Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Things will flow

3/13/07 Please pray over situation along with the fact that reflections about current job=revealed that Brandon who works with me=same name as my nephew=started work the same time that the little guy with the last name of LOVE started=excactly eight months ago=exactly one month after I got out of jail being falsely accuesed of throwing a penny=put in jail because of no bail money=in other words=they=????in this particular case=my employers=hired BRANDON that works with me and LOVE (their NEW manager=who harassed me everyday for the three days that I worked with him=requested not to work with him=)for the purpose of harassing me+last night brandon got off early+sat out in the lobby+with two WHITE MALES=????bRANDON usually gets off after me=????ALSO MARY who I asked if I could work with her was given instructions on 2/12/07=?????=two white males in white van with company name=my first initial.?????????????=lets see what she was instructed=Mary is a very nice person=she knows her job=what they tell her to do and not to do=she was the one they=????told to hire me=after I sent statement to the UN about a job=guess I need to send another one=because they will not give me more that three days, with at the most 18 hours=mostly because I'm suppose to be at social service, getting food stamps, etc.so they=????can make money off of me=???They are giving teenages more hours than they give me to work=but Mary is only following the instructions that she is given. The other fact is that two of the managers that worked there no longer, mysteriously work there=when I asked what happen to them=nobody knows=I KNOW they removed them=so that LOVE could be the night manager=so that he could harass me=??????everything they do is out in the open.= So pray that God will fix it so that I can work and continue to work in peace=I was working the same three days=not my days have changed=what the demons wanted=going back to what the pastor said=they=????don't want me to be settled=which leads me to why they don't want me to have a relationship they don't want me to be settled because I am not working for them =and if so =they don't want the person to be settled=thus what they have done to Willie=It works like this=if I find something that interests me=
ANYTHING= they attack it=which puts me back where I started=meaning that if I don't work for them=????then I am not allowed to do, be ,etc. I keep trying to tell people, but no one will hear me=any they intend to keep attacking anything that I want or like unless I use my gift for them=????right now=they keep trying to MAKE me have a ministry=if I don't do stuff that is church related=they mess with it=like the two dollar movie=after I started going=they started messing with the movies=ministries are all that African Americans are allowed to do if they want to live right=?????that's another blog=
When I start using my gift working for them/church=then things will flow in my life=but that an't the way God is directing me=to serve the white God or have an illusionary church.

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