which I have stated and gone to local agency's asking for an advocacy][only to be told that none of the local agency's do that][but what is interesting is that while CINTA[code for Cynthia] is out on sabatical[paid for three months while out of work] had been given an ADVOCATE at; while she is out of work [If person works for males of the larger society; they don't need to stress; males of larger society will provide whatever they need][on the other hand don't work for the males of the larger society and the males of the larger society do the opposite so that they person is constantly under some type of social, financial, mental, etc. attack.

So whereas I have to call all around the country trying to locate an ADVOCATE, CINTAS [code for Cynthia] advocate shows up for her while she is oout on a sabatical[sp]; taking a three month vacation[went to the beach for labor day][while I try and figure where my meal is coming from serving God].

Let's see if I get an Advocate!!!!!!!!!!



About---time; Volume 38, 2010/$3.00


Tried to locate website for About---time" magazine; which is a Magazine devoted to the African-American experience covers people, politics, and arts; problem is that only the one for the Williams sisters come up; verification about the plight of anyone who tries to prosper their culture[without the permission of the males of the larger society][All African American websites that try to prosper their culture or family without the permission of the males of the larger society=are not allowed to prosper on the internet[males of the larger society control the internet]; therefore it is extremely difficult for African Americans to establish any type of flow towards development/prospering the African American Culture, It took me ab out ten minutes out of an hour to locate that particular website for "About---Time" magazine. All other African American websites[except those who KNOW that they are working to advance the culture of the males of the larger society] are diverted into a category that puts people looking for their sites almost on a waste of time experience.

Anyway, the About---time" magazine that I just happen to look at is for Volume 38, 2010[feb]; It has an article "Complete the Civil Rights Movement" by Vincent F. a. Golphin; in which Golphin writes that
the current African American leaders/writers[?] find themselves at a loss to describe the "NATURE" of the current problems and sites the fact that the SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER has stated that race is still an issue=?[have contacted the Southern Poverty Center numerous times; always the same results=no action=???

the article also states that, The past two years that was in 2010; have lead to a realization that, surface changes aside, the vision of the nation since 1964[violations of court case][which the judicial system confirmed that they know exist] has not matured.

At the front of the About----Time magazine on the Publisher's page is the article, "The need for Continous "ADVOCACY" [What I have been looking for an "ADVOCATE"] by James M. Blount[publisher]; where he states

"Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. talked about the need for "CONTINUOUS ADVOCACY" when he wrote his letter from a Birmingham jail during the 1960's. He warned that powerful forces on the national, state and local levels who asked Civil Rights leaders to wait patiently for chnage and not stir up the waters, really wanted to DELAY JUSTTICE. The did not mean to change at a "LATER" date, they really meant "NEVER". [not my words; but the words of James M. Blount, Publisher for "About---Time" magazine Feb, 2010 issue].

Point=as stated in earlier blog;it is TIME for the larger society to grow and it is going to be ashame if they miss the opportunity by reverting back to an era that has already been. Everybody THINKS that it is their system; that they are so important; God informed me; the system belongs to no man or no race; it is his and he can do whatever he pleases. God did not make one race; he made many; therefore he intended for there to be more than one prosperous race.

Was talking to an African American male and suggested that he pray about something; his words; prayer doesn't change a thing; that he had been praying for all his life and he has been in two wars and never got not one thing he wanted; and as I was thinking about it; I have been in the LOCAL CHURCH praying almost three to four to almost on a twenty four hour basis and have not recieved anything that I want; in fact the exact opposite of what I pray for occurs; why=because the people in the local community and church have been praying/working for males of the larger society and that the everything in the larger society prospers in the smaller local community; I have been praying for the real God to show up and the local community have been praying for the males of the larger society to keep control of the smaller local community [therefore anyone praying anything else would be considered by the smaller community and the males of the larger community to not be rightous; therefore the person's prayers/actions would be blocked without their being aware of it.

And if anyone other than males of the larger society would check; African Americans in the churches of the smaller community would all have similar stories; praying and praying but nothing happening except the opposite or punishment for trying to progress and prosper their family and themselves; why the people in the Katrina storm made no effort to protect them or their families[because to have taken action to protect their family at the time ; would have meant punishiment later for them and their family.

The article"It's time to COMPLETE the civil rights movement was written in Feb. 2010; my blog was written in Sept. 2011; but the conclusion is the SAME; it is TIME for growth; it will be sad to see the growth go backwards.

