Monday, June 06, 2011



Seeking information on ethnic intimidation from a book=forgot what book I had located the information and was standing at the end of the counter; waiting for the NEWLY HIRED EMPLOYEE[special training=ethnic intimidation][like the NEWLY HIRED AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE CITY BUS DRIVER who kept harassing me on the bus]=was introduced to who he is suppose to intimidate when he was frist hired; placed in area in which I sometimes usually go to for the purpose of harassing and intimidating me. After standing for about ten minutes at the end of the counter=[to show the unison in operation=the African American male saw me; the head lady-white saw me standing at the end of the counter; the other white lady saw me standing waiting at the end of the counter; and the white male saw me standing behind the counter; I am standing there just waiting to be reconize; ya know like in every business; homy[gave no recogniztion; so I just stood]; waiting then OLD white female shows and homy IMMEDIATELY says; Oh, can I help you=getting paid=all this is on security camera; the second; I request service because I had been standing there at least ten minutes or more; homy=calls SECURITY on his walkie talkie- SECURITY happened to be a SELECTED African American female(given instructions concerning certain person) and a Young African American male=???=SECURITY ASKED ME-like a person in some/their system of confine=asked me what I need;said I waiting to ask about a book about "ETHNIC INTIMIDATION"=where blacks are paid by whites to intimidate and psychologicallyabuse other African Americans-Security-said OH!; then the other white lady clerk comes to me and asks OH!. can I help you=in other words=SSET UP; all involved expected or are causing situation so that SECURITY can be called=document and look at what you got=a Big fat
d-mm lie and verification of system of "ETHNIC INTIMIDATION"; the fact that the big lady who has known me for years participated=let me knows that it is coming from higherup=STEP by STEP/ pariticle by particle=punishment to all African Americans who dare to think they are the equivalent of what and who the United States Constitution say they are;

Have documented hommy's attitude toward me various times=especially when calling to inquire about information concerning Civil Rights or the equivalent;somebody said call somebody and inform them of what he is doing=that is like calling the authorities and telling them what the people who stay beside me are doing, when the authorities are the ones telling them to do it=JOKE!!!!!!! AND HOMMY KNOWS HIS JOB!!!!!and feels very comfortable; which should look kind of good on camera/incident recorded. Have recorded/witness/documented other similar situations/techniques=even to the point the person did nothing=!!!!!!!
I thought I could come to the library without being intimidated=somebody said=REALLY? and then gave a great big smile.

But God is not a JOKE=you know the scripture=right=so let's see if God's Word is true or if it is just something written in a book.

Oh!=to answer somebodies question-can hear you/and you too=they don't want to lose all the MONEY they invested=WHY?=BUT I have prayed and asked God to make everything they have put me through=to be the equivalent of hell for them[or better yet let me bestowe about them the goodness they have bestowed upon me].[Wonder how longit will take them to comeup with a law-CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION?


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