Friday, March 20, 2009


Why you don't have a husband!!!!


Requested prayer from Kennieth Copeland Ministries, The 700 Club and Tbn last night: the prayers were that God would fix it so that the Klans and Nazi's in Winston-Salem, North Carolina can not control my life or relationships in any manner and that my relationship can be one so that it doesn't have to be like the marriages of the African American women who are controlled by the Nazi's and Klan to the point that about ten years ago; I didn't get it; the Nazi's and the Klans had a shoot out in Greensboro, NC; I thought at the time; that was a little strange; but ignored it because it; had nothing to do with me. Unitl men who want to date me kept being ran off=and then system telling me I can't have a husband, etc.. Which means that only African American females who have husbands are controlled by the Klans and Nazi's.

Prayer; Lord can I have a man who I don't have to help the Klans and Nazi's control; which makes me wonder about Michelle=????


Friday, March 13, 2009


Classified Ads


The following is a copy ofletter given to Winston-Salem Forsyth County Publoic LibrARY ON 5TH Street inWinston-Salem, North Carolina. After tried to get ad posted at three or more local newspapers who said NO!

The ad read: To community: Please call any African American Church and ask that they call community leaders TO STOP THREATS OF CONFINEMENT FOR WANTING TO WORK, DATE, EXERCISE CONSTITUTIONAL EIFHRA. Book: BaCKQWrds Life for sell @25.00 each that dicusses issues, (336)743-2007.

Letter to Winston-Salem Forsyth County Library:

tHnk you for both copes of letter given to me lST WEEK CONCERNING BOLUNTEERING TO WORK OFF FINES. But; neither are the originL LETTER and would appreciate a COPY Of the originL LETTER, WHICH STATED THAT i WAS TO WORK OFF FINE IN /THROUGH THE oFFENDERS PrograM through the COMMUNITY SERVICE.

Which woould aPPRECIate acceptance of $20.00 towards $189.00 fine, and a response to request to do volunteer work at Carkver School Road Branch LibrARY to work off fine of 189.oo as well as being allowed to work off fine in volunteer program, instead of the offenders program through community services. Also would appreaciate not having to die becasue I don't want to work in offenders program, date, exercise constitutionL RIGHTS, ETC..

located at wacholvia Bank at MLK and 311(KKK) (Kia)-black car aND BLck cars (W-S JournAL TRUCK) REPSONSE TO AD FOR PROTECTION TOI STOP ABOVE. Can be seen on cameras at Wacholovia Bank and at MLK AND 311(USUALLY THEY Have red motorcyycle(color of relatives car in greensboro and all because I got phone number from guy who wants to date me.

Waa told that I should get my own newspaper If I wanted to print something; yet constantly elements within community keep trying to keep me off of the internet.
Also young African American female allowed me to use her laptop to write this.


Thursday, March 05, 2009


The Fourth Message**************

To verify my last blog, on Sunday 3/01/09, went to church in which the minister's wife informed me that it was deadly to not believe God. But the Word says that Ye Shall not die and no deadly thing shall harm thee, which let's me know that another spirit is controlling the church thus the pastor and his wife. Nevertheless, the message is the same as stated on my previous blog which makes the forth time that the message has been delivered.

Which brings me to this point that one day early last week a red car was parked on the street about two doors up in which there was no license tag, thus the message is supposed to be that relative from Greensboro should be of concern; long story short supposed to be form of communication to control my actions and to make me choose between my relative from Greensboro and having a social life/dating. For example a black lady by the name Whoopi, local who everyone calls crazy, is said to have been a teacher and ended up in her negative mental position because the system (previously discussed on other blogs) was said to have destroyed Whoopi's only relative and that's why she has her negative mental state.

The point is that just like in California, where I recently learned that apprx. that 47% of the African American population has been incarcirated; they found out that most of them were confined because of minor incidents but instead of a light category they were placed in a position given a longer time in order that more money can be made off of them. Spoke K D Bow on the radio show which is where I heard the information that he asked people to call in.

After speaking with K D Bow off the radio I never heard our conversation on the the radio??? And he informed me that I semed to be handling the situation???

The point is where do I go to get help for me and my relative from Greensboro as well as those who desire to be around me for protection as well as just being able to live a normal life based upon the fact of my previous blogs evidentally they have a system which I care not to participate in in terms of being put into their confinement nor do I want to be put into confinement for my relative/friend's wanting to live their life.

At the 5th St Public Library, where I'm not allowed to be on the internet, will have to fill in later (Lord willing); a gentlemen was nice enough to type this for me and all those who know the Words of Prayer please pray for me and a young gentlemen.
(In other words, if______________________should happen to me, relative from Greensboro, or friends it is NOT a coincidence.------Willing to always communicate.


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