When the article says that the writers/leaders find themselves at a loss to describe the "NATURE" of the current problems; "Sociology Area" gives a day to day description of the current problems, which include, but not limited to; enforcement of the laws/privileges established by/through the Civil War of 1965; which means that the system has to move from "buddy, buddy[I know what you did wrong; but as long as you hide what I did; I will hide what you did mentallity[all illegal]]" to a system whereby the founders of the system intended through the creation of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.





Today's date is the 13th=a number assigned to certain people of color=[possible code-of system designed to hinder certain people of color from prospering=or that males of the larger society can make money off of =keep harassing to provoke into retaliating against harassment=creates jobs for males of the larger society at all levels=puts person in a constant circle; never being able to escape[UNESS God intervenes][Larger ministries KNOW what is being done; participate by acting dumb and telling the person don't give up][wonder when CERTAIN people in the United States of American will get it?]

Most of the people put in the 13th category=anybody especially male that try to provide/protect/or develop the family assigned to them by the almighty God or who try to prosper their heritage or culture=Why "Justin"[male of the larger society] said, don't worry we[meaning males of the larger society] will take care of you. The males that try to provide for and protect their families assigned to them in their natural heritage/culture are then put in to category of being a criminal.

Research by anybody other than the males of the larger society will reveal that [HEAR SIRENS white vehicle with blue sirens going west=?]the males that go in and out of the penial system are what the people who experimented on the people in the Eugenics ex0periment as hard to control/head strong. Heard a song that said that you attract what you are=so those males in the penial system are probable the males who are suppose to provide for thier community or race on a large scale basis; bu;not understanding that the way to provide for the family/community was/is not to provide[evidence=all African American communities[especially where there is a African American church that stands as the pillar of the community][their lineage told them do not rock the boat; go along witht he system in place=do not upset the males of the larger society=thus there is almost no African American community/culture/heritage and the system to remove the African American community/culture/heritage has been sped up because of the internet[Barack Obama][raised by malesand females of the larger society][to advance the larger society's culture]; one would think that it would work the other way around [but not if those who control the system [decide whose to be put in the category of the number13th,etc.]decide[another siren=?quick] that for anybody tries to prosper their culture, negative consequences or they will be put in the category of being a criminal.

It is really hard for peoplet o understand, especially with a President of color that African Americans are being punished for to what Caucasian people take for granted everyday; LIVE as a law abiding citizen; make personal decision that will lead to properity, calmness, a good living for themselves and their family; most of them do not understand that it is against the males of the larger society's unwritten[?][maybe written somewhere] law to LIVE.



On 9/12/11 went to local recreation center where there are new computers which after I would not sign my name and address [new system]; the computers stopped working. The person in charge in at the time informed me that I must sign my name like everybody else; then left and left the sign in sheet on a desk [also was suppose to give my phone number=???]= part of system of harassment; informed them that to leave my personal information public is a violation of my privacy and that their system couold cause a person lot of problems=which include providing a way for the children/students at local school to be tracked by students who may not like them; such as instances that have occured because of bulling on the internet; ect.. The person in charge who emailed their boss said; I had not thought about that will hav e to talk that over with my boss; and I said that their system provides a way for a child that other sudents may not like to track that child, find out their phone, and address and follow the child to their house; and the first thing the parent would want to know is how did anyone find out their address and phone number. The new Computers were put in about two weeks ago according to the recreation center's help=?; almost as if timed according to the Rehearing of the court case; Also interesting that after spending all that money and time to put in NEW Computers=NO printer=which means the students that may use the r ecreation center still are in the same academic position; forced to jump through a lot of uncessary mental hoops that Caucasian students do not have to jump through [they usually have their own computers and printers].

The 5th Street Public Library is also doing a segment=? on Anthropology[=?] for Indian (s); don't know if that means the Indians on the Indaian reservation or Indians like from India=neither one is good concerning any aspect towards Caucasian people in the United States.[see if there is a siren].

Also have documentation from relative in Greensboro concerning harassment experienced.


Saturday, September 10, 2011




Results from appealing court case to the United States Court of Appeals/4th circuit= based upon all people who were talked to at the court=all judges voted to NOT rehear Petition en bac[sp]; process =inhouse=no way for any one to verify=?that all judges voted the same way.

Called during the early 8.00am to inquire of anything new in case=in which was informed that the Rehearing had been denied; around 1:00 to 3:00pm cars from next door were all in front of my house[to communicate]; that they knew that the court did not rehear my case and that meant to them that the court was on their side and they can do whatever they want to me/yard, in front of house, God said get teh license plaltes numbers/ call the UNITED sTATES cOURT OF APPEALS and informed them of the celbration and give them their license plates numbers/which I did; the following day=all was quite EXCEPT being called nasty names?

