Thursday, May 26, 2011


Where Wealth Lives

The information below was written on 5/23/11; which was taken off of blog at least four to five times; It is about a documentary that varies/confirms the abuse of Socialpeacest as well as ten to twelve year Wachovia's participation concerning Socialpeacest employment.
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.oo [Read 5/26/11- CURRENT NEWS for further varification]


DVD-WHERE WEALTH LIVES Produced by Wachovia[exploration of the Africn American Economic Experience=company, I appled with for over 14 + years=?

African american Female=personnel.

The DVD starts with an African American female who says , "I believe that there isa way out of no way; that in this day and age just being fine with just
making due is not good enough, struggling, getting by, coming up short, making ends meet, keeping my head above water only to realize that land is not even
in view are not my inherent birthrights. Yes, I was born of the darker hue and I believe that wealth is mine to be had. There are lessons to be learned
habits to be broken, I can find my way to wealth, by looking closely at the past, by climbing the heart of knowledge; Once at the top, I will see the
resources that lay before me.

In my journey towards prosperity and abundance, I'll discover the richness of land=[when I plant a garden-planes fly very low over area=?]-Book New World
Book on T-rr-r--m"; the Power of Home [they come in and move things arouond when gone to remove the power/security of home]; the gift of being driven=
[reward=punishment and threats of confinement]; the intelligence of investing[bank accounts manipulated and money removed with no explanation=created fees
overnight, etc.]; and the joy of being able to give rather than receive [why they removed children and single mother around the corner, so I couldn't
give -part of process to force to receive-creating the opposite of what is suppose to be]=why money in family given to sibbling-to turn the situation
around/upside down. I am suppose to be one giving instead they have force into position of having to receive because of blocking of finances]. And when
it is all said and done; I will look at the me I have become and I'll KNOW with question EXACTLY where wealth lives.

African American male Larry Hudson, Ph. D University of Rochester; "Want a good story to tell about thepast, because the past is always a storoy about the
present in many ways. Focus on people who have accumulated great wealth[picture of Oprah Wimprey shown] who did good things with their wealth [picture of
Tiger Woods, Madam CF. J. Waler, Bill Crosby, Colin Powell, Magic Johnson shown] tell their story, but not at the expense of not telling the story of the
vast majority whose story is not as bright. The full story when told will REVEAL a broader more imbrasive(sp) African American value system that might or
\might not manifest itself in producing commercial success, and mega stars, but non the less, will show how ordinary African American's have managed to make
life under all kinds of diverse conditions, establish a home, job, family, health and so forth."

African American female, Ruby Beale/ Hampton University; Barriers-"African Americans don't make as much money; don't know as much as they need to know about
how to use economic resources (wm); lot of African Americans have access to the information but are relunctant to trust infomation based on a lot of past history

African American male, Tyrone Ferdanance, Ph. D./ Hampton University. People have to know our African American economic history and why African Americans do
certain things. African Americans have to control economic resources to create wealth[why trying to give wealth to sibbling-wealth results in Caucasian culture
prospering vs African American culture prospering[doesn't make me any differance =just want what is mine and not have to pariticipate in negative system=?][Nephew
is suppose to have wealth as African American-who sibbling gave cookout, they put CHEERwine soda and Tiheatian TREAT drinks outside of and away from house and food
to send messageto wm-don't allow nephew any cheer or treats-harass them-in return-sibbling will help to block nephew[ say the wrong things to them, tell them a
lie vs the truth, keep them ignorant when necessary, etc.]

The question is, "Why the racial economic wealth gap still exists today?" Why is it true that the median wealth of the white family is ten times that of the Black family?
Is is the lack of knowledge, CULTURAL differences, economic practices and habits, basic individual behaviors? Obvious racial inequalities? And if these factors truely play
a part in explaining the racial wealth gap; what EXACTLY is the secret that some African Americans have discovered that have lead them to know, understand and ultimately walk
the path towards wealth?

