Thursday, February 24, 2011


Naturally BornED/Attack Mode=?


Answer is because you are naturally borned= to be an individual/person/who the God made you! Point is that as one considers that the elements created by man in society are designed to obtain certain goals, which are the equivalent of violating the natually borned status of an individual. Most of the females that I have encountered in my life have shown no great desire to attack anyone; really and neither have the men and most of the men and women that have been encountered in my life have been African American. Most of them sad to say just want to chill-meaning get someone and hang out with people they feel comfortable with (most of them and sad to say a lot of them have been the EDUCATIONABLE kind)just paying attention to themselves and a few others.

Which makes Naturally BornED/Attack Mode not the answer to address created elements designed by man in society. Point got to any African American community and the vast majority of the people do and are and can only for see doing "NOTHING" and the future appears the same. Use to be they may look forward to a party on Friday or Satuaday; going to a relative's house to hang out; anything that did not take a lot of money; even the people who had an etrxa few dollars did not go to far or to many places to go on a date; BUT in today's economy and today's enviornment,really before today's economy and today's enviornment most of them(African Americans) couldn't do anything; the local clubs are nonexistant-they can't go dance (and then only those who are working for Caucasian males in the African American community against African American's are/were allowed to go to the clubs without threat of a negative experience); they can't go to a movies-the movies use to be down the street from the house or neighborhood within walking distance; now the movies require transpostation money; plus movie fare; plus money for popcorn/drink which is more than the movie itself sometimes. Person use to be able to go back and forth to neighbor houses, use to be able to visit without punishment; now it is so that which are the equivalent of violating the natually borned status of an individualhave created a very large valcum in the Africna Amwerican community intentionally so that the African American community as it has been know will basically disappear; thus so it is with the African American race/lifestyle and thus Naturally BornED/Attack Mode=? to the extent that the elements created by man in society that worked in the family member's life that were created by man in society regarding the URGENT need FOR that family member to be replaced appear to be attempting to rise within the naturally bornED element(S) which are the equivalent of violating the natually borned status of an individual; NOT to mention that there is still question as to weather the elements created by man in society that are designed to obtain certain goals-like robbing Africn American females who have twins-of one of the twins; which are the equivalent of violating the natually borned status of an individual.

Long story short; African Americans Naturally BornED/Attack Mode=? was created by the elements created by man in society are designed to obtain certain goals. Know that one of the possible twins-?????therefore??????????
Thus it is with all Naturally BornED/Attack Mode citizens-something created by the elements by man in society designed to obtain certain goals.

Most of the females that I have encountered in my life have shown no great desire to attack anyone; really and neither have the men and most of the men and women that have been encountered in my life have been African American. Most of them sad to say just want to chill-meaning get someone and hang out with people they feel comfortable with (most of them and sad to say a lot of them have been the EDUCATIONABLE kind)just paying attention to themselves and a few others. And if that is the case that most people just want to live life; then where does the element associated with Naturally BornED/Attack Mode come from; it must be something created by the elements of man in society designed to obtain certain goals because if one considers the mode of society a couple o decades ago; they were not involved in Naturally BornED/Attack Mode-most of them were in party have a good time and most of them would be so now; SO WHAT THE F--K could be cause them to go into the Naturally BornED/Attack Mode created by man?
Could it be man causing them to go into the Naturally BornED/Attack Mode; If so what man; COULDN'T be the African American male-it would have to be somebody with money/knowledged/new technology; what male/man fits that mode=I KNOW-acould it be the Caucasian male=????????

Stop attacking relatives because of visitation PLEASE; that is some/something created by the elements of man in society designed to obtain certain goals which is to separate family's.


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