They=? did even wait for 24 hours[decision was made on 97/11 in the am; I called in the am to find out; by noon pm people were in front of my door in front of the house to take over][a letter stillhad not come as of 9/9/11]; which means that somebody in the United States Court of Appeals 4th Circuit is participating to the point that they called somebody in Winston-Salem who called somebody, who called somebody who called the people next door, and thus the party/cars in front of the house=to communicate=that they had backup in the courts 4th circuit Appeallant court in Va..

So upon coming to the local library; same page=/ statement=something about livcing Civil War=which I will not be doing[ civil war was fought and passed=somebody forgot to tell tha ancestrors of those who were fighting/fought in the civil war/the civil war is over. So all civil wars=they can fight by themselves. Don't do any fighting God said he would fight my battles[so you will be fight God, not me].

Found in Deurtoromony 5:13 says that "Six days thou shalt labor, and do all thy work:
14 but the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, Ex. 23.12 ; 31.15 ; 34.21 ; 35.2 ยท Lev. 23.3 thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.

Thus based upon the commandment of God, as a Christian I am required to work; therefore all threats of confinement for earning an income/working/prospering as a result of working six days and resting on the seventh are in violaltion of God's law of prospserity and are to be addressed to God/Supreme God.

As w as told by an attorney that the case has gone as far as it can go; and the attorneys at their legal aid that deal with employment issues will not assist in pursuring the case futher=[Supreme Court][basically something a great odds to get case heard][listening for God's directions].

But let the record show that in court case did inform the UNited States Court of Appeals/4th circuit in Va., that to dismiss the case would result in my having to live in a society of "NO LAW" and before they even typed up the results the local people=? next door had been informed=they could do whatever they wanted/they had won/the Appeallant Court/4th Circuit/Va., had decided in their favor.; which means that there must be an element of truth to what I presented to the United States Court of Appeals/4th Circuit, Va.. And let the record show; that the United States Court of Appleals/4th Circuit, Va., was also asked to issue an exemption on the Plaintiff's behalf in any area relating to "self defense"; because the people ex-employer ---'s -l-- and their secret members would think they could just have a field day and do whatever they want.

Verification: Upon coming to the local library = on the right hand side of the Library door[waling into the local library= advertisebook= "The Road to Devotioin" with a side bar/slogan [ON THE SAME PAGE]; but what isn't on the page [NORTH CAROLINA ROOM presents CIVIL WAR 150][code=if we=???can't tell you who you are and what you can and can't do then =NORTH CAROLINA ROOM presents CIVIL WAR 150; The event is dated for October 9, 2011; BUT when looking on the event calender for October 9, 2011[there is not anything in the event calender; the day is blank[Sunday]; the event CIVIL WAR 150 in the North Carolina Room [Fam Brownlee] is at 1:30 the North Carolina Room of the 5th Street Forsyth County Public Library]; but no documentation of the event calender for the internet on the "5th Street Forsyth County Public Library" =?

My goal=internet/blog name=SocialPEACEst=PEACE=while I LIVE and declare the glory of the LORD; not anything in that name that communicates a desire to go to war in any manner. One of the sheets in the front areas=says "ON THE SAME PAGE"; meaning they want Civil War=not my goal=my goal is to live based upon the United States Constitution; which means a right as an INDIVIDUAL to access the resources of the community [family, work, church][without intimidation/harassment/abuse]. God did say that those who are think that people should give up their personal heritage in order to fit into society; should be required to do the same.

The "Road to Devotion"=all elements concerning/at least most people think/having to give up natural heritage inoder to work in the larger mainstream society have alled but disappeared; SO WHY the talk of Civil War to fight over something that has ALREADY taken been fought over; the right to live, work, date, etc. in the larger/mainstream society without intimidation/abuse/punishment. Could it be that African Americans heritage was never really accepted in the larger/mainstream society and that if an African American wanted to work/live/date in the larger/mainstream society that they had to do as the larger/mainstream society was doing to African Americans, which was to attack/intimidate/abuse African Americans and their reward was that a they got a job, dating who they wanted,and could live unharassed,etc.. Could it be that After the Civil War that those who lost the Civil War decided that they were not going to lose; no matter what the results were; that even though the Civil War had ended on paper; that those who lost kept fighting to the extent that their lineage/ancestors are presently fighting the same Civil War (1861โ€“1865) forcing African Americans to do as TOLD by the same spirit.

