Sunday, April 19, 2009


GOD WORKS QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Went to see Jessie Duplantis on 4/18/09= he did not bring his television cameras=?intereing? Word was about God's economic stimulas package=God works quick=If you ask God for something it doesn't take him a long time to give it to you!!!!! Confirmation that someone/or color White has been interfering with my life for over thrity plus years waiting for me to give up so they+???can come in and give me what they+white males want me to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For example: Just left Wendy's on Akron Drive; where relative in WHITE LEXUS drove me to get something to eat; was going to get food and then they would take me home; Told them that I would pay for MY food; and they kept insisting to pay for food. Well I didn't want someone who had sold his own family to buy me anything(means I was participating,approving)/ Even though I said NO! they took their card out, handed it to the cashier and paid for food anyway(what I say don't matter); so I told them to keep the food, eat it, I will catch a ride home. =The relative in the WHITE LEXUS is the same relative I talked about on previous blog that SOLD our family out so the WHITE MALES could control it: In return he was given a job making over 40 or 50,000 dollars a year; Bastard=by his paying for my food=was suppose to clear his conscious and his stealing family reunion African American heritage=In other words WHITE MALES paid him to mess up the family reunion because I wouldn't agree to them being in control or our family. Bastard(S). Relative bought car the color of WHITE to symbolize (I'm with whatever the white males want to do) and LEXUS(code for LET US)-Black male saying I'll help you; I'll sell my family out for mMONEY to white males(which I wouldn't do!!!!!!

What else is interesting is that while riding to Wendy's I asked the relative if Bishop knew him; and he said, "YEAH!!" I been at the church for 19 years since 2001 when my brother was murdered and nobody ever found the person who did it (so they said!). My relative siad that the bishop use to go fishing with me and my dad; I Knew him before he got all this(meaning a great big church, etc..); which means that when the family member driving the WHITE LEXUS' father(who was VERY SKINNY) was INTENTIONALLY dropped by FOUR WHITE MALES and died as a result(talked about on previous blog); The relative couldn't get anyone to address the abuse; probably went to the bishop; was probably isolated by white males. (The relative had told people they couldn't get an attorney(also part of the white male system) and the WHITE MALES communicated that either the releative help the WHITE MALE SYSTEM or the relative would suffer confinement or six feet under (like the previous four or five African American male relatives they had killed. It was my relatives choice; be ran around in circles or LET US white males do what we want to do!!!!! So the White males told the bishop (why all businesses controlled by white males in African American community) to tell my relative to Let White Males do what they wanted and they would pay the bishop. That way the biship and my relative would get some MONEY TOO!!!!currpution in exchange for conviencing my relative that it was best to slave out to the white male systems. Sure the relative told his family how UNCOOPERATIVE I was; guess I need to inform them of how CURRUPT he is!!!

Upon my relative paying for food at Wendy's I got out of car; told him, I would get a ride home; the relative gave food back to drive through person; when I went into Wendy's and started ordering; the manager told her front counter person to give me the food; I told the manager; I will pay for my own food; stted at least ten times I don't want the food!!!!! (My relative only offered topay for food to cover up his filth; and to pay for messing up the family; and I did not want it); But to have the manager try and force me to take the food is another story!!!!! Also told the manager that the health code says that food taken out of the store cannot be resold; then and only then did she informed her front counter person to take my order! The manager reaction was to help one of the in-house Negroes (my relative)-In house Negroes are allowed to have jobs, etc.. and being that the manager had a job=status symbol right now=[in fact most of the people who have jobs that are African Americans are their PETS (which I have blogged about)=so anybody that wants to get back at some of the black people that have harassed or dogged/robbed them; chose any African American with a job! If they don't know about the system of robby; then some body in their family knows and is helping them with the system of robbery!. Point is that the manager understands the system of slavery so well that she felt comfortable trying to force me to take food that one of her group members(in house Negroes) had paid for; like I don't have a choice!!! And for the most part she is right (have 30 plus years of documentation that varifies and supports her actions/and behaviors that blacks have no rights because white males/system tells working AFricn American(in house Negroes) how to negative treat other/no/low income working African Americans as well as that the working (in house Negroes) are completely backed by the white male system regarding ANYTHING done illegally, especially secure are the white males/system of abuse of African Americans in Winston-Salem, North Carolina,etc.-like those in "Katrina"! in New Orleans. An African American (exspecially) who knows what they(white male system) are doing aren't allowed to do/have anything UNLESS they agree to be/particiapate in a system of slavery/abuse!!!!!!!

