Thursday, September 07, 2006




On "The Petition Site" in which I sometimes go to, they have a share page where you write something that you would like to share. Then they have groups that you can join and share specific opinons with. I joined one of the share groups "Angels Among Us". Sometimes when I share; some of the group members will send me an elctronic hug(which if those who put the fence up have their way; that is the way that every body will get their hugs.) Anyway, after Labor Day, one of them sent me a hung and asked if I would like to share about my labor day experience because I had made a request to solicit funds in front of a local store. I was concerned because the Community Development Specialist sent the email back in my maiden name instead of my married name. And I explained why I was concerned, because the city that I am EXISTING in (I say exist because I am not allowed to socialize=For example on yesterday went to the restrurant in which I eat where someone took an interest in me. Because of lack of funds I could not go to the restrurant and eat. By the time that I got back to the restrurant the person was too reserved; they had taken them off of the floor which was an easier job and placed them in the back of the restrurant which is a dirtier job;gave them more hours(which the person wanted)-but cut their pay. And knowing their system there is no telling what they are communicating to the person concerning having a relationship with me. They=??? have just about ran all of my family members away to the extent that if I go around them or any of them come around me they are punished. The other interesting thing at the restrurant is that they have put another person of the opposite sex (someone with similar features of someone in my family) in the place of the person who they won't allow to socialize with me (because they want me to refoucus on the family member instead of personthey will not allow me to socialize with= to use the relative to control me=if I do as they want=the relative is given a good jobe, etc.; if I don't then the person stays in low paying job, etc..) They have also changed the manager at the restrurant and replaced him with a younger manager who has the same name of one of my brothers. The new manager came from the city where my relative lives and who they replaced with the person they will not allow me to socialize with for a person who has similar features of the person in my family. In other words my family member lives in the same city that the new manager came from. All of this took place within one week. I asked the new manager what happen to the old manager and he said that he was sent to the restrurant in the city that hehad come from.

It is interesting also that the two cities that I am talking about just had a football game in which the city that the new manager came from lost the football game and the city that I am living in won the football game. It is interesting because the last time the city that I live in won the football game between the two cities was in 1969. It is also interesting because the family member(who they want to use to control me)lives went to college and works in the city where the new manager came from. Where as I worked and attended school in the city where the old restrurant manager came from. The family member,who they want to use to control me,t lives in the city where they lost but they ususally win, attended that game, which was unusal for them (special treat). So a lot of changes and coincidences since last week over the Labor Day holidays, which is why I did not respond to one of the group members on "The Petiton Site" who asked if I wanted to share. As Successful as the fundraiser was; there were so many other things taken in terms of normacy (being normal). In one of my sociology classes we studied an issue related to stress which stated that the more major point of reference is changed in the life of an individual; the more they experience abnormal stress and age quicker (sort of like when the old Mother and Daughter store was knocked down when/as I went to the court house to get a court date to keep my mother from putting my things on the street=coincidental=???? Their knocking down the building was to be symbolic of major change; knocking down a major point of referance. For example just about all of the major reference points for the family member who now lives in the city that the new manager is from, have been drastically altered in the city that I live in; which is where they were born and raised. For example just saw in the local paper where they are trying to close the high school that the person went to. They have already changed their junior high school to a place where only the students who are considered thugs go. They even changed the chicken salad that both of us would go to. It was at a different local restrurant, which was special to us becuase we did not have a lot of money to go other places. Is it coincidental that they only changed the chicken salad? Yes, the the fundraiser for funds and volunteers was a success; but IF you include the fact that the brother who has the same name as the new manager had a birthday party=special event in our family- and I was not invited or even told about the party (because they tell my earthly sister how to treat me-they told her not to invite me); along with the fact that negative elements relating to my having the last name that I have did show up but at a distance and some not distant enough; THEN I would have to say that it is a shame that a person cannot persue achievement in life(fundraiser) without someone going behind their back and altering their life/relationships.

So I will ask the share group on "The Petition Site' if they think that my labor day was a success or a failure being that I gained an opportunity but was the recipant of too many co-incidences which from my perspective were not positive for me?

And while writing this (which started with an ink pen about 30 years ago); a white male sat beside me and started placing paper and a pen in personal space. He laid the ink pen down after I put something over his paper which does not mean anything to anybody EXCEPT when you concider the fact that (when I first met the person who works in the restrurant who they will not allow to socialize with me) I gave them an ink pen,which they??? know about=It could mean that if I don't let them=white male=??? have control over me then they will take communication away (white male taking the ink pen after I put something over his paper in my space). Which brings me to this, since I have shared, maybe some of the people in the share group will share their opinons. What would they do give in to being controled so they can have a relationship(s) or believe that God can establish the relationship(s) even after they have taken half your family members lives???? and relationships(s)away.


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