During 1861-1865 the African American people were told by males of the larger society what their job would be, who they could and couldn't visit; date; where they could and couldn't shop; who they could or couldn't date. There was not one African American that was allowed the authority of a male of the larger society. In today's society there is not one African American male with the authority of a male of the larger society; not one[President Obama's mama was white][he has not lived as an African American male without the covering of having a white mama][it puts him in a different CATEGORY; And for all African Americans that do have jobs in the larger society [regardless of male or female][they have to do as the ancestors[and those in that lineage] do and that was/is to intimidate/threaten/abuse African Americans in their familly and society in order to have a decent job/have their family members visit or be around them and if the African Americans do not participate[legal term] in ethnic intimidation they do not/are not allowed to prosper/or have a regular life because the males of the larger society [especially those in the African American church] are using them [without their knowledge] [to decide how to manipulate the African American culture/income][AS DID THEIR FOREFATHERS].


1. ALL of the participants in the court case [either African American females/or males of the larger society]; If lead by the spirit of God to ask all males of the larger society to disqualify themselves from hearing the case; there would not have been enough members of court to hear the case [very few people can sit and hear negative things about their race and judge fairly; especially if it means it might mean major changes in and established system of abuse].

2. 95% of the participants at ALL of the major decision elements in the United States are males of the larger society.

3. Thinking[don't know]; but thinking that 95% or more of the participants that have jobs[when the rest of the country doesn't] are males of the larger society [who usually retire with benefits][that maintain the CORE/protect the CORE of the society of the males of the larger society]. United States Constitution law states/[have read]; that the FOREFATHERS intentions was that the people of color be included in the CORE with the right to access EVERYTHING that males of the larger society access and that the people of color are allowed to exercise the same rights as males of the larger society[think they said as white people].

4. Everything/person of African American decent that has employment; it is because somebody in their family is working with/for males of the larger society or the African American figured out [to be the one in the family to break the cycle of constant harassment/abuse/from/by invisible methods [to some] to stop family members from being abused] that African Americans were not free; but living the illusion with the males of the larger society still telling African Americans who they can be/what they can or couldn't do as if it were still 1861โ€“1865.

The difference between the males of the larger society telling African Americans what they could or couldn't do in 1861-1865 and their lineage telling African Americans what they can or can't do in 2011 is that the males of the larger society in 1861-1865 were very open about setting up systems to control African Americans; whereas in today's society it is not acceptable to force/intimidate/abuse or use coercion[sp] on an African American or any other person to force/intimidate them into involuntary servitude; that is why the CIVIL WAR was fought [to end the control of males of the larger society over African Americans lives]; to give African Americans freedom to choose without the fear of punishment for not doing as the males of the larger society told them.

Thus Civl War was over in 1865; today is September 9,2011; two hundred and six years later; being that the males of the larger society control the larger society; African Americans are still waiting [kATRINA] on males of the larger society=[ African Americans in KATRINA storm didn't have the mindset to go and escape the Katrina storm because of the punishment for making even minor decision in their life][Thus Jessie Duplantis-I would have gotten on one of the buses and drove them; somebody had to have a driver's license; Jessie Duplantis said; it was their mindset; exactly-and the African Americans in the storm were given their mindset; SIT AND WAIT on males of the larger society to tell you what you can and can't do or be punished=which is EXACTLY what the people who sided with telling African Americans what to do did.

The Civil War has already been fought; what is needed is for the secret civil war to end and the enforcement of laws that freed African American [what was already fought for and won needs to be upheld];[The enforcement of the right of African Americans to choose for themselves without punishment,intimidation,abuse]. Local African American community is intimidated if they have a garden, if they communicate with family, friends, or anybody along the way if they don't do as they are told; and espeically if they attempt to start anything; and I mean anything.

As stated earlier, I will not be fighting a CIVIL WAR; already been there; did that; time for as someone said society to move forward and being that the larger society is out front; hindering the smaller society; it is time for the larger society to move forward; stop the secret civil war.


