Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Can I See Willie????????????

Someone posted a prayer stating that God reveal to me that all people are his people when I made a prayer request that hispanics are not allowed on my street, community or city=what they did not understand because they had not read my other prayers or my blog is that the hispanics were used to psychologically torture and harass me for over two years=in other words that was what they were paid for=the supervisors on the job knew what they were doing and encouraged them=I have had someone murdered in my family=they say they don't know who did it=as far as I am concerned the supervisors and the hispanics were just as guilty=being that I had done nothing to them=so being that I KNOW that hispanics are being used to abuse African Americans=I did not make the world=not to mention=that for hispanics are being used to replace=(nice word) for African Americans that don't know what to do=to eliminate the effects of torture/harassment= they end up leaveing the earth before their time(nice phase)=then the hispanics replace them=in other words=it is an organized system=to replace African Americans with hispanics=now I don't think God would want me to help and assist people who are intentionally systematically developing ways to intentionally send people off the earth before their time=?????=and because of my situation=I pray that God keeps hispanics away from me, my street,my community and my city=I don't want to take my sister's place(long story short)=by helping a system to sytematically, in an organized manner eliminate people off of the face of the earth before their time=so all of you who know the word of prayer=please pray God will fix it so that hispanics are not around me=and I wish all hispanics well=but being that I KNOW part of their purpose for being in this country=I do not want to participate=while I live, be prosperous and declare the glory of the Lord=and I am well aware that a lot of hispanics are not aware of what they are doing=but I don't know which ones know and which ones don't and don't know which ones a supervisor may have told they can do certain things concerning me=I was born in this country=most of them are illegal=why should I be stressed=again pray God keeps hispanics out of my life, my street, my community. Peace and prosperity to all= hope this help to anwser the person and help them to understand=this has nothing to do with being prejudice=it has to do with peace not to mention=they come to the US and get jobs that I have applied for for over twenty to thirty years.Peacenowst

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