Saturday, July 02, 2011



7/2/11 Posted the following on a local website about local situation in which people are suppose to seek help/ask questions about the issue the person is dealing with; left email address; will post reponses accordingly.

"Food and Water are the Essentials of Life" was posted by a CHRISTIAN organization=think that is interesting being that a CRISTIAN orgainization is the one that denied helping me with FOOD and WATER.



Following is a review for a local help agency that informed me that they couldn't/wouldn't help me; know that other issues are connected todecision not to help;basically MONEY because have documented/used VENN Diagram to show connection(s) which go beyond coincidental; which leads to the question of what resources are in the community of Winston-Salem, N. C. when the community seeks to remove human rights services as form of punishment for not aiding in illegal/ilmoral behavior. [Please do not say churches; the last one told me to be a lady of the night for the people who communicated not to help me with food and water bill.] Acting as Pro se-Have a case in court concerning threats of confinement if I work,earn income in a moral manner; being that have experienced the negative before [and can't get an attorney]and even with two degrees [including knowing that selling popcorn and candyapples will generate an income if need be] intimidatioin/stress/harassment yields it wise to not earn an income until court responds [or otherwise suffer fate of experiencing negative situation again.]

The review was as follows:
"7/2/11 mission statement says: Crisis Control Ministry is a Christian-based ministry whose mission is to assist people in crisis to meet essential life needs and to become self-sufficient." Most people would consider FOOD and WATER , ESSENTIAL; But when a waterbill and fact that no income in the household was presented to Crisis Control ; because of not helping to abuse others as Cynthia,my sister who communicated to community=don't give me food and water; so Crisis Control [INTRIM] director told me that I didn't need any help with water bill or FOOD [a Cynthia is in charge of FOOD at Crisis Control also.If paired with city of Winston-Salem garbage manager who has the same name as my brother [RICKY] and the fact that authorities puchased a "Rick's stripclub"[of which elements in community have tried to intimidate/force into involuntary servitude[serving males of the larger society]; then it appears that people of which the largest percentage is African American's are forced to yeild to ilmoral behavior before being allowed to, work, eat or have help with water or food from Crisis Control and that if they don't the person is allowed to continue in the crisis. [Venn Diagram would be the fact that: 1. the person in charge of FOOD and helping with WATER bill has the same name as sibling[cynthia-who recently got a promotion to deal with millions of dollars] and 2. the fact that the person in charge[ricky] of garbage [which hasn't been picked up after calling at the first of the week] and 3. the fact that authorities recently purchased "rick's stripclub" for millions of dollars [code/transference]; as long as siblings turn back while organizations such as Crisis Control neglect or bereft my situation [have court case concerning threats of confinement if I get a job/work/empoloyment in local area; communicated can make money with anything illegal or ilmoral.

Have listened to the radio programs for years; programs have no females; New Media company has the name of a relative that had an extremely bad experinece in Winston-SalemN.C.; lot of coincidental references, so that a person with average intelligence would think the comments to be personal [recorded] harassment.

Strengthening Our Community One Neighbor at a Time.-Or is it attacking a neighbor one person at a time whose not cooperating with ethnic intimidation."


Does anybody know of a local agency that might help with food [dealing with a health issue], bottled water[can't drink water from faucet]; and also who may help with paying water bill? went to local Crisis Control organization that wouldn't help after showing water bill is due and letter from Employment Security Commission that I am not entitled to income from unemployment benefits.


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