Saturday, September 03, 2011


N.C. eugenics survivors prove elusive-a


Spoke with someone from the Eugenics office and inquired of what are the criteria to determine if a person was a victim of eugenics, etc.. Asked the state department that was responsible for Eugentics experiment and was informed to call the Dept of Administration-N. c. Justice for the Sterilization of victims foundation. They asked me if I was one of the victims of Eugentics-told them a victim of something; that I had read the Charlotte Observer in which the article talked about people who had more than one boyfriend/too sexual to the masters during slavery period, the person was to hard to control, feeble minded, had epilepsy(sp), etc., that didn't know what you call it but it is some kind of system; told them about riding the city bus and fumes were on the bus; that the bus had been kidnapped without taken off the route [gave example-like everybody may have gotton on bus from one bus stop to down town and every one would say that the moon is shining and talk about the moon but the person that was left out of the joke[experiment] would be only one that would talk about the sun because the sun was shining]; told them that they have a research lab around the corner from the city bus station and that I don't ride the buses anymore because of the harassment/intimidation by the bus drivers, their supervisors, etc..

Then asked the person at the Eugenics office what state department was responsible for the Eugenics experiment-they said-the North Carolina legislator=?; and that most 85% of the participants were WOMEN and that 1/2 of those woment were Caucasian=? [because those who were in the legislator across the United States were trying to develop a superior type race]; that 30 states in the United States participated in the type of Eugenics programs that sterilized women, boys, girls, men. And that most of the women, children, men in the experiment were not suffering from any form of mental retardation=? And that North Carolina is the ONLY state to come forth to pay victims=?[but as the Charlotte Observer article stated=they victims are elusive=meaning wrong color[not a pet to those controling the system], etc..

Also told the person at Eugenics office that whatever the situation that my sibbling had epilepsy (sp); and that I had ran across an article about fifteen years ago that identified people in those catagories of the Charlotte observer article in which the people were also[especially epileptics] put through various types of mental/mind control experiments [and especially those who were hard to control]; that the experiments was started by slave masters in North Carolina who were trying to figure out why they could control some slaves and not others. Also informed the Eugenics office that part of the system was in use was also in the process of making the new CEO of United Way part of whatever they try to intend to do through my sibbling=whose name is Cynthia and the new ceo is name Cynthia Gr-----(sp); and that they were using my sibbling as a way to hinder my prosperity in the city of Winston-salem, North Carolina[that she was on a sabatical=communicating to her that if she wanted to continue to work-she would have to unite[do things the united way][continue to help them harass me] or [if she did not help them to harass me the united way she could be one of the people without a job-where the rate of unemployment was 10% in Forsyth County/North Carolina [headlines in the Winston-Salem Journal.

Told her that they could find a local church that had a whole church full of people[caught in a time worp] [form of Eugenics] [that had been put in categories][not permitted to function in the mainstream society] and most of them were put in categories similar to the categories of the people in the Eugenics experiments.

For example: An African American starts in the church 1989 ends in 2011; and a Caucasian that starts in the church in 1989 and ends in 2011; African Americans would end up in at least 100 times more harassment/intimidation and abusive situations that would affect their health and day to day life[MODERN DAY EUGENICS} than Caucasians. African Americans [as the people in the local church I visisted] would stay in a time worp, would have lived in the same house, drove the same car, worked the same pieces of jobs [what ---'s -l-- was trying to force me to do]; wear the same clothes, [no dating/no socializing EXCEPT CHURCH]with NO changes for thirty plus years [UNLESS somebody had mercy and gave them something used[called new]. Whereas Caucasians would have a better experience; first they don't have to deal with the issues associated with not fitting in because of the color of their skin=[so no harassment for Caucasians]; they don't have to worry about a job[color of skin just about gurantees them a job,[therefore] they can buy NEW items of clothing, cars, go from job to job[unintimidated/harassed/or abused] unless there was some personal issue and as a result at the end of 2011 for the Caucasian that is in church=the experience would be fairly pleasant; but on the other hand if it is an African American in a church and especially [as someone told me the other day](You're too rightous!)[how can you be too rightous, that's like saying a person is too rich?]if the person is rightous, it causes the African American person to stand out because everybody in the African American community if forced to participate in some type or form of illegal/ilmoral activity [especially related to income].And as recently found out by ex-employer [if the person doesn't participate-they are intimidated/harassed,etc. to forc them to participate] [IE-last week of August, 2011- the male of the larger society that is cutting grass [cut the water hose[75 to 100 ft][offered to replace the water hose new=25 ft][part of the system=nothing in the African American communicty is not suppose to work or operate correctly[means they are competing and competing is NOT ALLOWED=?]Anyway after informing the guy that hose was too short; he infomred my sibling who is helping to pay to have grass cut [male] who then informs me to let him bring the waterhose to the yard[even after I explained that the hose was to short for me to water my garder[which was the goal of the male of the larger society- he would rather feed me; for me to help feed myself][IN fact the male from the larger society did say,"I will replace the water hose and take care of you"; and I said; "thank you for replacing the water hose; you don't have to take care of me"]