Jessie Duplantis said God wants you to have things NOW!!!!!! and when you ask GOD EXPECT IT (whatever you asked for) right away!!!!; and if it doesn't get there= means that something is wrong. In AFrican American community, you ask God for something and the opposite happens because white males/system stsrts working to block anything request of God who created stars. sun,etc.. The Bishop said today, God is working it out for you; he is making a way for you; No he isn't (WHITE MALE system is making a way and working it out; which they(white males/system) have to arrange things and get people in place to force what person wants or desire to fit in part of white male system of confinement and planatation system or if white males/system don't like it; then they try and replace it; It is not God trying to figure out a way; it is the white males/system trying to fiure out a way so that they can control what every African American wants!!!!!! I have asked God for a job for over thirty plus years and till nothing because I want to just work; but the WHITE MALES won't let me work UNTIL I agree that I am only WORKING for THEM and their SYSTEM of salvery. Anyway, in the meeting I asked again for a job with over 60,000 dollars a year salary along with some other things. Jessie Duplantis also said God wants you to have things to be able to spend and buy to have things which are missing out of my life; because not allowed to earn MONEY to buy things. then he gave scripture about why that was so in Genisis 1:26.
It was also confirmatation from God giving me permission to:__!!!

The other thing that the local bishop said was that person shouldn't talk about their problems in public; as he said that, God showed me that for me it was a good thing because everything done in the dark shall come to light; think the local bishop might have something to hide??????!!!! In actuality; hindsight; the bishop really built his ministry and got his money off of my family=more specifically; my earthly daddy=because of who he was= originally, One of the African American males was working with the WHITE MALES who figured out that the WHITE MALES had a business of doing illegal.illmoral things to African Americans to make money off of them and decided not to help. In other words he changed his mind=why they(white males set him up=punishment-forced him to minister in prison. The WHITE MALES in turn came at him from behind to set him up(used the Judege at the local bishop church); by blocking his money; thereby forcing him to do only what they allowed=illegal or immoral activity. So being that the bishop associated with my earthly fathers nephews, relatives, left opening for white males to take control of the next generation of African American males in my family through a spirit of control using the spirt of fear!!!!!!!Thus upon killing four or five of the African AMerican men in our family within a three to four year period of time; when presented with other options through the bishop who advised the the relative not to confront(All African Americns males are trained to bow to white mases and never confront; but to ONLY OBEY=SLAVE!!!!!!Thus situation at Wendy's; manager's attitude of eat the food I told you to eat and through tone of voice acted like she was going to come out and make me eat the food,,especially when one of the in=house Nwgroes(my relative) paid for it (regardless of state codes and regulations)!!!! And the African American community is CONTROLLED by the same spirit=whatever they WHITE MALEs want=now imagine having the head In=House NEGRO president so that ANYTHING the WHITE MALES want takes place and NObody questions what they do.

Since Obama has been in office I heard a lot of African American females who say that white males at apartment complexes are coming in on them at night and in their apartment when they are gone. Being that the white males tell African American women who can have an African American men around them(only women who help White males punk out African American men=means only African American women men who tell their men to allow white males to walk all over them); and being that the white males have gotten rid of a lot of African American males by making MONEY off of them in and by and through confinesment; then African American women don't have any forms of protecton UNLESS they create their own; in which that isn't allowed either. If there are male neighbors. they are probably working for the white males; most of the AfricanAmerican women have a form of understanig of why bother to go and get help; they know that most of the things done in the African American community has already been authorized!!!!!!!!!!!

At one of the churches that I am at; the judge that sat up my earthly father who took fifteen years of his life AND the BISHOP at the same church, helped the white males/system by making MONEY/through allowing the White Males to pay him off to help hide the abuse done by the White Males. On the other hand, white males do not allow ANYOME/African American to recieve compensation for white males abusing them; it may break their economic system; just don't happen and IF anyone is paid compensation for the abuse by white males/systems it's because of what I just wrote on the blog=excluding the incidences which may take fifty years for them to ever go to court; by that time they have lived their life and they may :that's a big May have two years or less left to live; therefore there is no impact. And as of to date; have not intentionally responded to abuse by white males/system. All NEGROES/ African Americans been trained (including my earthly father (who they stole fifteen years of his life) said 'DON'T FIGHT THEM') Thus confirmation/verification the WHITE MALES/system rule. They can do what they want (espcecially with a front man who is an African Ameican).