Like any subject we must know ans understand the past[abuse of Frican Americans-C.W./etc.]

African American Juliet E. K. Walker, Ph. D. /Univeristy of Texas, austin-"Africn american history has alwayss included self-help economic activities[why the treat of
confinement if any income obtain morally/work,etc.-way to de-track/robb African Americans of wealth.

African American- John Hope Franklin Ph. D. duke University-"The ownership of ones wages or anything else[relationships,health, transportation,etc.] was the result of the indulges of the
owner; slave did not have anything. if he had a dime, if he had ten cents, it ws the owners ten cents; it was not his[W-S in church African Americans-anything they have-doesn't/isn't theirs
belongs to ? [relationshihps, money, jobs, etc.] that underscores in a very dramitdc way how slaves were beriffed[ 1a. deprived or robbed of the possession or use of something usu. used with of
(b) lacking something needed,wanted or expected; 2. bereaveed-to deprive or something; take way. wms] of anything, they didn't own their shoes, clothes, shirt they had on-[sibbling can cut grass/
pay someone to cut grass; but if I cut grass white males drive by/on street in authority vehicles] the tools-they didn't own anything.

To have access to land was to have access to wealth; the same thought is true today."

One hundred years of consecutive(sp) family reunions[where the awareness of wm first occured at family reunion at Tanglewood Park].

Tom hanchett, Ph. D. Levine Museum of New South- "African Americans had a stream of income independant of whites-funeral homes-owners becdame leaders in the community because they knew and served
everyone. Funeral homes were part of the new Afrian American effort [ There are approximately fifteen to twenty funeral homes in/assocaiated with African Americanw and African American community
in Winston-Salem, North Carolina].

African American Female-Walker- "1900 to 1930-goloden Age of African American businesses during the Industrial Revolution showdowed the economoy of Caucasians-music, motion pictures. No one was giving
black people anything and those who could think about the Black economic position began to say, "Blacks would have to do it(Develope African American economy) on our own" which began a separate black
economy." (Black hair Car Industry was started/major African American business).

There were two Black Wall Streets- Durham, N C. and tulsa Oklahoma. Durham-varies headquarters of Financfial institutions, faterial orders and Black banks;in an age of Jim Crow the founder of North Carolina
Mutual Life Insurance Company was given support by the DUKE family; the owner decided to build new headquarters and MADE SURE IT WAS NOT AS TALL AS OR TALLER THAN THE WHITE BUILDINGS OWNED BY WHITE MALES IN
Durham, N. C..

African American male-"Tulsa wasn't a Black owned town, but resembled a Black economic township; there was total segregation baced on race[Winston-Salem segreation based on racial Culture] and sections of
town had been seperated; a large area set aside for African Americans [West Winston and downtown Winston-Salem considered to be long to Caucasians]
Salem, N.C.] African Americans built place up into a strong balcfk ecnomicf onclaves(sp) that they ahd every business tosupply services/finances; there were millionaires, stock markets; they were doing better
than many European American sections of Tulsa."

"Booker T. Washington visited Tulsa and called it the Black Wall Street, (in 1921-June 1st little Africa was sest afire-Tusla Race Riot);1930 to Civil rights- second wave-Blacks challenged whites owning business
in African American communities and no African Americans wer hired. Don't buy where you can't work ampaigns-resulted in some Blacks being hired. African American businesses grew from garders and kitchens[know

wealth creation among African American's is not a secret. It is indeed a science of using resources(wm) skills, talents, knowledge and the VERY IMPORTANT element of TIME [purpose of harassment/threats, etc.-to
force/control manner in which person to use their time] to accumulate what becomes the source of success,security, well being and power.[all time spent fighting-defeats purpose of living.]
Freedman's Savings Bank-In liberty we now rejoice; not slaves, but American citizens.