And that leaves any African Americans not following orders=??? to not prosper in a situation that is hard to explain to Caucasians; that African Americans are punished for propering as African Americans. Jessie Duplantis was ministering and said, "If that had been me at the Dome in the Katrina storm; I would have gotten on the bus and drove the bus; I know there had to be people who knew how to drive." What Jessie Duplantis does not understand is that African Americans are not allowed the same thought process as Caucasians; if they do they are put into the category of being a criminal. Did call around to some of the local churches, where basically Caucasian ministers have responded; [African Americans are extremely intimidated][don't want to be punished for helping an African American]. One of the pastors [Caucasians] did see the pear tree and the tree that had been burned; he said he knows my pear tree is suppose to be full of pears because his neighbors tree is full of pears right now; everybody asks if I filed a report the pears as stolen; and I say for what?; people; especially Caucasians don't understand that everybody can't call and file a report; and I figured out early that if it is one person against three; the three persons are usually the ones believed; thus don't call unless someone else can use their name to report situations.

The African American that is in the local Winston-Salem church in the local African American community is allowed ONLY to live an illusion; If they attempt to live a real life; they are put in the category of a criminal especially if they attempt to earn a living/income without having made the money illegally or ilmorally.

Back to the local church=where the eldest member said[come join us]=would mean going around for the third time [with the same issues/nothing changed][think I wrote on a blog/ that the system designed in Winston-Salem for African Americans is a road to no where][the people in the church in the time worp verified that there is NO where for African Americans to go, nothing for them to do; they are not allowed to be creative or excercise or create their own work/business[UNLESS they understand that they do so helping the males of the larger society][no other type or form of growth is allowed unless it is illegal/ilmoral].[And the sad part is the whole community is full of African Americans that have no where to go and nothing to do[unless they want to classified as a criminal] or worse[which leads to the local radio program [1340 at 10:00am] where all of the local funeral businesses have signed back up as advertisiers[message=either yield to slavery or the masses[African Americans] will suffer the fate of all those before them[such as my family members who left the earth before their time.][Because the larger society has no need for them].

My whole life has been hindered so that it can be used by a SYSYTM; not GOD, but a man made SYSTEM designed to keep African Americans in what I call NIGGERDOM and because of wanting out of NIGGERDOM[super DOME in New Orleans] and not doing as told=any and everything done is not approved by the males of the larger society which puts any person in the category of being a criminial. They killed my daddy, my mama [and she worked for them], two of my brothers, three to four cousin, two to three aunts [all communicating that in order for change to take place some relative had to be killed and taken off of the face of the earth before their time.] [ African Americans progress is towards ANYTHING negative[nothing else is allowed] Caucasians are allowed to grow/do good positive things/explore/create/etc.and even encouraged to do so. [The males of the larger society that communicate with millions of people everyday UNDERSTAND EXACTLY what is going on; the forced ROBBERY of some African American who is suppose to be wealthy in the African American community].

Last but not least after reading about the "Dillinger Bridge Trial"; called to see if I could get some information [concerning the element in current court case] and after explaining some things the person asked me[Well why did you call me; you live in North Carolina; I live in New Orleans; and I said, thinking that you would understand that everybody can't approach authority[part of what the trial was about][The African Americans were running from authority][evidently they had a reason][I can't run because I have no money][ and as suggested by the person contact the local United States Attorney General's Office; which I informed them that I did and got no results; it was as if they couldn't hear me.]; So somebody connected to the Dillinger Bridge Trial is aware of the harassment and intimidation that is being experienced by an African American.

Other issues to be belogged about [include:********************][All African Americans or those that are close to them-have to select something illegal or ilmoral in order not to be put in the category of a criminal][system used to make sure that either way an African American is in the category of a criminal= method to ensure that the person an be CONTROLLED-and to ensure access to the person to create a negative situation if needed/if the person or the person that is closest to that person is doing something that interferes with a process/method/situation.]=???[keep trying not to select=but they are making it extremely difficult][why they try to classify as bishop because I haven't chosen anything illegal or ilmoral.

Last thing; the people in the local African American church who are caught in a time worp are representative of the "N.C. eugenics survivors who prove elusive"; All of the prosperity and living in the city of Winston-Salem and the state of North Carolina has been elusive to the "people in the local African American church who are caught in a time worp" and elusive to myself; may God have mercy because Jessie Duplantis said "Drive the Bus"; as soon as I can locate one.


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