Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The Gift

On 10/7/06; went to two church services; one at 11:00am;the other at 4:00 pm. At the 11:00am service the minister said that miracles were going to come; that God is going to do something great in my life; that in order to recieve the miracles you have to stay in position to recieve; declare what you expect and then gave three things to do in order to recieve the miracles:
1. Be in tune to God's voice,
2. Take the First step by praising the Lord for the miracle before the break through,
3. Trust in the faithfullness of God and tell God,"it is your credialbility that
is on the line not mine."

And in closing he said God has a miracle with your name on it and to tell God; let that thing (miracle happen right now).


At the 4:00 pm service; there was a guest PROPHET; that spoke to honor the minister of a local church; the message was recieved by some of the members as being a little confused. Anyway I got something out of the message and to confirm my thoughts about other things; one of the ministers said something that let me know that I was right about some things that I was thinking.But the most interesting thing to me was not going to the 4:00pm service but before I got to the service where I went to a restrurant across the street from the church service. I got there about two hours before the service started. While at the restraurant, I noticed one of the workers white femlae (I thought) and how she was working. She almost appeared distant from her job; I said to myself; that person has a different spirit from most people that I have observed working on a front counter. So the Holy Spirit told me to ask her what church she attendss; she said I don't attend a church; I attend a temple and I thought Oh she must be a muslim; then she said "I am a WICKIN" and "I said a what?"
She said a "WICKIN". and I said,"OH!" then asked her how long she had been a WICKIN and she said that at the age of five she remembered things happening but that she did not officially become a WICKIN until she was about ten after she had gone to church with her grandmother alot and after she had read the bible through, she had asked her grandmother a lot of questions which she said her grandmother couldn't answer; said her grandmother started crying because she couldn't answer questions, being that she was only ten years old. So she said she didn't ask her grandmother any more questions; she just started reading on her on when she read about WICKINS and after reading about them decided that that must be what she is and decided to call herserlf a WICKIN. I asked her about her what kinds of things she could do; she said she can control a form of energy; she could warm rocks and give to people that it helped them to heal; then she said that some WICKENS could light a candle by thought; that they had other gifts also. Then I told her about my gift and that some people thought that I was a WICKIN because of the ways things happen concerning my gift. Then she asked me if I could do certain other things if I had other gifts; I told her not that I know of. Then she mention that some of the posssible other gifts; I told her about the fact that because of my gift (maybe because of the time era) that I had found it difficult to fit in; that for some reason people would always say that I was different, so it has affected other areas of my life. Then I told her that a lot of Christians had told me that my gift was not of God because it started when I was about two years of age; she said she disagreed with them; that God sent me to the earth with my gift to be used; I told her I know that if I had not had the gift that I would not be here on earth today.

Which made me remember that at the age of about five, if I had not moved from sleeping at the top of a bed to the bottom with my earthly sister; that I would probably not be here today. A little voice told me not to sleep at the foot of the bed; and gave me a great desire to sleep at the other end of the bed with my earthly sister=which I DID NOPT like; but I did and as a result; when I woke; the dog was barking; my earthly mother was telling me and my sister to get out of bed; and at the end of the bed was a big rock; about the size of my head. If I had not followed that little voice and slept at the end of the bed where I ususally sleep; My head would have been under that rock and I doubt that I would be here today. So my gift has kept me here; and kept me out of some very negative situations. To give an example; I have wrote on my blog numerous times about situations that to most people appear to be negative; but because of the gift; I know the situations are really negative and a lie. For example at the first church service; I was standing outside to get on the van=(which after the minister gave the van driver(who knew a little about my past)a female came up behind me and said; "How are you doing?" and I turned and looked and it was an old school mate=back in school=she was in the "in" crowd=I was an outsider; I told her fine; then as I looked at her; I said that looks like Qwen but she looks old enough to be my grandmother; but I didn't say anything; but I "knew". She didn't know that I "knew". We have a quick conversation and before she left she said, "Don't worry" God will work it out and quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked off before I could say anything. After thinking about why she would give me a kiss when in high school she barely talked to me, I figured it out=it was her way of saying thank you for not reacting to what had occured to her in life; that she looked like an ancient grandma and not asking her WHAT HAPPENED? etc. But the moment I recognized her; I knew what had happened; she had entered a lot of situations that she thought was possitive when in actualitiy they were negative. In other words she was a shining example of the city's program for African Americans that find it hard to go along with the program(cooperate); she had gone into situations trusting them to be positive and that people would do their jobs accoringly; not to use her as an experiment; the result that I saw was an experiment and it was very scary. But after looking at her I use to think and ask God about my gift; if it was from him or not=I think when I saw her I got my answer; because people have attacked me spirtually, etc. because I have not gone to some of their programs, etc when I knew that for a few people for them to show as shining examples that there were good programs for others not so good; as for Qwen. The gift in previous situations dictated that extreme caution be used; only God knows what the future holds and I hope that Gwen will somehow recover her youth, because people are living longer and healthier and that somehow she will be able to express what she has gone through; I know that as most people she finds it difficult to express that she knows that they are doing things to her and she doesn't know who to tell.

May God give her and all others like her his supernatual protection in all areas of their lives.And thank God for my GIFT.


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