Life Insurance-Winston-Mutual Segment-on giving back to black Neighborhoods-African Americans share and give to each other because of heritage.
mASONERY STARTED IN nORTH 1900'S; DIDN'T COME TO THE SOUTH UNTIL AFTER cIVIL wAR-10,0000 CHAPTERS; each chapter owned their own lodge; rooms rented to AFrican American businesses; and had their own library
[most of people who use public library are African Americans=?]
Reason for the Mason Lodges; the masons were started by Prince Hall in
Key part of masons was about giving back. Because American society didn't know what to do with Free Blacks-they really couldn't participate fully and really didn't have access to the LARGER SOCIAL SYSTEMS so they
had to build their own systems.
Churches became the center piece-that is who African American's trust and the pastor is the one person CONTROLLED by the Black community[now wms CONTROL the pastor-why AFrican Americans can't/don't get any help
when harassed by wms]; the pastor is the person who has the voice to say the things that nobody else can sya because to get their payment from the community[not so in today's society-public-wms-controls/pay of people
in church; therefore control church-African Americans do not own own businesses-Public wms control/can force job lay off,etc]. Pastor was often harassed/killed, went fromtownt o town, so people usuallybecame a
polictical movement to say Jim Crow is no longer acceptable as an American Society[imagine a pastor telling the African American women to work for Jim Crow/wms].

Mason Hall had a SECRET society(s)l tet were secret because it was against the law to have non profits; there are laws on the books that African americans were not allowed to have non Profit organizations. So African
Americans couldn't be part of the LARGER COMMUNICTY and there were laws on the book that said that African Americans couldn't make their own, so African Americans had to create other institutions to be the shell
behind the locked door; that's where other actgivities took place. African Americans didn't have a lot of money but would come together and give to each other which was very impressive[sibblings punished for
giving/helping me] so communal giving took place[they stopped communal giving within the African American communities-punish African Americans that try to participate in communal giving-what United Way and Crisis Control
ministry has taken over in the African American commuinity to beriff the African American community]. If a school needed to be built; if an African American had a tree, they cut the tree down, etc. Most African
Americans didn't have cash-Person didn't have lot of money to give. The concept of give back is"Charity begins at home"[in today's African American family community-if they try to give back to each other they are

"Sometimes African Americans philopathic(sp) acts happen not bradly but within our own African American family;[Certain African Americans are allowed to give back; but only give back certain things to certain people or
otherwise the person is punished.]

Griff Kendrick, prairie View, Tx. "Seeing the rewars of being a college graduae; it opened it up for me to help others do as well or better by sending to college[not so for current African American college graduates-
earn less money]."

"This is the first generation of African American's who are glimsing(sp) the full promise of America the way it was meant to be=?
"The future that is what is is all about, we must secure the future of our children to do that we me look at the history of the past, the practice of the present; develope ways to accumulate and maintain wealth for the

"The younger generation missed that ownership idea; had ownership at local businesses in African American community but no seats at Corporate Board rooms; even though African Americans got good job; crushed ownership mentality
which meant African Americans sent best and brightest off to work for other folks [ why wms keep trying to buy family]; and it hurts African American communities when their best and brightest not giving back to African
American community. their ownership is KEY to African American prosperity; matter ofunderstanding the tool that African Amrican culture is passing to next generation."; Lot of African Amrian living pay check to paycheck;
lot of people making money off of African American's and culture acts as if they don't care."

"African American should ask themselves- how are we going to get ahead in the future[showed picture of African Amrican family with about 30 people in photo[sibblings job is to cause the oposite to occur(help in beriff process);
African Americans should think up ideas to do good things wisely.

Hosted by Beatrice Barry/Berry=?

Irma Kendrick, Prairie View, Tx.;ACCONMPLISHMENTS of neices and other; its sort of like a LEGACY-picture of African American female in white graduation gown in between two white males in red graduation gowns- as Irma Kendrick
is talking of how well her family has done and why as she saids the words legacy picture is shown of African American female in white graduation gown in between two white males in red graduation gowns.[when louise powell died and
they put her picture on, after I posted that the mortian be blessed after made statement that my mother wanted to see me soon; and I posted that my sibblings were closer to Louise Powell than me; they did not post on
for days; had to call and complain-to them that was my taking back my legacy from sibbling].



