Monday, March 27, 2006


Want more money?

Even though haven't been blogging about Sociology classes, have kept documentation. For Group Dynamics lot of notes put on board, but no real indepth learning. The instructor who looks like an African but is from Alabama, put a statement on the overhead projector=the group is more powerful than the individual and I asked her to name one group that had made as lasting an impact as an individual. Then I gave examples like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, etc. She said she couldn't think of any and then asked the class if they could identify a group. None of them could and then got mad at me because I told them for every group they named that
the products of those groups were constantly under question but when they turned on a light switch they did not question if they were going to get lights; not so with the products of their groups.
In Social Work as a profession class the instructor appears normal, by normal I mean a person who thinks and doesn't seem inhibited that she will recieve punishments for her views. In her class she brought up the issue that Holdem Texas was the HOTTEST card game going=I never herard of the game; but I had created an email by that name and left it in my email box and at least three times someone???took it out of my email. She said some other strange stuff that unless you were me or the people observing me it wouldn't mean anything. Anyway being prompt she invited me to discuss the issues concerning differt types of communications and the real messages behind the conversation. So I waited went to her office and after I mention the different types of communications, her statement to me was to speak English. I said okay the Holdem Texas that you mention in class was quite coincidental being that you work for the University. And she said what does Holden Texas have to do with you, it is a card game and you can walk up any isle in any store and they have products that advertise the game. I said really, have never paid any attention to the game; maybe that's where I got it from but the term Holdem Texas was a name that I gave to an email that I left in my email box; so when you mention it in class it was a little surprising. The instructor said, I did not say Holdem Texas, I said Texas Holdem. Whatever she said I wrote it down; but the fact that her thougts and concepts plus her other statements =questionable.
Social Theory class has really been off the charts. Just about every class whenever I ask a question, the instructor's response are always violent answers and they are always statements such as if a person trys to invent or create something new they will be killed, etc. So the last time she gave an example, I asked her not to give me an violent response because my mind does not work like that and when she does it completly throw me off of what she is saying. Then I told her that I was not at the point of the pin but behind it. That statement, I do not know why just sent the students in a fizzy.

Child Development instructor has also been off the hook. After a situation in which the instructorwas discussing stimuli; I asked about people receiving negative stimuli and being forced to give a positive response; used Hurricane Katrina victims as an example. The instructor said that anybody that continues to give a person negative stimuli and expect the person to respond positive must be beyond stupid. Then a white female jumps in and says that the Hurricane Katrina victims were an unusal situation and that doesn't happen all the time. After her two to three minute speech (allowed the instructor because she is the teacher's pet), I then asked her how much research had she done on African American issues. The class got real quiet because the instructor has made sure that every body knows that she is the smart one. After what seem liked an hour, she said None. I then said well being that I am African American one and second that I have done research on African Americans, it is one of the areas where I have interest. The instructor then continues quickly with the class and ignores my original question, which she could not answer. When I asked it again=What does it say about the kind of society that we live in when negative stimuli are used to get positive responses. He ignored me and went on with the class. But as the class continued; I notice that he called on me, which he very seldom did and then he called on Ashley with an emphasis on Ashley. I documented and the class went on; then he called on me again=highly unsual, he was calling on me twice in one class. After he called on me the second time, he told the next person that they could answer quickly so that he could HURRY UP and get them out of here= subliminal message. So because of various situations involving the edcation department at the University, I filed papers at the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Court and then gave a copy of them to a national ministry and asked them if they could help because of previous situations and the total lack of response to my crys for help. Don't know what happen but when I went back to class; the instructor passed out fill in the blank testes and said he would be in meetings until early April; that he had recieved a request from Raleigh, N. C. to do some presentations.

The other two classes are Social Psychology=same instructors that teaches Group Dynamics, but it is online and the other is Marriage and the Family in which I have had the instructor for a previous class=Social Welfare as an institution. She was a pretty good instructor in class and also on line. One of the interesting things that I find with her class is that it seems that was the class approaches the subjects each week that I seem to be more aware of the issues discussed.

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