Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today's date is VERY Special. Went to church last light and the pastor asked if anyone ever felt resentful because of how easy it appeared that other Christians have it; I told him that I read as scripture that asked, "Is there anything to hard for God?" And I said from my perspective it was, to have a job earning $200.00 a week. Everybody in the congregation started speaking up="You have a job!" And I said it is not the one I want; that I was very grateful(wanted ot add that it was the job that the white male system wanted me at to harass me and steal from me; but didn't.

Then the pastor went on and said that it was a Christian's responsibility to tell someone when they were doing wrong. In the conversation, I gave an example that I had known about Katrina; that I use to see people who would be yelling and screaming help, help me! He said well that was Katrina in New Orleans, and then I told him; but I use to see them here in Winston-Salem; not in New Orleans, Katrina just revealed to the world that they existed. Anyway long story shrot somewhere in there I told them that I use to tell people that something was wrong, when they were saying that everything was alright.

The pastor said, "Well y ou are suppose to tell the ones who can do something about it. I almost laughed. Then one of the females in the group said, "Well if you don't tell, then that makes you an accessory. And if you are an accessory then you get time; just like the person who did the crime. I almost laughed again. Then I told the pastor; that I told those who were suppose to do something about it, therefore there was nothing else that I could do! Then I explained that it is the same thing in a different way; I have informed those who are suppose to do something about it; therefore there is nothing else that I can do. Such as those who read my blogs as I am writing them; they know; are authorized to stop those who abuse people; but won't because they are one/some of their own; there is nothing else that I can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then for some strange reason, even though I left the house at the same time I usually do to catch the bus for over five or more years to town; the bus was going up the street as I approached the bus stop. So I KNEW that they wanted me to get on the SECOND bus, so I walked about a mile an a half to get on the bus they did not want me to get on. While walking one of the curch signs read, "Answer the call!" and I thought to myself; I am answering the call; the problem is that I am not answering the white man's call. And really I wouldn't have to go through any of the things that I have gone through if I was white/skin color the color of a Caucasion. Which made me remember the sermon of a bishop who said in his sermone, "Let us dialogue about the situation!" meaning that they/the community/community leaders would rather find someway to appease/trick me to join them in turning their head to a system of abuse; instead of supporting the rights guranteed by the United States Constitution.

The driver of the bus that they did not want me to get on was a hispanic or indian (midget)=no ad on the side of the bus=??? Which means that in the spirit realm=they want the hispanics/indians to be over African Americans who will not do what white male system tell them. where they will live as the hispanics/indians who live the life style of hispanics and indians in mexico and india. Why so much time was spent in third world countries. With today being September 11, those who control the Winston-Salem Transit Authority do not want that concept to fall; like the Towers in New York City; why they had the indian/hispanic driver to be ahead of schedule.

While I was waiting for the bus=ALL kinds of things were taking place in the spirit realm=lot of them associated with those who the pastor told me to seek out for help!!!????????????? Then upon getting on the bus downtown where the bus driver who has a name associated with "royality" in England was the driver of the bus that I ususally ride to go to local restruarant; instead of the bus going straight on trade street; and making a right on MLK; it made a right on sixth off trade; then went to ChestNUT; made a left; then went to seventh street; made a right; then went to Patterson Avenue and seventh and made a left off seventh onto Patterson Avenue. My Aunt's church is on Patterson and Seventh street where the African pastor (who told me to go to the "Soup Kitchen"-Samariten Kitchen instead of having to work on Sunday's).

From there the bus went to Patterson and Indiana where nasty looking African American female got on the bus; who was the only person who got on the bus before I got off the bus. The message to the bus driver=was that they intend to try and make me look like the nasty looking female or worse (that's how they get people's friends and family to turn against a person; they=???send them subliminal messages ahead of time.) And being that it is their system=they tell them managers/etc.. how and who to schedule to work what hours; with what names. Such as the manager who was over me at work by the name of STACEY who left; and they recently replaced with hispanic male by the name of "DEZ"; made the Lord bless "Dez" who walked pass my cart and said hello for the first time yesterday after he,Charles, Roger,LeeAnn all stood behind me while I was passing out samples (after LeeAnn, Jeff, COURTNEY AND Jodi all had me in the office trying to make me sign a coaching=not good=they said one of the cusotmers said I was coughing on gloves and then didn't change=told them that was a lie; then said it was something else; but they couldn't tell me and I told them I wasn't signing something saying that I had done something wrong when no one could tell me what I did wrong.) The first day of next week "DEZ"(hispanic just came out of training-just like the gay African American who had just come out of training at Bo-j ngles); along with Rodger(white male who I never met(he never spoke to me-also the name of my cousin who help them mess up the family reunion-who they rewared with a fifty to fourty thousand a year job=after they killed his father who use to work in Reynolds=his father wouldn't have helpled them=they knew that so four big white male ambulance attendants(makes me wonder if they were real ones-anybody can buy an old ambulance,etc.. fix it up, buy a radio to listen to emergency calls and show up at an African American house abd since African Americans are punished If they ask questions=they don't ask questions; Charles-(white male who I had never met=didn't say anthing to me=same name as my brother who the Veterian's Administration said that he had a heart attack; but nobody saw anything=?????????); and LeeAnn=white female=has the same name as the person who use to work with my sister that the girl who constantly harasses her fired. Anyway not a good scene=about like when I worked at Sara Lee and they had hispanics to harass me while supervisor looked on=now know that the hispanics were being told to harass me by those in authority. Just as "DEZ" thi8nks he is going to do!!!!!?????????????????

On my job I do not bother anybody; try to speak, try to be nice and stay out of people's way and do my job. Now if they want to train "DEZ" to harass African Americans because if he doesn't they will do things to his family and friends, "DEZ". Maybe I should find out what the names of his family are so that I can help him by posting the names of his family members. What do you think???????????


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