Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The Own Blog-Oprah Winfrey


Oprah.com-Note-Women in uniform epidemic ar homeless; Oprah asked="Why haven't you reached out for help?" woman in uniform said, she was ashamed; that she can't ACCESS the RESOURCES;it's like they don't exist;women in unifrom name Alicia-can go to Oprah.com and click on how to help-12/24/10.http://www.oprah.com/index.html
Picture is worth a thousand words-solutions?http://www.oprah.com/oprah_show.html

Dr. Phil Show-12/22/10-WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GOOD PEOPLE ARE PUT IN BAD PLACES; -Program about people in society that do whatever anybody in uniform tells them to do; segment=results of an experiment about CONTROL-security guard told person in experiment that if they don't eat their food that they would take it out on that person's roommate; then the roommate in the experiment started to attack the person that the security guard told to eat their food or they would be atacked; commment by Dr. Phil; system puts pressure on the person to abuse their role by telling person that the person they want abused is bad and must be punished.http://www.drphil.com/

For example; relative helping me to stay out of cold house; was told that the offices will be turned about at work "ASHly" will be moved up to the SAME Floor as relative;LESLIE?=?12/28/10.

President Obama's success is the equvalient of (in the African American communities)= IF AFRIAN AMERICAN want to earn income over poverty level or live a lifestyle above poverty; then they will have to agree to be gay or be attacked!!!!!

Chris Matthews/HARD BALL/12-21-10 7:05pm; statement=strategy of the Senate "cut them off or kill them"; system that operates in the African American neighborhoods if they don't do as told/join the GROUP!http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/

Melissa Harris Perry-New Term "ECONOMIC" terro-ism-12-21-10(computer went off without any type of notification=usually computer will say 15 min left; 2 min left-computer #$ at local library just completely shut down after I typed "Melissa Harris Perry-New Term "ECONOMIC" terro-ism"=that "TWO" thang. The New term; ECONOMIC terro-ism is a term that Melissa Harris-Perry used to relate to a PRIOR ERA when then was extreme violence before and during the Civil War=?; that what I have been experiencing; somebody forgot to tell ???that the Civil War is over and that those who tried to keep blacks slaves can't force African Americans to work for them or stop African Americans from making money and that to do so is against the law!!!!!!

Insult is more abrasive than injury; statement by Anelo Codevilla-12/27/10-Claremont Institute Senior Fellow Boston Univerisity International relations professor; statement also made on same program that "Confidence in leaders in Amrican by citizens has been decreased because of CULTURAL problems which needs to be addressed";But it will NOT be addressed becasue even as the person spoke it (white male) they are part of the problem and don't reconize it"; also imagine over thirty years of insults almost twenty to thirty times a day of insults and not even being able to escape it while being at home; IF insult is mor abrasive than injury; wonder where I am.

Justice Day O'Conner and Justice David Sanders(sp); both o program on C-span about educating the public about the Judicial system-as they were speaking; it dawned on me that in order for an African American to deal with the Judicial system they would have to do what O'Conner and Sanders (sp) said; plus; and to finish the program-Justice Sanders said the same message that I wrote to carry as I walked to work when working at ---'s ---b-the message was "YOU'RE NEXT"; Justice Sanders(sp) said in the final analysis "YOU'RE NEXT"-speaking about mistreatment in the judicial system; he's speaking about the judicial system; the people reading this/and working in the system of abuse-the same goes for each of you; it's your job to harass me; but tomorrow it will be somebody elses job to harass YOU!!!! Count on it!!!!!. http://www.c-span.org/

Also segment on CNN about people being rescured from torture; call and asked for intervention; am waiting for a response.12-(22 or 23)-10.http://money.cnn.com/

All comments-from segments of the show or C-Span during the 2010 Christmas holidays.

And to think everyday; one of them invites me to join them; I am so honored! Purchase a copy of the Winston-Salem Chronicle 12-16-10;"New Year brings new NAACP leadership";Attorney S. Wayne Patterson-New NAACP presidenthttp://www.server-jbmultimedia.net/WinstonSalemChronicle/sitebase/index.aspx?adgroupid=194544&view=double

-page A-5; picture of Mr. Patterson-and Picture of the OLD LONG TIME representative=message=want to be a success follow him=All African American NOT in/part of group are not to be helped IF you want to live; he got through our system;
then on "COMMUNITY" page (picture taken at target store=who is in the middle=a picture is worth a thousand words=sums up just about ALL=??????http://www.server-jbmultimedia.net/WinstonSalemChronicle/sitebase/index.aspx?adgroupid=194544&view=double

12/28/10;Diamond Sasis(sp);white male(don't know) greeted me at door of local library/two blue chairs/thought it strange=DIAMOND SASIS(sp) on chest/black t-shirt-snow outside=then looked at local Winston-salem Chronicle front page 12/28/10= article="IAMOND IN THE ROUGH?" haven't had a chance to read the article=wonder if it means that all women who work for white males get a diamond on their finger=?

Just looked athe article; it is about East Winston-African American branch library=?

It is a cycle; check Winston-Salem Chronicle archive.

Hopefully there will be no war!!!!!!.


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