Also while at Wendy's noticed that the person waiting on me was name WILLIE=??; African Amercian male with DREADLOCKS=code to the minister of the church across the street from Wendy's to dread anything that deals with Willie(who I ask for prayer for); also threat that If he helps to connect me and Willie(that he needs to not be fool and dread what will/may happen to him). At same time=do know that part of his ministry is to break up Africn American relationship for White males; thus I am asking God to break up his relationship with his prostitute wife.

And just so you will know I am not being cruel; as a result of them telling me that I can't have a husband, only john's (be a prsitute); figured out that they take the African American women who are suppose to be wives and make them prostitutes; and then take the African Amrican prostitutes and make them wives; so that the African American prostitute ends up with one JOHN=who is the husband and the African American female who is suppose to have a husband is denied any relationship or forced into prositution. Which explains why a male friend of mine who was divorcing his prositute(oops I mean wife=?) said It's strange but in the 34 years of marriage; I never felt like she was my wife!" And he was right; she was working for the white males. Only African American females who are prositutes for the white males are allowed to have boyfriends or husbands. All others are only allowed to have children (to be used by white male system) or no man!!!! And the MOST AMAZING THING to me is that African American females/society ACCEPT it!!!! Which is why the pastor and his wife work to help the WHITE MALE sytem=I would be a female that would k--l.

Anyway prayer request to the bishop after he preached "DEATH IS DEAD"=1.Special mira-cles; 2.MONEY;3.Stop trying to give me substitutes;
4. If "Death is Dead" that means that all those things associated with death are dead also. For exmaple: if a person wasn't allowed to earn a moral, legal, living that should be dead; therefore the person should be able to make a moral, legal living ; income without being attacked. If a person can't make money to feed , SHOP (bishop's prostitute(oops wife) organzied a shopping trip=?) ; they are the equivalent of being dead anyway because their income is dependent on others. God said, "If you don't work; then you don't eat and to pay a person worty of their hire!!! and I am tired of being used by WHITE MALES. My mama said, when I told her I didn't want the BASTARDS using me; "being that they have used her for over forty years, said that she would! And she is the same one that thinks that they (white males) are so nice after they had her son(s) murdered;please spare me!!!!!!Think part of her KNOWS; it is THEIR= (White males) system anyway!

And If "Death is DEad", then so are all the systems that develope death in any and all areas of a person's life, which means that the systems that try and control a person and who they are, IN ORDER to be used by a system are dead also; as well as system to develop person as man sees(death) is dead. Which means all forms of social mental, emotional and financial system athat cause death through control are dead. If "Death is DEAD", then outfront or behind the scenes, it doesn't matter who is working; systems of control, confinements are also dead. If not then
"Death is not dead". Only when people, systems get out of my life, reltionships, MONEY and stop trying to find away for my life to be fit in manmade systems of confinement, control or reservations (like the American indians) will anybody be able to say that "Death is Dead" or that the concept of "Death is DEad" EXIST!

Went to see Jessie Duplantis on 4/18/09= he did not bring his television cameras=?intereing? Word was about God's economic stimulas package=God works quick=If you ask God for something it doesn't take him a long time to give it to you!!!!! Confirmation that someone/or color White has been interfering with my life for over thrity plus years waiting for me to give up so they+???can come in and give me what they+white males want me to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus as Jessie Duplantis said," on 4/18/09= he did not bring his television cameras=?interesting? Word was about God's economic stimulas package=GOD WORKS QUICK=If you ask God for something it doesn't take him a long time to give it to you!!!!! Confirmation that someone/or color White has been interfering with my life for over thrity plus years waiting for me to BOW TO THEIR WHITENESS;give up so they+???can come in and give me what they+white males want me to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!after all my suffering for being an African American.Verification=sister/brothers makle money after yielding to pressures/killing of sibblings of/by white male system.


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