Tuesday, September 18, 2007




Following is a copy of prayer request made to schambach ministries concerning getting water and heat in house that I am existing in=stayed in house just about all winter with no lights, water or heat=don't see this year doing the same=if nothing changes within the next week, will do a on-line campaign to generate funds to have lights, water, heat and food=!!!!!!!!!!

This morning woke up late=it was almost 2:00 in the afternoon=but when i woke there was a male(Caucasion) on the television (channel 61 on my television) in which he was giving a sermon on TCT's yearly fund raiser=his sermon was about CONTAINMENT=He gave the definition of CONTAINMENT as =to be held back by force=then he said it is usally associated with the spirit of Pharaoh=in which he gave a meaning to each letter in pharaoh=
P=poverty=most of my blogs have been about desire to overcome system that tries to keep people in poverty=???=!!!!

H=heartbreak=have posted on my blogs the techniques used in my relationships to break us up or block relationships=including the bastards intentions to try to use my earthly sister in present relationship= one of the prayer requests made today that God would intervene=???=!!!!!!!!!
A=adultry=what they used to break up my first marriage=???=!!!!!!
R=racism/religion=anybody who is aware kows about their system of racism and the system of religion is what most churches are suffering from=???=!!!!!
A=addiction=most people know somebody who has or is addicted to something in their life=their way of keeping control over person=????=!!!!
O=Occult=really goes along with form of religion=lot of people in cults thinking they are serving the real God that made Jesus Christ of Nazareth=???=!!!!
H=Homesexuality=have written on my blog about the fact that they have communicated that if I want to make money=the only way was that I was to be gay=in fact on both buses to and from first restuarant where Willie use to work=they had females on the bus that were gay=they ususally have them to get on or off at LINK road or ACADEMY raod=suppose to mean=communicate, etc=????=anyway=all the techniqes that the man was talking about on the telivision station concerning COINTAINMENT=have been experienced in my life and each one of them for the most part I have come over or through=up to this afternoon=in which I came to the NOrth Carolina room to get on the computers and two Afarican Americn males=long story short=came and check their flight schedule=all in less than two minutes=????=meaning=????based upon the fact that I went to an interview=had a female minister=haven't seen her since=came to the other library that I ususally go to=who taold me about the airlines hiring session=in which they call you for an interview=in which they called me=in which their main question= in which they made the statement "Including, you want to fly free a lot"=??? I told them know I don't like to fly and that I probably wouldn't be flying at all if any=that's why they did not give me the job=????have had it communicated to me numerous time to LEAVE=????problem is that first I don't have any MONEY=!!!!!=??????????????=secon????????????????????????=anyway=did call "Focus on the Family" earlier today and requested prayer that God delivers me from the spirit of CONTAINMENT that is operatining in the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina and the United States of America for certain African Americans=?????????????=!!!!!!!!!!!!

(While I was writing the above portion. was being led to post the fact that when I access the channel 12 new website WXII= that their fornt page had CRIME on the front of the web page=???? in which one of the local African American newspapers put a sample newspaper=????in my mailbox with the lead article being about the fact that they=????have been give a GRANT to fight CRIME=?????=in which I took the paper back to them=after my earthly brother was murdered in 1991=the Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinal kept sending me free(sample) newspapers=in which I thought that was good=until one day they sent me a newspaper with the lead story bing that the charachtersin the story all had my earthly family members name, Curtis, Ann, my earthly mother, etc.=in the article all the people were killed=don't remember how or what happened=after I broused the article=made a decision NOT to take anymore free newspapers=so when one is given=know it is not coincidental=the article's url address is =????librarian said that she couldn'f locate article on their website=????=niether could I=???=is there a block to the article since I took the article back to the newspaper=the librarian did have a hard copy on hand and offered to allow me to read the article=told her that I needed the article online to reference=does the library have a block on the articles at the Winston-Salem Chronicle, especially those that go to the African American community=?????being that the W-S JOrunal and Sential owns 49% of the shares that they write two newspapers (one for the white side of town and one for the black side of town)=the Winston-Salem Chronicle probably does too=!!!!!!!!!=???????????????



First, would like to thak all who have prayed for me; second, would like to give praise reports,#1 girl that was trying to mislead Willie was fired because she did not call or come to work three times=so pray that God will lead and guide her=because switching jobs is not a good thing for anybody, brings about a lot of stress=#2was allowed to get to the WXII news website from the research computer in the North Carolina room at the 5th street public library=still trying to locate the comment section=!!!!!!

Now would like to request prayer concerning #1=that the person that they replaced the female with(who they were trying to get to mislead Willie)=will also be removed=being that they are trying to use him (my earthly sister's ex husband=thier marriage lasted 1 year)=to mislead Willie=not really sure how=???=know it is not good=???=so please pray God will intervene and use the situation to be a good thing for me and Willie=also pray concerning possible use of my sister's ex=husband being used=????gift working=that God will intervene so that=because they couldn't use female who was trying to mislead Willie to get in middle of relationship=they trying to use earthly sister=and sad to say=have tried for decades to make her my friend, but they keep telling her she is my competitor=pray God delivers her from thinking I'm her competitor=they did it when we were young and she was going to get EKG's because of her seizures=and being that Willie goes to them=???for treatment for his seizures=know the bastards= pray that God will intervene so that if=they have/are trying to program Willie to connect with my earthly sister=that God will intervene and block their techniques=they have a system of getting in the middle of African American relationships to control either the man or the woman=????so pray Willie doesn't fall for them controlling or being in the relationlship and neither do I=also pray that God will intervene so that (heard they were suppose to be getting a new manager at the restuarant where Willie is working=not good=???they keep changing the personnel=not good pyscholocigal for there to be constant changes= their system to create no stablility in Willie
s life does not work=sort of like what they have done where I work=have chnaged the managers=so that one is name ROB=and the other CURTIS=Rob=in the spirit realm=suppose to orb me of my wealth=and Curtis=suppose to be symbolic of what happen to my brother who was murdered=also since Rob has been the manager=they have put a commerical on about how ACCURATE the new weatherman is=(don't know what channel)=??? and they have put a BIG billboard on highway 40 west downtown=of a Caucasion woman who has the name of Robertson,(sp) or something similar=way to communicating to Rob=????=she looks like she is rich=????thier way of communicating to Rob what or who he can have if he is accurate concerning situation with me=????=also pray that their system to create no stability in my life doesn't work either=also please pray concerning tring to get to the Schambach prayer board=in which when I tried to=to make long story short=it wasn't there anymore=new Schambach prayer page=and new way to get to prayer board to post a prayer=???pray that God will intervene so that the prayer requests posted will go to the REAL public on the internet and not one in which they have redirected the prayer request so that only certain people are able to see prayer request=???=also pray that God bless all who have been involved in the process in which it allowed me to post the two praise reports=

Also please pray that God will fix it so that I can have HEAT and WATER immediately=really pray God intervenes and gives me a supernatural big money financial blessing immediately=Thanks again for your prayers and may peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces.


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