DIVESTED- TO STRIP; TO DEPRIVE OF RIGHTS OR PROPERTY. webster collegate- to deprive or dispossess esp. of property, authority, or title; b: to undress or strip esp. of clothing, ornament, or equipment c. rid, free 2: to take away from a person.



DEPRIVED-bottled up, bridle- chained- inhibit, cool off,cork,ban,bar, block, curve, shotgun, jail, urge.



denude-to deprive of something important; to strip of all coverings or surface layers; to lay bare by erosion; [more at naked].


despoil- strip/rob more at spoil; to strip of belongings, posessions,k or value:


syn- ravage-TO WRECK HAVOC ON; affect destructive; to commit destructive commit destruction actions.
[despoil means to lay waste by plundering or destroying. rvage implies violent often cumulative depredatation and destruction; davastate implies the complete ruin and desolation of a wide area;
devastate implies complete ruin and desolation of a wide area; waste may implyproducing the same result by a SLOW PROCESS rather than sudden and violent acton; sack implies carrying off all valuable possessions from a
place; pillage implies ruthless plundering at will but without the completness suggested by sack;despoil -applies to lootting or robbing WITHOUT SUGGESTING ACCOMPANYING DESTRUCTION]


dismantle- To take to pieces; also to destroy the integrity or functioning of

dispossess- to putout of possession or occupacy and security.


**dock- to subject (as wages) to a deduction. e of possession or proprietary rights; to tra
nsfer the propertyofanother to one's own possesssion.

expropriate-to deprive of possessions orproprietyary rights; to transfer the property of another to one's own possession[cynthia].

hold back-something that retains or estrains; the act of holding back; to hinder the progress or achievement of; restrain; to keep from advancing to the nesxt stge, grade or level; to refrain from revealing or parting with;


oust-to stand in the way; -in the way-; to remove from or dispossess of property or position by legal cation, force or the compulsion of necessity; to take way; bar, remove; to take the blace of[cyth]; a judgment removing an
officer or deprive a corporation of a franchise[Nesa]-expulsion (syn-Eject).






containingnothing , leisure, idle, being without something

DESTITUTE- lacking something needed or desir;able; lacking possessions and resources; esp: suffering extreme poverty;
destitutesion-the state of being destitutue; esp such extreme want as threatens life unless relieved, syn. see poverty.

STRIPPED- to remove; to deprive of possessions; to divest of honors, privileges, or functions; 2a to remove extraneous or superficial matter from; to make bare;

5/24/11- Forsyth County manager's Office
ms. kerry said that she would see if she could get ms skinner on phone-4:28 pm;on hold to-4:-

clled dudley watts office/secretary answered - KIM-- asked what :1 means; said that she didn't know that she would check with someone. personally think it is A BEREFT PROCESS- system used by city/county to TEACH African Americans
to stay in their place/punishment.] secretrary kim- said that carla HOLD was in office with manager and asked me if I would hold; told her yes; 4:50pm to 4:56pm;
stayed on hold until 4:56pm hold/carla secretary said let me check with Mr. Watts-said he JUST picked up phone on antoher call but you can leave a voice mail or call back tommorow morning; told her I would call back tomorrow.

DEVOID-more at void-being without a usual , typical or expected attribute[job after obtaining a degree] or accompanient-used witho of[more at void].
void-opening, gap, empty space, emptiness, vacum; the quality of state of being without something; lack. absence; a feeling of want or hollowness; lack, absence, ;to make empty of vacant;ckear, NULLIFY; ANNUL: TO ELIMINATE SOLID OR LIQUID WASTE[ system used by wms
to elimnate African americans they don't want intheir wms system-WATTS];

Not occupied, vacant;deserted;

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