Tuesday, September 19, 2006




Please pray over situation, especially for America; that some how God will intervene and allow Americans to have their freedom; that I will live and declare the Glory of the Lord; that I will be allowed to socialize with family and friends without being attacked; that God will establish a source of income that is legal; that I will be allowed to use my gifts and talents in the United States of America and prosper; that I will be able to always recogonize the real God and give the real God my problems and trust him to handle them for me. That God will not allow any systems or techniques relating to trying to block me from living in health, peace and prosperity to exist in my life. Also pray for then=??? that God.
Thanks for your prayers and may peace within thy walls and prosperity be within thy palaces. Peacenowst
Following is a blog about negotiations in which there were no negotiations; pray God's intervention so that I and everyone associated can live and declare the Glory of the Lord.

On 9/18/06 went to the International House of Pancakes (IHOP) where I met the person that they=?? have been wanting me to meet with to negotiate an unofficial form of peace. The results based upon their silent system of communication symbols which are suppose to represent an item or a person, is that I am to forget the person at the restaurant or they will remove them and my only option is to join with the person that they select=In order words they are telling me that I do have not a choice and being that they have done something to my body=???(when I was in jail)=they are probably right. At the meeting one of the BIG things to them=????=my letting him use my ink pen=which is symbolic of my letting them use my information=accumulated for thirty or more years concerning their system. And the fact that they placed the item that represents the person that I met with(person who they selected) in the place of the symbol that they were using for the person at the restaurant means that they are trying for one of those FIXED relationships. Most of the people African Americans in this city (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)have been forced to stay with one organization and are not allowed to circulate their services. The preseelected relationship is one of those where an outside person looks at one person then looks at the other and wonders what do they see in each other=Nothing=it is THEIR system operating so that if they want to stay alive they will do what they are told=partner with who they say partner with. And God says forgive and bless your enemies. So I pray that; but I also pray that God is more powerful; sure wish that God would step up to the plate yesterday.

So because the person they wanted me to meet said his ink pen wasn't working; he kept asking me to let him use mine. At first I said no; then I agreed=to the bastards that was my saying that I was going to work with them; where is God? And to verify their power; last night at a church camp meeting=two males came and stood by me in uniforms=coincidental=???? Anyway, yesterday reading from a book section about negotiations; they said if the other party can't meet your basic requests; then they will not meet any of them; meaning that if I can't sit and talk with a person without their telling me the next day that I have no choice but to be put with that person on all levels; and to not communicate with the person at the restaurant means that they have no intention of negotiating; which means that they intend for me to be a robot or worse. May God have mercy. All those of you who would like to purchase life insurance on me=please email me at peacenowst@care2.com because they have already proven their power (killed off over half of my family members); I am not going to put another person in mental, physical or any other kind of slavery for them. Please pray for my children.

The other thing as I have mention before in other blogs is that they=??? communicate (and it is part of their system so that as a result of being saved)= that somebody in this city worked it out so that a black Christian gets to do God's work; but at a disadvantaged stage=for example if you don't help them they may not kill you; but they intend to let other black Christians know that if you do God's work; don't think that you don't get punished. For the people who CALL themselves Christians and they are black=they get to flow with regular society. I know that I am stressed; please pray God's delieverance for me and that the Gift that God has given to me will somehow not be used by them and if they keep trying to use it; that God will fix it so that my Gift works against them.

I have decided that if I can't have the one I want; I don't want the one they want me to have=meaning the real God will send someone else=NEXT PERSON PLEASE REAL GOD=someone who you have chosen that will not run from them; that they CAN"T control and knows how to avoid their shit.

And this is suppose to be America. Last naight at church service the minister was talking about the freeedom's in America; and I can't even associate with the people/person/or get a job as a teacher; that I want. Get ready America; especially the ones that are alseep=it will not be long before they reveal that your rights and priviledges don't belong to you; but to them=?????? Remember they DO NOT negotiate; they dictate.
Pray for a miracle from God that I will live and declare the Glory of God. And if in the future; you do not hear from me (unless I am so busy living) it will be because God didn't give me a miracle to allow me to live and declare his Glory; Hopefully God will allow me to live and declare his Glory without being their robot; being maimed; attacked; etc. Thanks for all of your prayers and may peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces.

p.s For those of you who are interested in history=you can save my prayers;eventually certain elements within the prayers will be revealed.


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